Ah Fei couldn't remember when he started to remember things.

Maybe it was a few months old, maybe a year old, or maybe two years old.

When the baby in the cradle could recognize faces, the first face Ah Fei remembered was not his mother, but Sister Cui'er.

Sister Cui'er at that time was only eleven or twelve years old, still a little girl who was about to bloom.

The girl would hold the baby every day.

Sometimes she would make faces at the baby, and sometimes she would shake the rattle tirelessly.

The baby giggled, and the girl would laugh along.


Dark clouds rolled in, and the thunder forest was raging.

The river in the sky fell down.

The tiles were crackling.

""Little Swallow, Zhizhizhizhi." Whispering to the owner of the house."

The young man stood up slowly.

He tightened the green dress wrapped around Cui'er's skull in his arms.

In the wind and rain, the young man's thin body suddenly staggered, as if drunk.

The young man felt two invisible big hands appear out of thin air in front of him.

One hand tightly grasped his throat, almost suffocating him.

The other hand tightly grasped his heart, a kind of unbearable pain. With both arms exerting force, the young man seemed to want to rub the wet red and green clothes, the white skull, and the two leg bones into his chest.

"Sister Cui'er, let's go home.

The sky was dark and the rain was pouring down.

The boy had a hard time taking every step.

"Little swallow, chirp, chirp.

Whispering to the owner of the house:

I won’t eat your millet.

I won’t eat your millet.

I’ll hug a nest of sons under your eaves.

The sound of wind and rain shattered the boy’s humming.

This was a nursery rhyme that the boy often listened to when he was very young.

At that time, whenever the boy, who was still a baby, cried or couldn’t sleep, Sister Cui’er would hum softly.

Every time he heard her nursery rhyme, the boy would feel at ease.

That kind of sense of security from the heart is something that his mother never gave him.

"Little Swallow, squeak, squeak.

Whispering to the owner...……"

The boy's voice suddenly became choked.

This rainstorm must be caused by his own tears.

The boy thought so.

The reason why he was so sad was because he would never see his sister again in this life.


The rain kept falling.

Deep in the alley, the lights were dim.

The shadow of a huge skull projected on the wall swayed slightly with the candlelight.

A young man was washing clothes.

""Hua La La~"

The clothes were twisted, and blood splashed into the copper basin filled with deep red.

After washing Sister Cui'er's green clothes, the boy took a piece of cloth and wiped the rain on the skull and two leg bones with the candlelight.

Finally, the boy took a small stool and a grindstone, sat under the eaves, and began to sharpen the sword.

Grind the rusty iron sword.

Tonight, the boy wants to kill someone!



The sound of sharpening the sword pierced deep into the wind and rain.

As time passed, pieces of rust fell off.

The young man's face was as pale as snow. He pressed the sword with one hand and tightly grasped the hilt with the other.

Over and over again.

I don't know how much time has passed.

The iron sword covered with rust finally lost its luster.

The slender and straight sword body, as clear as autumn water, flashed with a cold light.

The young man got up and walked into the house.

Looking at the skull on the table, he said softly:"Sister Cui'er, don't be afraid, I will let Brother Lishan go to accompany you."

Holding the iron sword tightly, the boy left the house.

He stepped on the soft yellow mud and walked out of his yard.

Then, with a bang, he kicked open the door of the next door.

The boy didn't know whether the man was sleeping at home.

It didn't matter.

Anyway, no matter where he was, he was dead!

Entering the yard and coming to the front of the main house, the boy gently pushed open the door.

With a creaking sound, the wooden door opened a crack.

A strong smell of alcohol hit him in the face.

Although the room was dim, the boy saw the man who was sleeping soundly on the bed with the wine jar in his arms.

The boy loosened his hand.

The iron sword fell and easily inserted into the ground.

""Zhonglishan, you don't deserve to die under the sword!"

Whispering, the young man walked towards the utility room.

Soon, he came back with an axe.

He pushed the door open and entered the house.

He walked to the bed quietly.

Looking at the man who was sleeping soundly, the young man raised the axe high.

He aimed at the man's knee and chopped it down fiercely.

Now the young man is a peak warrior of the seventh level, who can easily lift a thousand-pound boulder. He chopped the man's right calf with all his strength.

With a click, he directly chopped off the man's right calf.

The axe blade was deeply embedded in the bed board.

"" Ah~"

The heart-wrenching howl penetrated deep into the rain curtain.

Even though he was drunk, the man was still awakened by the pain of a broken leg.

Looking at the boy with blood splashed on his face, he slowly raised the axe.

The man endured the pain and said horrifiedly:"Ah...A Fei, you, what are you going to do?!"

The boy said expressionlessly:"I will chop you... into a pool of meat paste alive!"

The second axe fell down brazenly.

One axe, one axe, one axe...

The boy didn't know how many axes he had chopped.

When he stopped, the man had already lost his human form.

Every piece of flesh and blood, every bone, including the hardest skull and thigh bones in the human body, were chopped into pieces.

On the bed, there was only a pool of meat with wisps of hot steam.

Sticky blood kept dripping along the cracks of the bed.

Smelling the pungent smell of blood, the boy looked neither sad nor happy.

He did not have the panic of the first murder.


Throwing away the axe with a curled blade, the boy walked out of the house with blood all over his body and face.

He drew his iron sword and returned to his own yard.

Walking into the house, Ah Fei wrapped Sister Cui'er's skull and two thigh bones in the green dress.

Then he put the green dress and his mother's spirit tablet into the bundle.

He looked around the house where he had lived for fifteen years carefully. The boy was silent for a long time, leaned over and gently blew out the candle on the table.

The rain was much lighter, from pouring to drizzling.

The boy stood in the small yard, and his eyes, which were almost exactly the same as his mother's, swept over everything in the yard.

""Leave~" the boy murmured.

He tightened the iron sword in his hand and walked out of the yard for the last time.

He never came back


On a rainy night, in the northwest of the town, the fenced courtyard located in front of the sacred tree forest and beside the Taiping River was quiet and silent.

In the main hall of the tiled house, a man in a green shirt sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his slightly closed eyes.

"" Come in~"

A gentle voice like jade floated into the dark night rain curtain.

The man in green shirt waved his sleeves, and the candle on the table a few steps away lit up without fire.

The sound of footsteps came from far away and finally landed in front of the door.

The boy's hoarse voice sounded,"Sir, your feet are all muddy, so I won't come in."

The man in green shirt waved his robe again, and the door slowly opened with a creaking sound. In front of the door, a boy in coarse linen clothes, with a bag on his shoulder, a wooden sword hanging from his waist, and an iron sword in his hand. His wet hair stuck to his forehead and temples, and he pursed his thin lips tightly.

"Sir, Sister Cui Er is dead.

The young man stretched out his palm and patted the bundle gently.

"My sister’s skull is inside."

The man in green lowered his eyes and said,"So what?" The young man said expressionlessly,"The so-called young master mentioned by the housekeeper of the Zhao Mansion skinned Sister Cui’er alive."

"The vicious dog also bit and ate Cui Er sister to death."

"This breath, I can't swallow it~"

The man in green sighed and said,"My child, that young man is the ninth son of Emperor Wenjing of Wei."

"Do you understand what this identity means to you?"

The boy nodded,"I understand."

"That young man is the cloud in the sky, and I am the mud on the ground."

"He is a dragon, and I am just a worm in the gutter"

"If I really kill him, there will be no place for me in Wei State"

"I will be like a dog, being chased around the world by the masters of Weidu day and night."

"The rest of my life will be spent wandering around, and I will never be able to sleep peacefully again."

"But Mr.……"

The young man gnashed his teeth and said word by word:"Are you going to let Sister Cui'er die in vain?"

"Could it be that he, the Prince of Wei Du, could kill people without paying for his life?"

"Sir, I can't swallow this!"

"Sir, this world shouldn't be like this!"

Looking at the young man whose handsome face was twisted with hatred, the man in green couldn't help but tremble.

"Sir, my master will not be in danger because of what I did, right?"

I see.

The green-shirted man's eyes dimmed.

The boy came here not to find out the true identity of the prince of Weidu. Because no matter who he is, the boy will kill him.

The only thing the boy is worried about is that his actions will implicate his master.

‘How am I inferior to that cold-blooded beast?! '

The man in green shirt whispered in his heart

""Child, have you ever seen your master take action?"

The young man nodded.

The terrifying might of his master splitting the mountain with one sword was still vivid in his mind.

"My child, your master is much more powerful than you think."

"As for the Ninth Prince, he had two fourth-rank warriors guarding him closely, taking turns day and night."

"However, the group came from the capital of Wei, and they were exhausted from the long journey. It happened to rain suddenly, so the two warriors would choose to rest for a night."

"Child, this night is your only chance to assassinate the Ninth Prince."

"I wish you good luck."

The young man took two steps back.

He lowered his head towards the man in green shirt and bent his back.

"Sir, this is the last time I see you.~"

"Goodbye, sir~"

Looking at the thin back of the young man who quickly disappeared in the rainy night, the man in green shirt whispered:"Goodbye, kid~"

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