August 24, the 14th year of Fuling.

It was the seventh day since Wei's King of Zhenbei, Zhao Heng, and Su's national teacher, Yan Shisong, went to their deaths together.

The sun rose in the east.

With a sharp creaking sound, the two huge gates on the south side of the Fengcheng of Jiayuguan in Su slowly opened a little.

A young man with red lips and white teeth and a stern face, about 13 or 14 years old, walked out from behind the gate.

The young man wore a light blue gown, a long sword hung from his waist, and a shabby bookcase on his shoulder. The thin young man chewed a piece of grass in his mouth, gently grasped the thin rope tied to the bookcase with both hands, and slowly walked towards the Yewang Plain.

In the autumn wind, the young man stopped.

The grass on the vast plain turned deep red.

The soil, which had been soaked with the blood of tens of thousands of soldiers, was not yet dry and hard.

It was sticky when stepped on.

The sound of the wind blowing across the plain was like the sobbing of ghosts.

The boy squatted down, stretched out his palm and gently patted the sticky blood soil, as if to comfort the sad soul, or as if to say goodbye silently. He broke off a deep red.

The boy spit out the chewed green grass in his mouth, and then bit the blood grass again.

An indescribable rotten smell dissipated from his mouth.

The boy stood up, clasped his fists and bowed, whispering:"Have a good journey~"

About half an hour later.

The boy came to the bottom of Jufeng Pass and the north gate of Longcheng.

Clenching his palms into fists, the boy knocked heavily on the gate.

No one responded.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the boy bent his knees slightly, and then with a bang, his slender body soared up to the top of the city like a piece of silk.

The boy chewing the blood grass looked down at Longcheng from a high place.

The huge ancient city was like a ghost town, with no people, not even cats and dogs.

The King of Zhenbei of Wei State massacred the city.

More than 400,000 people in Longcheng were slaughtered for food.

There were also four rounds of large-scale wars between Wei and Su.

The goddess who wielded the magic of resurrection.

The commanders of the three armies of the two countries died together, etc. The boy had heard these stories countless times while traveling south from Suguo.

He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the magnificent mountains and rivers of Wei. He clenched his fists, as if he had made a decision.

A quarter of an hour later, the boy walked down the city wall and passed through the entire main road of Longcheng.

He walked out of the wide open south gate and arrived at the camp of the three armies in about an incense stick of time.

Every corner of the camp was covered with rotting corpses.

Flies were flying like a sea of black flies, and crows were flying like a black tide.

Maggots were crawling wildly among the rotten meat, a miserable and sad hell on earth.

The boy looked calm, and he stepped carefully, trying not to step on the corpses, and soon came to the kitchen.

When he walked into the tent, several mountain wolves were biting the smoked human flesh hanging on the thin rope, devouring it voraciously.

The boy retreated quietly, without disturbing the wolf's meal.

He walked out of the main gate of the parade ground and came to the back of the military camp.

Looking at the towering bone mountain built by more than 400,000 people in Longcheng, the boy couldn't help but sigh.

Returning to Longcheng, the boy first found a hoe and a shovel, then walked into the coffin shops and incense shops in Longcheng, and collected all the paper money, including the white paper for making paper-cut money.

Finally, the boy carried the hoe and shovel and the sack and walked slowly along the street.

"Yuelai Inn~"

He looked up at the gray and mottled plaque, and the boy walked into the inn and came to the backyard.

"There is actually a small courtyard built on top."

The boy smiled and pushed open the gate.

With a creaking sound, the boy pushed the door open and entered the main house.

The air was mixed with the faint body fragrance of a woman.

The boy was very satisfied.

After putting down the sack and scissors, he carried the hoe and shovel and went out.

On the vast field covered with lush grass, the boy swallowed the chewed blood grass, broke off another one, bit it in his mouth, and swung the hoe.

Again and again.

Sometimes the boy swung the hoe, sometimes the shovel.

Gradually, a large burial pit slowly took shape.


August 25th. As the sun was setting in the west.

The sweaty boy put down his shovel, climbed out of the burial pit, and lay on the grass with his back to the sky, quietly looking at the dim blue sky above his head.

The setting sun shone on the boy, and he looked calm and peaceful.

Behind him were corpses.

Beside him were mountains of bones.

The boy smelled the smell of soil and grass and fell asleep.


August 26.

Facing the morning light, the boy entered the dense forest.

After walking about a hundred steps, he saw a gray-furred mountain rabbit crawling on the ground for some reason.

The boy walked closer, squatted down, and pushed aside the thick grass.

He saw that the wire ring was firmly embedded in the gray rabbit's right leg.

He didn't know who put the ring there, maybe a soldier in the barracks.

The hungry boy found an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic herb in the forest.

After spitting out the green grass, he held the herb in his mouth and chewed it gently.

Then he untied the wire ring for the gray rabbit and applied the chewed herb to the wound.

Finally, he tore off a corner of his clothes and bandaged the gray rabbit.

"Go, live well."

The boy walked farther and farther.

He did not hunt rabbits or pheasants along the way.

About an hour later, the boy climbed over a mountain and his eyes lit up.

A wild boar weighing 200 to 300 kilograms was drinking by the stream.

Picking up a stone the size of a baby's fist, the boy aimed at the boar's head.

He sank his energy into his dantian and threw it hard.


The red blood mixed with the white brain matter and broken bones splattered everywhere.

The wild boar passed away peacefully.

In the next half an hour, the boy skinned and gutted the wild boar and cleaned all the edible things.

Just as he was about to carry the naked and shy wild boar back to the camp, the boy's slender sword-like eyebrows suddenly frowned.

In the deeper mountains, the howling of a mountain wolf could be heard.

"Someone encountered a pack of wolves~"

The boy immediately carried the wild boar and walked briskly.

About a quarter of an hour later, the boy broke into a field of lush grass.

Following the smell and the blood on the grass, the boy walked cautiously for a dozen steps, and his expression was startled.

A pale girl in red was lying in the grass.

Two narrow knives were stuck beside the girl.

Thick blood was slowly flowing from the blades of both knives.

"Two swords protecting the master?!"

"It actually has spiritual consciousness! Could it be the ancient immortal weapon that Grandpa mentioned as standard equipment for ancient immortals?"

The young man was slightly surprised.

��He sensed the approach of a strange life form. One of the two swords emitted a faint blood light, while the other one emitted a faint black light.

"I am Han Xianggu, I only want to save your master, I have no ill intentions."

The bloody light and black light of the two swords gradually faded.

The young man smiled, untied the hemp rope around his waist, and tied the wild boar behind him.

Then he hung the two swords on his waist, and finally picked up the girl in red and walked away.


Night falls.

Longcheng Yuelai Inn.

Inside the main house of the newly built courtyard.

Han Xianggu holds the delicious wild boar soup in one hand and a porcelain spoon in the other.

Scooping a spoonful of white soup, the boy blows gently.

After making sure it is not hot, he carefully puts it into the girl's thin lips. After feeding the whole bowl of soup, the boy takes out a handkerchief from his sleeve and gently wipes the soup stains from the corners of the girl's mouth.

He stands up and takes off the green grass clipped on his ear, bites it in his mouth, and stares at the girl with a frown.

"Why does she look so much like Sister Cang Xue~"

The boy leaned forward slightly and lifted the girl's bangs.

The bright birthmark on her forehead came into view.

"It seems... it's really Sister Cang Xue"

"But the birthmarks are much less."

The young man only recognized two people in Wei State.

One was Cang Xue and the other was Qi Qingji.

Turning his head and glancing out the window at night, the young man said softly:"Grandpa, the sister Cang Xue you miss so much is still alive"

"My grandson is no longer a stranger in a foreign land."

After tucking the girl in, the boy ate two small bowls of wild boar soup slowly.

Then he took the scissors and began to cut paper money by candlelight.

The boy was very quiet.

The night was the same.

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