The rain stopped.

A round jade plate hung high in the sky.

The moonlight was like mercury pouring down on the ground.

The long street paved with bluestone slabs was empty.

In the northeastern part of the town, Ah Fei came to Tangbaba's clothing store.

The iron sword, as thin as a cicada's wing, was inserted into the gap between the two door panels and gently lifted it.

With a click, the bolt was lifted.

Ah Fei carefully pushed open a crack and slipped in.

What came into view were all kinds of gorgeous clothes.

Ah Fei chose a nightgown for himself.

He then tore off a piece of black cloth and covered his face.

Finally, he put all the few taels of silver that he had searched from Zhonglishan on the counter.

""Excuse me, Granny Tang~"

The young man walked out of the clothing store quietly and headed straight to Wolong Lane under the moonlight.


Deep in Wolong Lane.

The Zhao family mansion.

The main hall was still brightly lit at midnight.

Sitting on a rosewood chair was a handsome young man in brocade clothes.

His sword-like eyebrows, starry eyes, red lips and white teeth were more beautiful than most women.

At this moment, the young man was holding a woman's face in his two slender hands, examining it carefully.

And in every corner of the main hall, there were complete human skins hanging.

It was like a piece of clothes waiting to be dried, dripping with scarlet sticky blood.


The main hall door opened.

Several male servants of the Zhao Mansion walked in, escorting a middle-aged man in his forties and a girl of six or seven years old. Behind them followed the housekeeper of the Zhao Mansion.

"It’s getting late, how many people are left?"

The young man put away the face in his palm and looked at the housekeeper of the Zhao Mansion with his slender eyes.

The old housekeeper hurried forward, lowered his eyebrows and said in a gentle manner:"Young master, these are the last two."

After that, he pointed to the man who was kneeling on the ground two meters away, trembling with fear, and said:"Young master, this man is called Xue Shu, he lives in Jifeng Lane, and he owes our gambling house seventy-nine taels and three cents of silver."

He pointed to the little girl with crystal tears on her little face and said:"The little girl is called Qin Rou, she is seven and a half years old, she lives in Qingxing Lane, and her father owes thirty-three taels and nine cents of silver."

The young man glanced coldly at the girl who looked like a frightened kitten, and said indifferently:"Has the contract of sale been signed?"

The old housekeeper nodded like pecking at rice:"Her father has already signed it."

""Go down~"

The young man waved his hand, and the old housekeeper immediately led several servants out of the main hall and closed the door.

Bringing a towel, the young man wiped his bloody hands and whispered:"This should be the first time you see me."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhao Jin, and I am the ninth son of Emperor Wenjing of the Wei Kingdom."

"Ever since I can remember, I have been alone, guarding a huge palace"

"I'm bored to death~"

"I wish my mother could come and accompany me"

"You don't have to do anything, just spend a day, an hour, or even a quarter of an hour with me."

"Unfortunately, every time I sent a maid to my mother's place, she would always bring back the same words for me:"

"My mother always says wait a minute"


Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, wait two more days, and your mother will come to see you.

"Later, my mother died in the treacherous struggle in the harem."

"To be exact, it was because my father thought my mother was so bold as to poison the queen's food."

"My mother died a tragic death. She was forced to drink a pot of poisoned wine by several eunuchs, and her whole body melted into a pool of blood."

"In my life, I have only seen my mother nine times, and the total time was less than two hours."

"I hate her because she always keeps her promises"

"You promised, but you didn't come to see me."

The young man looked down at the kneeling man and the trembling girl.

"My mother is just like you debtors."

"When borrowing money, he said with a straight face that he would pay it back on time."

"Now that the money is gone, he is shameless and arrogant, saying,"What can you do to me?"

The young man reached for the boning knife on the table.

He walked towards the creepy man step by step.

"I, Zhao Jin, have three major hobbies in my life."

"First, raise a fierce dog. Second, peel off the skin of those of you who don't keep your word."

"Third, watch as the fierce dogs I raise eat up all of you without human skin!"

The boning knife was sharp.

The young man smiled at the girl who was wide-eyed and terrified.

"Don't be afraid, little girl. Your skin will be kept forever.~"


It was not until the fourth watch that the young man walked out of the main hall.

The old housekeeper who was waiting outside waved his hand.

Immediately, two maids came forward, one holding a copper basin and the other holding a towel.

The young man put his hands into the basin, and the clear water instantly turned blood red.

"Throw the body into the dog cage"

"In addition, tomorrow morning, all the skins will be hung on the archway at the entrance of the town."

"Let these poor and unruly people in the mountains and rivers understand what it means to pay back debts. It is only natural."

The old housekeeper said respectfully:"I understand, young master."

After an incense stick of time

, the young man, led by the maid, walked through the winding corridors of the Zhao Mansion and came to the door of a wing room.

Sending the maid away, the young man pushed the door open and took out two things from his sleeves.

Two rolls of human skin.

One of them was the seven-and-a-half-year-old girl.

The young man carefully opened the other roll.

His white jade fingers, like a woman, gently stroked the flawless white human skin.

"I have never seen anyone as tenacious as you."

The young man murmured, and the tall figure of the young woman in the daytime appeared in his mind.

"Over the years, I have skinned at least eight hundred people, if not a thousand."

The woman in the green skirt was the first person to go through the whole process without even a scream or a groan of pain.

"Liu... Liu Cui'er, I think her name is this~"

The young man gently rolled up the human skin.

"You will be the most proud work of my life."

The girl's human skin was thrown casually on the table.

The young man hid the girl's human skin in a jade box as if it were a treasure.

After a while, the young man blew out the candle, lay on the comfortable and soft big bed, and fell asleep with his clothes on.

His eyes were closed.

But the young man couldn't fall asleep.

‘The battle for the throne among the nine dragons is so tragic~’

‘Why would I, Zhao Jin, be the first to be eliminated?!’

‘Fortunately, my father has not passed away yet, otherwise I would not be able to leave Wei capital alive. '

In the eyes of the people in the small town, the high-handed and squinting Zhao Mansion Master Zhao is actually a chess piece that Zhao Jin's mother has cultivated for a long time. In the battle for the throne of the Nine Dragons, Zhao Jin was defeated.

Fearing that his other eight brothers would stab him in the back, he traveled thousands of miles north and hid in a small town.

‘Is there any chance to go back?’

‘I really can't accept this! '

Sleepyness came over me like a tidal wave.

The young man, half asleep and half awake, suddenly shuddered and opened his eyes abruptly.

The tip of the sword was reflected in his eyes.

The moonlight poured into the room through the window and sprinkled on the slender sword.

It was as if a layer of white frost was applied to the blade.

At the moment when the young man opened his mouth.

The young man squatting at the head of the bed, holding the hilt of the iron sword tightly with both hands, suddenly exerted force.

The sharp tip of the sword, like piercing into tender tofu, easily pierced the young man's throat.

Scarlet splashed.

A strange sound came from the young man's throat, like an old bellows.

He couldn't utter even a word.

A strong sense of life and death crisis overwhelmed the young man.

The ninth prince of Wei Du, who was in the eighth rank, suddenly raised his arm and tore off the black cloth on the young man's face.

With the help of the moonlight, the young man, who looked like an assassin, opened and closed his mouth with difficulty.

The young man jumped off the bed.

He said expressionlessly:"Who am I?


"My name is A Fei, like flying bird."

The young man took off the wooden sword hanging from his waist.

He raised his arm high.

He aimed at the young man's heart and swung the sword.

The terrifying force penetrated the young man's body directly.

The tip of the wooden sword pierced through the bed board.

The young man held the black cloth tightly in one hand.

In the other hand, he held a hollow iron ball.

He smiled grimly at the young man.

The young man used up his last bit of strength and threw the iron ball.

With a loud bang

, the sky shook and the earth trembled. The fire was blazing.

The pungent smell of gunpowder spread everywhere.

The young man did this not to blow A Fei to death.

It was to alarm the two fourth-grade warriors.

Looking at the young man whose eyes were gradually dimming,

A Fei's expression was neither sad nor happy.

The young man left the wooden sword and only pulled out the iron sword.

After stuffing the jade box containing Cui'er's skin into the bag, the young man climbed out of the window and jumped onto the roof.

His thin back soon disappeared under the moonlight.

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