"It took a full twenty-seven days to get from Weidu to Qixiafu in Baopingzhou."

"The territory of our Zhao family is really vast, haha."

The Taihang Mountains are high and steep, with thousands of peaks.

The ancient road is winding and like a yellow earth dragon.

Three priceless horses pulled the luxurious carriage of the seventh prince Zhao Mang and slowly drove towards the town deep in the mountains.

In front was Zhao Mang's personal martial arts attendant, Gu Wuyang, who was at the peak of the third rank.

Behind them were more than thirty Weidu Imperial City Guards, wearing armor and with long swords hanging from their waists. They were all the elite of the elite, fighting ten against one.

In the carriage, Zhao Mang lay on his side on the soft tiger-skin blanket, looking at the A jujube is stuffed in the mouth.

In addition to the seventh prince, there are two women in the carriage.

One is Liu Feng in goose yellow clothes.

The other is about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a slim figure, white clothes as white as snow, and a pair of autumn eyes on her small face.

Her black hair is like a waterfall, and her eyelashes are thick and curled.

Her skin is white, tender and delicate, like mutton-fat jade.

But her expression is cold, like a piece of ice that has sunk to the bottom of a spring.

On the girl's knees, there is an ancient bronze sword box.

Liu Feng glanced at the girl in white from time to time, frowning slightly.

"This is the eldest disciple of the Imperial Master, named Ye Zhaoqiu."

"Martial arts realm, internal cultivation second level mountain moving realm."

Zhao Mang introduced to Liu Feng

""The second-grade mountain-moving realm?!"

Liu Feng looked at the girl with her eyes closed, his face full of disbelief.

As long as the wealthy warriors of Xiangang are willing to spend time to temper their bodies, most of them will reach the peak of external training, that is, the fourth-grade realm.

And internal training is much more difficult than external training.

Root bones, opportunities, famous teachers, and top internal training techniques are all indispensable. There are countless fourth-grade warriors in Wei State. And there are only a few thousand people in the third-grade Vajra realm of internal training.

There are only a few hundred people in the second-grade mountain-moving realm of internal training. There are only a handful of people in the first-grade sea-turning realm of internal training.

The girl is so young, but she has already reached the second-grade mountain-moving realm. Such a brilliant talent is rare in the entire Xiangang.

The Ten Kingdoms of Thousands of Beauties is talking about this kind of monster.

""Seventh Prince."

Although he was shocked, the sadness between Liu Feng's brows was still strong and could not be dispelled.

"His Highness the Ninth Prince once told me that Mr. Qi Qingji, the teacher at the small town school, was most likely a celestial being!"

"If the Imperial Master does not come in person, let alone one second-rank master, even a hundred of them are nothing but a bunch of bugs in his eyes."

Heavenly being?!"

The girl in white suddenly opened her eyes, her two lacquered pupils sparkling.

Above the first rank, they are called heavenly beings.

They eat the wind and drink the dew, burn the sky and boil the sea

"When did this useless Zhao Jin finally get to know a celestial being?"

Even Zhao Mang was envious.

Liu Feng explained,"Several decades ago, Mr. Qi lived in seclusion at the foot of Luer Mountain in Suzhou."

"At that time, the Ninth Prince's mother, the father of Concubine De, Bai Ningzhi, went to the mountains for a walk one day and met Mr. Qi. The two played a few games of chess."

"Bonded by chess"

"In the following years, in his spare time, De Guifei's father would take De Guifei, who was only six or seven years old at the time, to Luer Mountain."

"Afterwards, Mr. Qi came to Qixia Prefecture and lived in seclusion in Qingping Town deep in the Taihang Mountains."

"It is for this reason that Concubine De placed Zhao Huairen, the chess piece, in the small town.

Zhao Mang listened attentively,"I see."

Liu Feng said with a sad face,"Seventh Prince, now, only Mr. Qi knows where the young assassin and his master are hiding."

"Furthermore, with Mr. Qi in charge of the town, it would be very difficult for you to kill everyone in the town."


Zhao Mang smiled nonchalantly, and patted the bronze sword case on the knees of the girl in white.

"This sword box contains the national master's trump card, just in case"

"Aren’t they just celestial beings? What is there to be afraid of?"

"Watch me beat Qi Qingji to death with one hand!"

Staring at the bronze sword case, Liu Feng's eyes were filled with curiosity.

What on earth could it be that made Zhao Mang, a seventh-rank martial artist, so confident in killing a celestial being!


The sun was high in the sky.

The outline of the town finally came into view.

"Your Highness the Seventh Prince, we're here. Shall we go meet Mr. Qi first?"


Zhao Mang's lazy voice sounded in the carriage.

The large army passed the covered bridge over the Taiping River and went straight to the fenced courtyard not far away.

The school is closed today.

The man in green shirt was lying on a rattan chair, waving a palm-leaf fan in one hand and holding"National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance" in the other. He was reading with relish.

The big yellow dog lay beside the rattan chair, sticking out his tongue.

The sound of wheels rolling on the ground and horses' hooves came from far away and was heard.

The man in green shirt did not move.

The big yellow dog, who was in the late stage of depression, was too lazy to even look at it.

"The green mountains are charming, the clear waters are verdant, it is really a good place to live in seclusion."

Zhao Mang jumped off the carriage and looked around, and exclaimed sincerely

"Wuyang, you and the guards stay outside"

"Liufeng, take me and Zhaoqiu to see that celestial being. Liufeng led Zhao Mang, who was dressed in brocade, and the girl in white carrying an ancient sword box, to the fenced courtyard.

He knocked gently on the wide-open gate.

"Boom boom boom"

""Dong, dong, dong~"

Under the eaves of the tiled house, the man in green said without raising his head:"If you guys are not blind, you will find that the gate of the courtyard is wide open."

Liu Feng swallowed his saliva with a fearful expression.

The girl in white had a cold face.

Zhao Mang narrowed his slender eyes slightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The three of them walked into the small fenced courtyard and came close to the man in green.

Zhao Mang clasped his fists respectfully, with the attitude of a junior, and said with a smile like a spring breeze:"Junior Zhao Mang, meet Mr. Qi."

The man in green said indifferently:"If you have something to say, say it. If you have to fart, fart quickly."

The smile on Zhao Mang's face did not diminish at all, and he said:"Please tell me, sir, where is the young man named Chen Mengfei who killed my brother and his master living in seclusion?"

The man in green did not take Zhao Mang's identity as the seventh prince of Wei Du seriously at all, and said coldly:"I have nothing to tell you."

Looking at the man in green who covered his face with a book from beginning to end and never looked at him even once, the smile on Zhao Mang's face gradually disappeared

"Mr. Qi, I am here with the Emperor's order."

"You may not take me seriously, but since we are in the territory of Wei, I ask you to respect your father."

After saying that, under the puzzled gazes of Zhao Mang, Liu Feng, and the girl in white, the man in green on the rattan chair slowly raised the palm-leaf fan in his hand.

The next second, he gently fanned the palm-leaf fan towards the three people.

In an instant, a gust of wind suddenly pressed on the three people, almost tearing their clothes to pieces.

Even the girl in white, who was in the second-grade moving mountain realm, could not resist for a moment.

The three people were like three cannonballs fired from a gun.

They walked in vertically and flew out horizontally.


Half an hour later.

On the small town covered bridge.

Zhao Mang, who was covered in dust, was grinning.

He felt pain wherever he touched.

""Seventh Prince, are you okay?"

Liu Feng asked with concern.


Zhao Mang spat out a mouthful of saliva and said with a distorted face:"Damn Qi Qingji, you bully me too much!"

""Do you want to open the sword box?" the girl in white asked.

Zhao Mang shook his head and said,"The sword box is prepared for the mysterious master of the young man named Chen."

"Besides, if we kill Qi Qingji, who will tell us where the master and disciple are hiding?"

Liu Feng said with a headache:"Seventh Prince, what should we do?" Zhao Mang pondered for a while, slowly stood up, and looked at the town not far away.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly,"I have a good plan!"

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