To Zhao Mang, the seventh prince of Wei had long since gotten rid of vulgar tastes.

What are vulgar tastes?

Going to brothels to listen to music, spending huge sums of money on prostitutes, just for the love affairs in Wushan. Riding and shooting, hunting, reciting poems, writing essays, calligraphy and painting, etc., in Zhao Mang's eyes, are all vulgar tastes.

What's so fun about women? What's so fun about gold bars and silver ingots?

How can it be as satisfying as bullying human nature?

Looking at the man whose face changed drastically and who was about to vomit.

Zhao Mang smiled and said,"How can you spit out something you have eaten? Li Si, you must save food and don't waste it."

The man suddenly threw away his chopsticks and covered his mouth with his calloused hands.

"Why don't you eat it anymore? This is what I specially asked the chef to make for you."

Staring blankly at the broth in the bowl.

The man suddenly scooped up the meat with his hands, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it with big mouthfuls.

Zhao Mang showed his mouthful of snow-white teeth,"Li Si, is it delicious?"


The man with bulging cheeks shed tears while eating.

The man had hesitated, wondering whether he should risk his life, put life and death behind his mind, and be brave just once.

But soon, the man ruthlessly put an end to the unrealistic idea.

Zhao Mang's father was Emperor Wenjing, and his mother was Concubine Shu.

The laws of the Wei Kingdom were all formulated by the Zhao royal family. What courage does the man have?

Soon, a full bowl of meat soup went into his stomach.

Zhao Mang was in a good mood and said,"Li Si, go home"

"Remember, the grace period is three years."

"If you still can't pay it back after three years, it will be your wife who disappears from the face of the world."

The expression on the man's face was unclear whether he was laughing or crying.

Looking at the man's hunched back as he walked away,

Zhao Mang sneered and said,"Wuyang, do you see this? This is the power of the upper class."

"He borrowed five taels of silver from me. One year later, he paid back ten taels, but still owed me twenty taels."

"Interest is compounded, twenty taels today will be three hundred and sixty taels in three years."

"Not to mention this life, even if he worked like a cow or a horse for ten lifetimes, he still couldn't repay it."

"I bought his humanity with just five ounces of silver."

"Five taels of silver, haha, not even enough for my breakfast."

The young man with a sword remained silent.


Suddenly, a servant ran into the summer courtyard in a hurry.

"Your Highness, Eunuch Xu is here!"

Xu Cangzhi, the chief eunuch who served Emperor Wen Jing personally

"Why is this eunuch coming to my house instead of staying with my father?"

Zhao Mang frowned slightly.

"Please go to the elegant room"


After a stick of incense, the elegant room used for receiving guests

"Eunuch Xu, what wind blew you to my house today? Haha."

Xu Cangzhi, who was wearing a dark purple round-necked eunuch's robe, stood up from the Huanghuali wood chair.

A smile appeared on his feminine face without a single stubble.

He said,"Seventh Prince, Ninth Prince is dead."

"Zhao Jin... is dead?!"

Zhao Mang was stunned and asked,"How did he die?"

Xu Cangzhi answered irrelevantly,"Seventh Prince, the Emperor has summoned you to the palace. Please follow me."

Zhao Mang's face was uncertain for a long time before he said,"Please lead the way, eunuch.""


The imperial city of Wei.

Bright yellow and scarlet colors, palaces dotted around, magnificent.

Patrolling guards wearing heavy armor and carrying long swords on their waists can be seen everywhere.

Xu Cangzhi led Zhao Mang all the way to the Yangxin Palace.

On the bed sat an old man in a dragon robe.

Emperor Wen Jing, who was in his seventies, was skinny and bony.

The dragon robe was worn loosely on his body, and his old face was like cracked bark, with wrinkles full of traces of the passing of time.

However, the old man's turbid eyes were as deep as ever, like two bottomless black holes.

They had swallowed up mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

On the spotless, almost reflective floor, knelt a woman in goose yellow clothes.

Zhao Mang recognized her.

The woman was called Liufeng, and she was a personal guard assigned by the Wu Pavilion for Zhao Jin.

"I, your son, pay my respects to your father. Long live your father."

Zhao Mang pressed his forehead tightly against the floor.

"Get up."

Emperor Wen Jing said in a vicissitudes of life voice

"Thank you, Father."

Zhao Mang straightened his back but did not stand up.

"Xiao Fuzi, tell Lao Qi what happened to Xiao Jiu.

Emperor Wen Jing slowly closed his tired eyes.

""Yes, Your Majesty."

Xu Cangzhi looked at Zhao Jin and said

"Your Highness, more than a month ago, Your Highness followed His Majesty's order and took two fourth-rank warriors from the Wu Pavilion with him, Liu Feng Hui Xue, to Qixia Prefecture in Baoping Prefecture."

"To be exact, it is Qingping Town deep in the Taihang Mountains in Qixia Prefecture."

"The Ninth Prince was stabbed in the throat and heart by a young man in the town and died."

"Hui Xue, who was in the fourth level, died while chasing the boy."

"That young assassin, his martial arts realm is the seventh level of external cultivation"

"There is a master behind the young man, whose martial arts realm is unknown."

On the bed, Emperor Wen Jing slowly opened his eyes,"Seventh Brother, do you have anything to say?"

A storm blew up in Zhao Mang's mind.

On the way to the Yangxin Palace, Xu Cangzhi had revealed to Zhao Mang.

Before him, Emperor Wen Jing had met the other six princes.

The eldest prince, the second prince... the sixth prince.

Only one person at a time.

Emperor Wen Jing would ask the same question every time

‘The reason why I was summoned was obviously because the emperor did not like the answers given by the previous six brothers.’

‘If I answer wrong, my father will summon Lao Ba.’

‘If the eighth one also gets the answer wrong, Father will most likely choose the best one among the eight of us.’

‘My father always values family affection.……’

‘If the old ninth's funeral can be handled beautifully, he will most likely be crowned the heir. '

Thinking of this, Zhao Mang said solemnly:"Father, I am willing to go to that small town."

"Find the young assassin and his master, and avenge Lao Jiu."

Xu Cangzhi sighed inaudibly.

Zhao Mang's answer was not completely different from that of his six brothers, but it was exactly the same.

"Also, Father, I will kill everyone in that town, no, all living things, without leaving a single one alive!"

Xu Cangzhi's mouth curved into a subtle arc.

Emperor Wen Jing's face, which had remained calm from beginning to end, showed a trace of relief.

"The emperor's blood cannot be insulted!"

"Old Seven, go ahead and crush those bugs into dust!"

Emperor Wen Jing said calmly.

"I will obey my father's order!"

Zhao Mang was overjoyed.


Before I knew it, it was already early autumn.

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, Zhu Jiuyin, who had transformed into a human form, sat cross-legged barefoot at the entrance of a cave.

With red vertical pupils, he silently looked at Tao Da and Xiao San Er on the edge of the cliff.

The hairy peaches that were still green a month ago have now turned tender red.

This year's hairy peaches are still edible.

Although Ah Fei is not around, it is still easy for Xiao Xuanfeng to climb a tree.

""Please drink this cup, Mangxian."

On the side, Xiao Xuanfeng stood upright like a man, holding the wine jar with a pair of claws, and poured a full cup for Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin picked up the white porcelain wine cup, raised his head and drank it all.

The clear wine went into his throat, and his internal organs immediately burned with fire.

""Good wine~"

Zhu Jiuyin praised, and took out the brass pipe from his waist.

He lit it and took a puff.

Two columns of smoke came out.

The strong wine and the pipe were all stolen by Xiao Xuanfeng from the town.

Zhu Jiuyin smoked and drank without any psychological burden.

"I wonder if Zhu Dachang, the Sleeping Dragon, has caught up with Ah Fei?"

Zhu Jiuyin whispered.

"Python Fairy, how can a pig's large intestine become a Sleeping Dragon?"

Little Cyclone's red rat eyes revealed doubts,"What does Sleeping Dragon mean?"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled faintly,"Pig's large intestine is Sleeping Dragon, and you are Phoenix Cub, both are compliments."

Little Cyclone murmured,"Phoenix Cub...what a majestic and domineering nickname."

""Has the town been peaceful in the past month?"

Zhu Jiuyin asked.

Little Tornado nodded his head,"Those two-legged beasts work at sunrise and rest at sunset, and there is peace and harmony."

Zhu Jiuyin exhaled a puff of smoke.

His right eyelid suddenly twitched non-stop.

"Jump right eye jump Choi disaster"

"People from Wei are coming."

Looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, a hint of murderous intent flashed in Zhu Jiu's red eyes.

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