The setting sun shines on Han Xianggu.

The young man sweats profusely.

The Taoist priest sits up and asks in confusion:"Young man Wang Lang, are you bored? Why are you burying a pile of broken bones?""

"Do you know what it means when a person dies it is like a light going out?"

"There is no point in doing this."

The young man put down his shovel, untied the yellow gourd from his waist and drank a few gulps of water.

Then he sat down beside the burial pit, broke off a piece of green grass and bit it in his mouth.

"Meaning? What is meaning?"

The young man looked at the fiery red sunset on the horizon and said,"Master Yu said that drinking is meaning, and drinking water is meaningless."

"For ordinary people, it is meaningful for the king to work hard to govern the country, and it is meaningless to neglect the government."

"For the aristocratic families, it is meaningful to train as many officials as possible, but it is meaningless to be loyal to the country and benefit the people."

"For the gentry, annexing more land is meaningful, while charity and helping the poor are meaningless."

"For parents, it is meaningful for their children to be familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics and to speak eloquently. It is meaningless for their children to go up the mountain to catch birds and go down the river to catch fish."

"Taoist priest, even if a rich woman wears silk and satin and eats delicious food, she will still find life boring."

"Children in isolated villages can squat under a tree and watch ants moving their homes all day long."

"It is very meaningful to me to be able to bury nearly 500,000 people after their death.

The Taoist was stunned and said,"You are a good talker."

"It's a good deed, so let me help you."

Han Xianggu was puzzled,"What do you mean, Taoist priest?"

The Taoist priest stood up and patted his butt,"More than 500,000 bones, it will take you forever to dig this burial pit."

"Look carefully, I will show you what it means that the heaven and earth are united~"


Two quarters of an hour later.

On the southern wall of Longcheng.

On top of the wall, a Taoist priest held a peach wood sword in one hand, his robe fluttering in the autumn wind, giving him the demeanor of a hermit.

"I traveled with my daughter to the Nine Rivers, the wind blew and the waves raged.

I rode on the waterwheel with a lotus leaf, my heart soared and majestic.


Amidst the chanting, the Taoist priest danced as if possessed by a ghost.

After a long time, with a swish, the peach wood sword pointed to the south of the plain, and shouted in a deep voice:"Rise!" With a rumble, a magnificent earthen wall whose length was unknown rose straight up and crossed the vast land.

Han Xianggu's eyes were like copper bells, and he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This Taoist priest with the temperament of a master-level old charlatan actually possessed such mysterious magic.

With another swish, the tip of the peach wood sword pointed to the north of the plain.


Amid the roar, the second earth wall rose from the ground.

The two earth walls faced each other, extending straight to the magnificent mountains and rivers outside the plain, and rising straight into the deep blue sky.


The Taoist said lightly, and the two earthen walls that covered the sky and the sun slowly moved towards each other.

Then there was a loud bang.

Endless soil fell down like a sea.

For the first time, Han Xianggu saw with his own eyes how a towering mountain was formed.

The bones of more than 400,000 civilians, along with tens of thousands of corpses rotting in the camp of the three armies of Longcheng, were all buried deep under the mountain.

"Young Wang Lang, how is it?"

The Taoist glanced at the stunned young man with a calm expression.

Han Xianggu couldn’t help swallowing and said,"The Taoist’s magic is so amazing that it makes the gods and immortals weep!"


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on August 28th.

The moon was above the treetops.

The Taoist priest stood on the top of the city wall, looking down at the young man.

Under the moonlight, the young man carried a sack and walked through the long and lonely streets of Longcheng.

He muttered something and occasionally took out a handful of paper money and threw it into the air.

Looking at the young man walking in the snow, the Taoist priest whispered,"What a kind-hearted young man!"

"It's a pity that what I carry on my shoulders is not the grass, the warblers, the breeze and the bright moon."

"Young man, young man, it is so easy to choose your country."


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on August 29th

, Han Xianggu got up early in the morning and went into the mountains to hunt. It was not until the sun was setting that he returned to Longcheng carrying a wild boar weighing about 200 kilograms. In the setting sun, the Taoist priest sitting on the stone steps at the entrance of Yuelai Inn looked at the dusty young man and asked curiously,"There are so many wild rabbits and pheasants in the nearby mountains, why do you have to go so far to hunt wild boars?"

The young man walked into the inn, unloaded the skinned wild boar on the table, grabbed the teapot and gulped down a few gulps of tea, then replied,"My grandfather once warned me that no matter when and where, I should not commit or commit less sins of killing."

"Always maintain the highest level of respect for life and the lowest level of fear."

"A wild boar is enough for me, Sister Zhang Xiu, the Taoist priest, and the little white donkey to eat for several days."

"As for wild rabbits and pheasants, they would eat three or four of them in one meal."

The Taoist curled his lips,"Young man Wang Lang, my face is clearly full of the word 'handsome', how can you see me as a 'liar'?"

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly,"Master, do you know Sister Zhang Xiu?""

What a joke, her name is Cang Xue."

The Taoist answered the question irrelevantly,"Go and prepare a full pig feast, my donkey and I are hungry.~"


In the fourteenth year of Fuling, on August 30th.

In the morning, Han Xianggu opened the door of the courtyard with a bowl of fragrant wild boar rib soup.

He frowned slightly.

He saw the Taoist holding the girl's slender hand and pinching it, and from time to time he opened his eyelids to take a few glances.

"Taoist priest, what are you doing?"

The Taoist priest put the girl's hand into the quilt and sighed,"It's dangerous!"

"The devil is too powerful, and has almost crushed humanity and divinity to ashes."

"A demon is about to descend upon the world, and a bloody storm will be unleashed on the earth."

The young man's hands trembled slightly, shaking the soup in the white porcelain bowl into ripples.

"Taoist priest, is there any way to save Zhang Xiu...Sister Cang Xue?"

The Taoist priest crossed his legs and said,"Yes,~"

"But why should I save her? Just because she's pretty?"

"I used magic to bury more than 500,000 bones, which can accumulate good karma."

"What can I get for saving her life? Two words of thanks or two kowtows?"

Without even a second thought, the young man took out a purse from his sleeve and threw it to the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest opened the purse and took a look.


So many golden leaves

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. Amitabha"

"Taoist priest, what do you believe in?"

"Young man, I believe in myself, and I will be blessed with infinite blessings."

The Taoist stood up, pondered for a while, and said,"Young man, go to the mountain to look for the five poisonous animals: centipedes, poisonous snakes, scorpions, geckos, and toads."

"I will grind the five poisons into powder and use it to seal the devil."

The young man:"Okay."

Through the window, watching the young man's back as he walked away, the Taoist's mouth slowly stretched to his ears.

"With so many gold leaves, if you don't open for business for three years, you can make a living for thirty years after opening."

He looked back at the girl in red on the wooden bed.

The Taoist priest murmured,"Girl, you will die, but not today."

He walked out of the courtyard quietly and came to a corner of the backyard.

He kicked the sleeping little white donkey and said,"You beast, get out of here quickly. The wind is blowing."


"Donkey, get up, your master will take you to find a beautiful donkey."

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