In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on August 17th, thirty miles away from Longcheng, in the Mianheng Mountains, there were more than a dozen broken bodies lying on the ground.

At this moment, the demon Cangxue, holding the Wind Cutting and Flowing Frost double swords, approached the last soldier step by step.

"Miss Wang... Miss Wang Zhi, you... you……"

Zhang Qingrong's hands holding the steel knife couldn't stop shaking.

Looking at the red-dressed girl with a strong smell of blood, the man with a pair of terrified eyes had his throat moving and swallowing saliva wildly.

Demonic Cangxue swung the knife expressionlessly.

Amid the clanging sound, a blood-colored knife energy was sent out.

Zhang Qingrong's pupils suddenly shrank, and he turned around and ran away.

The knife energy swept past.

Zhang Qingrong's upper body suddenly fell to the ground while fleeing, and his lower body ran forward for several steps due to inertia before staggering and falling.

The man threw away the steel knife, crawled on his upper body, and crawled forward bit by bit.

The scarlet flesh and bloody intestines dragged a long sticky trail on the ground.

Demonic Cangxue stepped on the shocking trail and came to the man's side.

Then he stepped heavily on the man's back.

"It's a pity that you will never see your daughter again~"

The demonic Cang Xue raised his right arm high in the wind.

The man with his face buried in the loess kept repeating three words

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry~"

I don't know if he was apologizing to the girl, or to the daughter who was destined to be abused by customers and most likely to die tragically in the brothel.


The narrow knife fell.

The head rolled to the ground.

The blood spread like a splattering mist.


As the sun sets, the demonic Cang Xue, who has been chasing the fleeing soldiers for a whole day, comes to a stream.

She takes off the two swords hanging from her waist.

She inserts the two swords into the grass in an X shape and slowly walks into the stream.

The clear stream water instantly turns blood red, like a gorgeous sunset glow in the sky.

The footsteps come closer from afar.

The girl doesn't care at all, buries her face in the stream, and spits out bubbles.

"Girl, Zhao Heng succeeded"

"Yan Shisong died a miserable death."

The girl stood up and wiped her face, then turned her head to clean the blood stains on her hair while looking at the Pig King standing by the stream.

She asked,"Where is Zhao Heng?"

Pig King:"He died an even more miserable death.""

"Very good."

Pig King:"Girl, now that we have taken revenge, let's go back."

The girl said indifferently:"You go back by yourself, I want to go to Changliu Village."

Pig King:"Uncle Mo and Brother Xuan will accompany you."


Pig King:"You must, otherwise I will go back by myself, and Nanzhu will peel off my skin and pull out my tendons."

"I don't want to be the soup in the pot"

"Of course, I am not afraid of Nanzhu, I just don't trust you alone."

The girl's bloodshot eyes narrowed slightly:"Are you really not going back?"

The Pig King nodded.

The girl washed off the blood and walked to the stream.

She drew the Fengqie and unsheathed it neatly.

The thin blade was directly against the neck.

"Either go back by yourself, or carry my head back with you!"

The Pig King was at a loss.

"Girl, do you hate me so much?"

The demonic Cangxue suddenly exerted force, and the blood-emitting blade slightly embedded into the skin.

Looking at the bright red, the Pig King hurriedly said:"No, no, no, I'm leaving, I can't leave~" and finally took a last look at the girl.

The Pig King whispered:"When I'm not around, you must protect yourself."

Looking at the huge body that is getting farther and farther away, the demonic Cangxue couldn't help but sigh lightly.

"Uncle Pig King, I don't hate you"

"I'm just afraid that if I go back with you, Nanzhu will find out."

"I am Cangxue, but I am not Cangxue"

"Nanzhu will kill me~"


After making sure that the Pig King had really left, the uneasy Demonic Cangxue deliberately cleared and concealed her own breath.

The moon was above the willow branches.

The girl, who used her true energy to dry her clothes, continued to hunt down the deserters.

It would take a long time to kill at least 60,000 or 70,000 deserters before they were completely wiped out.

What's next?

Then it was to wipe out the entire Wei Kingdom.

Kill them in a shocking way and turn this corrupt world upside down.

In the moonlight that was as frosty as snow, the Demonic Cangxue followed the breath, stepped on the treetops, and jumped dozens of feet.

Suddenly, the tall figure of the girl who was running fast suddenly froze.

She raised her arms and pulled open her sleeves.

However, she saw a dense layer of goose bumps on her crystal-clear skin. So much so that the soft hairs stood up, like silver needles.

With a trembling heart, the Demonic Cangxue quickly looked around

"What is this strong sense of life and death crisis?!"

The surroundings were quiet, and the dark and huge outlines of the thousands of peaks and mountains were like silent ancient giants.

The girl's scalp was tingling, and she seemed to have thought of something. She suddenly looked up at the night sky.

Under the blue sky, a terrifying blade suddenly fell silently towards the human world.

"This is... Heaven's Sword?!"

He resurrected the dead four times on a large scale.

He burned immortal blood and slaughtered more than 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers with the fighting power of heaven.

He went against the will of heaven several times, and the Heaven's Sword was expected.

But he never thought it would be so sudden and so fast.

As time passed, the terrifying blade that seemed to split the world fell faster and faster. It rubbed violently with the air, producing billowing black smoke and blazing red flames.

The blade had not yet fallen.

There was already a wild hunting wind pressing down like a blue sky.

The earth was roaring under the pressure, and the bones of Demonic Cangxue were rattled.

With horror, Demonic Cangxue suddenly remembered the advice of Old Liutou.

"If you don't have Fengqie and Liushuang, you must not kill.~"

"If I'm not mistaken, killing people with two swords should not be affected by karma, after all, they are made of Nanzhu dragon scales."

"This Heavenly Dao's sword should be the fourth time to revive the living."

At the critical moment of life and death, the devilish Cang Xue drew his sword from its sheath.

He held Feng Qie's right arm high and raised it back.

Then he threw it suddenly.

Under the moonlight, the towering Heavenly Blade fell down.

The bloody Feng Qie rose straight up. With a bang, the world seemed to rise.

���Wheel of Sun


I don't know how much time has passed.

The magnificent aura gradually dissipated.

The rolling mountains were razed to the ground.

On the scorched earth, the blood-stained girl slowly opened her eyes.

The two sparkling golden pupils were breathtaking.

"Finally... I have control over this body!"

Cangxue with golden pupils climbed up and looked at his blood-covered palms, a smile of joy appeared on his lips.

"The evils committed by human nature and devil nature are caused by……"

The divine Cang Xue, whose scalp was tingling, suddenly raised his head.

Under the sky, another piece of the sky blade fell.

"Second strike?!"

"Are you kidding me!"


Pulling out the Liushuang.

The divine Cangxue imitated the demonic Cangxue and threw the Liushuang out of the world.

One fell, one rose.

The second round of scorching sun bloomed in the sky.

Its light was so blazing and dazzling that it could be seen clearly thousands of miles away.

When the mighty power of heaven fell like the sea.

The divine Cangxue murmured:"My life is over.~"


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on August 18th.

The sun was rising.

The mountains that had been destroyed by the Heavenly Dao’s falling sword rose up from the ground with a rumbling sound.

The birds, beasts, grass, trees, rivers, and everything else that had been turned to ashes by the terrifying energy were slowly resurrected and restored to their original state.

The girl in red lay quietly among the newly grown grass.

August 19th.

August 20th.

August 21st.

Time passed day by day.

The girl never woke up.

No one knew whether she was dead or alive.


Ps: The second update will be around 9 o'clock, it's a new January, please give me some gifts. The Cangxue chapter only has the last 30,000 or 40,000 words left for the climax, and the Taiping chapter will be arranged soon.

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