The 14th year of Fuling, August 27.

Baopingzhou, Wei State, Buzhou Mountain, Taihang Mountains.

The autumn sky is clear and the climate is cool and pleasant.

The lush and leafy peaches on the cliff are full of plump peaches.

Xiao Xuanfeng straddles the branch, holding a peach in his two claws, grunting and biting, splashing the peach juice.

Zhu Jiuyin sits cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, with a basket full of peaches beside him, all picked by Xiao Xuanfeng.

He takes out a handkerchief from his sleeve and spreads it on the ground.

Zhu Jiuyin takes a peach from the basket and puts it on the handkerchief.

Immediately, his index finger lightly touches it, and the crystal clear and round peach instantly splits into dozens of petals.

He takes out"Vinegar Gourd" from his other sleeve and turns to the page that he didn't finish reading yesterday.

Zhu Jiuyin holds the book in his right hand and twists the peach in his left hand.

With a calm expression, he soon immerses himself in the ocean of knowledge and wanders around.

I don't know how long it has been.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly raised his eyes.

At the end of the distant sky, a huge crane flew towards him, like a meteor in the night sky.

"Master, Jifeng is back!"

Little Tornado said excitedly

"Yes, I saw it."

With the loud crane cry, the stupid crane kept circling in the sky, as if it had done something good and was waiting for its parents to praise it.

""Master, that... that is, Xue Niang?!"

Little Tornado was horrified, because the two claws of the stupid crane Jifeng were holding a white snake more than 20 meters long.

Zhu Jiuyin frowned slightly and shouted,"Get down."

The stupid crane immediately spun in circles, holding the white snake, like a full snowy moon, falling from the sky.

Amid the roar, smoke and dust filled the sky, and the rocks on the cliffs around the mountain rustled, almost collapsing.

Zhu Jiuyin waved his sleeves to disperse the smoke and dust.

The white snake was winding on the ground, like a touch of snow. The stupid crane's sharp beak, which was nearly one meter long, pierced deeply into the ground.

At this moment, it was flapping its wings and trying to pull its beak out.

"Master, Xue Niang is dead!"

"Haha... Woo woo, no, my snow, I won’t let you die!"

"My Xue, even if God wants you to die, I will still take you back!"

"Ha... Woo woo woo, Master, please don’t comfort me, let me cry freely!"

"So sad, I'm really sad! Hawuhawu!"

Looking at the hypocritical look of the little whirlwind, Zhu Jiuyin sighed helplessly.

Pulling away the hypocritical white-haired rat that was holding the white python's head, Zhu Jiuyin stretched out his right thumb and bit it.

Then he wiped the red blood horizontally across his left palm.

"Immortal Law: Reincarnation and Natural Life"

His left palm gently covered the white python's head.

The brilliant red clouds bloomed instantly.


A quarter of an hour later.

In front of Zhoushan Cave.

Zhu Jiuyin's palm was still covering the white python's head, not performing the reincarnation, but searching its soul.

Stupid Crane Jifeng kept rubbing Zhu Jiuyin's body with its beak.

Little Tornado stretched out his claws to feel the white python's breath.

"Oh no, he's alive!"

After a long while, Zhu Jiuyin withdrew his hand and opened his eyes.

"Master, where are the girl and the Pig King?"

Zhu Jiuyin whispered,"The girl is dead."


Little Tornado was stunned.

Then he started to cry.

He really cried.

"Cheated you"


Little Tornado raised his paw to wipe away his tears,"Master, you have become bad~"

Zhu Jiuyin:"In Xue Niang's memory, the girl is indeed dead."

Little Tornado was stunned:"Then how can you be sure that the girl is not dead?"

Zhu Jiuyin:"The system didn't give me any prompts."


"What is the system?"

Xiao Xuanfeng was curious

"System surname Xi, given name Tong"

"Stop rubbing~"

Zhu Jiuyin slapped the stupid crane hard

""Stretch your head over here."

The stupid crane, who was beaten to a pulp, stretched out its long neck.

Zhu Jiuyin placed his palm on the stupid crane's head and closed his eyes to search its soul.

After an incense stick of time,

"So that's it."

Zhu Jiuyin opened his eyes,"The Pig King is dead too."

Little Tornado:"What good news."

Zhu Jiuyin:"But the girl should be able to revive him with the power of reincarnation."

Little Tornado:"The heaven has no eyes."

Zhu Jiuyin bit his index finger and flicked it.

A drop of blood fell into the mouth of the stupid crane.

The stupid crane, having tasted the dragon's blood, soon staggered from side to side, staggering like a drunk, and fell asleep at the entrance of the cave with a plop.

With his eyes rolled up and drooling, his huge body twitched from time to time, like a satisfied drug addict.

"Master, why hasn't Xue Niang woken up yet?"

Little Tornado jumped up and down on the white python's head.

"Samsara is a unique method of immortal blood magic. I just forced it to perform."

"Besides, it would take at least half a day for Xue Niang's vitality to dissipate."

"Unless the girl performs the reincarnation skill herself, whether she can wake up or not depends on Xue Niang's own luck."

Zhu Jiuyin, who was sitting cross-legged, fell into deep thought.

If it weren't for the fact that the stupid crane was fast enough, Longcheng was thousands of miles away from Zhoushan, and Xue Niang would be dead.

Zhu Jiuyin stretched out his hands.

Two words"death" slowly appeared in the palms of his hands.

This was the change of the death curse that Zhu Jiuyin had planted in the bodies of the Pig King and Xue Niang.

Once the Pig King and Xue Niang died, the death curse would gradually dissipate within two or three days, and Zhu Jiuyin would be able to sense it.

It was equivalent to a weakened version of the soul lamp.

‘In Xue Niang's memory, the girl died on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15.’

‘In Ji Feng's memory, the Pig King died at the hands of the Su Kingdom's national teacher Yan Shisong’

‘The reason why the girl resurrected the Pig King is because the Pig King can fight against the King of Zhenbei.’

‘The reason why Xue Niang was not resurrected was because it was a waste of immortal blood.’

‘Lacquer pupils as blood pupils’

‘The inner demon is very serious~'

The girl is equivalent to suffering from severe schizophrenia. In addition to the master personality, she has developed a second and third personality.

Now the master personality has fallen into a deep sleep, and it is unknown whether the blood pupil is the second or third personality.

Of course, these are not important.

What is important is that the girl has resurrected the dead four times on a large scale.

If you go against the will of heaven several times, the way of heaven will definitely punish you.


Feng Qi and Liu Shuang can protect the girl from the falling knife of heaven.���Yin Chitong narrowed his eyes slightly,"If the Heavenly Dao's sword fails to kill the girl, then Heavenly Dao will send down thoughts, that is, the immortal from Zhaoyao Mountain will come to the world.~"

"Little Cyclone"


"Riding a crane, he went to see Qi Qingji, handed Ji Feng to him, and asked him to go to Longcheng and bring the girl back."

Little Tornado pointed to the side of Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin tilted his head slightly.

But he saw the stupid crane crawling into the cave little by little like a maggot.

"Two drops of blood~"


Amid the screams, a strong wind blew.

The stupid crane held the little whirlwind in its mouth and smashed it towards the town like a cannonball.

Zhu Jiuyin dragged the white python into the cave.

Then he leaned against the soft python's body, opened the"Vinegar Gourd", and ate peaches.

"For three thousand years, even if the sky falls, don't even think about letting me out~"


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on August 28th.

As the sun rose, the two huge gates on the south side of the Fengcheng of Jiayuguan Pass in Suguo slowly opened a little.

A middle-aged Taoist priest riding a small white donkey walked out from behind the gate.


Ps: I found it for you. Han Xianggu appears in chapters 88, 89, and 90. And the latest chapter is 161.

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