"At dusk, I arrived at Shihao Village. An official was arresting people at night.

The old man climbed over the wall and ran away. The old woman went out to see."

On the Yewang Plain, a man and a donkey walked slowly towards the direction of Jufengguan Longcheng.

"The official shouted,"How angry!" The woman cried,"How bitter!" The

Taoist priest wore a yin-yang robe, with his hair tied up without a crown, a peach wood sword hanging from his waist, and a whisk inserted diagonally behind his neck.

As for the little donkey under his crotch, its hair was snow-white without the slightest color, and it was snorting.

"Listen to the woman's speech: Three sons are stationed in Yecheng.

One son sent a letter, and two sons died in battle recently.

Those who survived can only live a little, and those who died are gone forever!"

""Fuck the Wuliang Tianzun, it's so wet~"

The Taoist took off the yellow gourd from his waist, pulled out the cork, looked up to the sky and gulped down a few mouthfuls of clear wine.

The little white donkey suddenly stopped, lowered its head, opened its mouth, and chewed up a white skull in a few bites.

"You stupid donkey, you eat everything, even shit, but you don't eat grass, you idiot."

Ah, ah...


The Taoist priest immediately knelt down, holding his crotch, his face turned the color of liver in pain

"My descendants' bag~"


The man and the donkey drank strong liquor and cursed each other. They walked from the rising sun to the high sun, and finally arrived at the north gate of Longcheng.

The Taoist got off the donkey, hiccuping, and staggered to the gate.

"Boom boom boom~"

"I am the first to ascend the supreme enlightenment of the Jade Pure Holy Land. Ordinary people should open the city gates and warmly welcome you."

"Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom!~"

"You, the tiny ashes, dare to exclude the Grand Master of the Ten Thousand Sects, the Supreme Lord Laojun Daode Tianzun, from the city. You are really courting death."

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The Taoist priest, whose face was as red as a monkey's butt, took two steps back and shouted towards the city gate

"I am the Jade God of the Pure Land, Lingbao Tianzun, Open Sesame"

""Open sesame!"

With a creaking sound, the two huge city gates cast a large shadow.

With a loud bang, the drunk Taoist priest and the donkey were knocked into the ground.


The blazing sun was high in the sky.

Han Xianggu was carrying a hoe and a shovel and walking back, preparing lunch for his sister Cangxue.

The young man who was walking on the main road of the central axis of Longcheng suddenly stopped.

A dusty little white donkey came towards them with a clattering sound.

On the donkey's back was a Taoist priest who was also dusty.

The Taoist priest might be drunk, and he was snoring loudly while lying on the donkey's back.

The little white donkey was also staggering, and when it felt someone in front of it, it raised its head.

The two hazy donkey eyes stared blankly at the young man.

Then the donkey opened its mouth, and with a wow, it vomited all over the floor.

The donkey's steps were unsteady, and the man and the donkey fell heavily to the ground.

The young man:"……"

"Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground, my sister Cangxue and I are both blessed with good food."


Two hours later. In the east wing of the newly built courtyard in the backyard of

Yuelai Inn. The Taoist priest on the wooden bed slowly woke up.

"Where is this~"

Rubbing his aching temple, the Taoist walked out of the wing room and came to the courtyard.

""Is anyone there?"

After calling out twice and making sure no one was there, the Taoist priest pushed the door and entered the main room.

Looking at the girl in red lying on the wooden bed, the Taoist priest's eyes lit up.

He tiptoed to the bedside.

The Taoist priest suddenly frowned.

"Isn't this the little girl with immortal blood? It's really fate."


With a lewd laugh, the Taoist priest stretched out his evil hands towards the girl.

He untied the jade hanging from the girl's waist and rubbed it passionately, unable to let it go.

""Hey, Jixia~"

The Taoist priest was surprised when he saw the two small characters engraved on the jade.

He turned it over and saw the back was engraved with 'Qi’

"The little ghost disciple of Qingping Qi?!"

The Taoist priest hesitated for a moment, stuffed the jade into his crotch, and continued to untie the purse on the other side of the girl's waist.

When he opened the purse, there were only seven or eight taels of silver and copper coins in it.

"Wuliang, you fucking god, you are such a poor bastard."

Slightly narrowing his eyes, the Taoist priest muttered,"This red dress is made of silk, it should be able to sell for a lot of silver." Just as the Taoist priest was about to make his move, his body suddenly trembled.

"Tsk tsk tsk, poor little girl, entangled with humans, gods and demons, she may never wake up in this life."

At the door of the main house, Han Xiangu, who had a long sword on his left waist and a Fengqie and Liushuang on his right waist, crossed his arms and stared at the Taoist's back expressionlessly.

"Humans, gods and demons are entangled? What does the Taoist priest mean? The Taoist priest pretended to be shocked.’,"You young man, how come you walk without making any sound? I was so scared that my heart started beating fast."

Han Xianggu's narrow eyes were as cold as ice."Master, answer my question."


The Taoist coughed twice and said,"This girl has fallen into a dream."

"Dream of a swamp?"

Han Xianggu:"A swamp or a marsh in a dream?"

The Taoist gave the young man a thumbs up,"Smart!"

"How can I explain it to you?"

"The human, devil, and divinity of this girl are intertwined and check and balance each other."

"Demonic nature is the strongest, divine nature is second, and human nature is extremely weak."

"The current situation is that humanity has united with divinity to suppress the devil that wants to awaken."

"Once the demonic nature is weakened, the human nature and the demonic nature will unite to suppress the divine nature."

"When the gods and demons are weakened, they will unite to suppress humanity."

"In short, people, gods, and demons all want to wake up, but unfortunately you hit me, I hit him, he hits you, and no one can wake up."

Han Xianggu frowned:"Are you kidding me?"

The Taoist said righteously:"I have traveled far and wide, touching bones, reading faces, fortune-telling, and reading fortunes for all living beings. I have never cheated anyone, and I am open and aboveboard."

"Every penny I earn is clean."

Han Xianggu:"May I know your name, sir?"

Taoist:"Ami... Wuliang Tianzun, my surname is Han, and my given name is Ying."

Han Xianggu:"Han Ying~"

Taoist:"What's your surname, young man?"

Han Xianggu:"Wang, and your given name is���, Lang of Yelang"

"I would like to ask you, senior, have you ever found a piece of jade in the courtyard, and a purse of about 17 or 18 taels of silver?"

The Taoist said:"Bullshit, it's obviously only……"

Han Xianggu stroked the hilt of the sword with his slender hand."Only what?"

The Taoist smiled awkwardly."Nothing. I just wanted to say that I found it and was about to return it to you."


The sunset was dim.

Outside Longcheng, behind the three army camps, there was a plain.

Han Xianggu wielded a hoe and a spade, digging the grave deeper and deeper.

The Taoist priest lay on the lush grass, his hands folded behind his head, his legs crossed, and hummed softly:"The apricot tree is blooming white flowers, please don't take the Taoist's house as your adopted daughter.""

"Years ago, Erlang had just ascended the mountain, and years later, Yilang's body was cold"

"The adopted daughter cried for the dead, but treated the coffin as her own.

As for the little white donkey, it knelt in front of the pile of bones.

One hoof supported its body, and the other hoof served as a hand, digging the bones into the donkey's mouth.

""Master Han, can you please keep your donkey in check? My burial pit hasn't even been dug yet, but it's already eaten up the bone mountain."

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