The tail of summer.

The autumn heat is reluctant to leave.

At noon, several women in the town came to the Dragon Locking Well, grabbed the hemp rope tied to the stone pier, and lifted up the baskets soaked in the cool well water.

The baskets were filled with juicy apples, crisp pears, and bright red cherries.

The women carried several baskets of fruit and came to the old locust tree at the entrance of the town with a canopy that blocked out the sun.

The old men playing chess, the men chatting, and the children laughing and playing all gathered around.

The children picked first, then the old men, then the men, and finally the women.

With a bite, the fruit that had been soaked in the well water for a whole morning was sweet and crisp, and it instantly dispelled the heat in the body.

People ate fruit and chatted about family matters, and they were all happy.


The ancient road outside the town was filled with smoke and dust, and the sound of horse hooves was heard.

Soon, a luxurious carriage and 31 horses came into the eyes of the residents of the town.

The curtain was opened, and a young man in brocade clothes and jade belt jumped off the carriage.

Next came a tall, elegant, and elegant girl in white clothes, carrying an ancient sword case.

Finally, the almond-eyed���The woman in the yellow dress was shining brightly.

Most of the women in the town had wheat-colored skin, and they looked at the handsome Zhao Mang without restraint.

The men's eyes seemed to be glued to Ye Zhaoqiu and Liufeng. They had never seen such beautiful women, who looked like fairies from New Year pictures.

As for the children, they stared with their big black and white eyes, either looking at the armor on the guards, or the majestic war horses, or the long swords hanging from their waists.

"Poor mountains and bad waters produce unruly people, the ancients were not wrong."

Zhao Mang narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned the faces that did not hide their greed.

If it was in Weidu, when the nobles and daughters traveled, which lowly people would dare to stare at their faces like these unruly people?

If it was in Weidu, when the nobles and daughters were in a good mood, these unruly people would only have their eyes gouged out.

If they were in a bad mood, it would be good to lose their heads, and most of them would be thrown into private prisons, tortured to the point of being unable to live or die.


Zhao Mang took a few steps forward and stood under the archway at the entrance of the town.

He smiled and bowed to the townspeople, saying,"I am Zhao Mang, the seventh prince of Wei."

"From now on, this town belongs to me."

"No matter who is in, no one is allowed to leave"

"Violators will be killed without mercy!"


Looking at the townspeople who were eating, playing and making noise,

Zhao Mang's eyes were cold,"Wuyang, kill the chicken to scare the monkey!"

Gu Wuyang passed Zhao Mang. With a clang, he drew his sword out of its sheath.

With one blow

, an old man in his sixties was split in two in an instant.

After a short silence , with a scream

, the townspeople under the old locust tree scattered like birds and beasts. In just a dozen seconds, only smoke and dust were seen, and no one was seen.

"Zhang Tongqi, your thirty guards are scattered throughout the town. If anyone escapes, kill him."

"I will obey your command."

Zhao Mang came to the old locust tree.

He took a pear from the basket and took a big bite.

""It's so fucking crisp~"

After saying that,

Liu Feng led Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, and Gu Wuyang in front, and the four of them walked towards Wolong Lane.


After an incense stick of time,

Liu Feng looked at the smoke-stained ruins in front of him and said in astonishment,"Who killed Zhao Huairen?!" Zhao Mang shook his folding fan and said expressionlessly,"Who else could it be? The master and apprentice."

"I wanted to have a meal and take a bath, but unfortunately"

"Since the minions are gone, I have no choice but to go myself. Let's go."

Half an hour later.

In a small yellow earth courtyard in Wuyi Lane, a small town.

Under the shade of a tree, Zhao Mang sat on a small bench, with Ye Zhaoqiu and Liu Feng standing beside him.

As for Gu Wuyang, he drew his knife to intimidate the two owners of the courtyard.

The boy and girl were about seventeen or eighteen years old, and they must have just tied the knot, because there were two lanterns with big red"囍" characters on them hanging on the courtyard gate.

The couple was having lunch just now.

They were eating well when Zhao Mang and others suddenly rushed in.

"What's your name?"

Zhao Mang smiled and looked at the boy.

The boy kneeled on the ground and said tremblingly:"My name is Ji Yuan"

"What about you?"

Zhao Mang looked at the girl again.

The girl said softly,"Sir, my name is Xiao Ran."

"Ji Yuan, Xiao Ran, good names~"

""Brother Ji, do you have a saw at home?"

Zhao Mang asked


The young man nodded.

Zhao Mang immediately took out a gold leaf from his sleeve and threw it in front of the couple.

"Brother Ji, cut off your wife's head with a saw, and this piece of gold leaf will be yours."

The young man was furious, his eyes were like bells, and he glared at Zhao Mang fiercely.

If it weren't for Gu Wuyang's knife on his neck, the young man would have jumped up

"What, you think it's too little?"

Zhao Mang took out the second gold leaf.

The young man remained unmoved, his eyes seemed to be able to spit fire.

"Humph, they are truly a loving couple."

Zhao Mang snorted coldly, and took out the third, fourth, and fifth leaves... until hundreds of golden leaves fell in front of the young man.


At this moment, the burning anger in the boy's eyes had long disappeared.

All he had was the heavy breathing like a beast. He was struggling.

"Brother Ji, do you know that these hundreds of gold leaves can change your life forever?"

Zhao Mang smiled and said,"As long as you saw off your wife's head, from now on, until you die, you will no longer have to wear rough linen clothes."

"No more eating hard-to-swallow vegetables"

"No longer have to live in this broken house that is not protected from wind and rain"

"Sumptuous clothes, delicacies from land and sea, fine wines, and a magnificent mansion, everything you want."

The young man's throat moved and he swallowed hard.


The tender call of his wife suddenly sounded beside him.

The boy's body trembled violently.

Turning his head to look at his wife's eyes filled with crystal tears, the boy gritted his teeth and said:"Take your stinky money and get out of my house!"

"Snap Snap~"

"Good, good, what a love that is stronger than gold!"

The applause suddenly fell.

Zhao Mang suddenly looked at the girl, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

""Miss Xiao Ran, saw off your husband's head, and all these gold leaves will be yours."

The girl wiped away her tears and whispered,"Really?"

"I am the seventh prince of the Wei Kingdom, and once I say something, I can’t take it back."

The girl uttered a word softly,"Okay!"

"Ran... Ran'er?!"

The young man's pale face was filled with astonishment.

"I'm sorry, husband. Ran'er will burn more paper money for you."

The girl stood up resolutely and walked towards the east wing.


The young man's teeth were grinding, and his eyes were filled with streaks of frightening scarlet blood.

He raised his head and stared at Zhao Mang,"Sir, give me the gold leaf."

"I will peel off the skin of this bitch alive, and cut her flesh piece by piece for you to see."

Zhao Mang shook his head,"Brother Ji, it's too late~"

At this moment, the girl walked out of the east wing, holding a rusty saw in her hand.

"Husband, please be patient, it will hurt."

The girl smiled gently.


The man's scream resounded through the sky.


The saw blade bit by bit penetrated the bone, and the boy who was pressed to the ground by Gu Wuyang fainted from the pain.

Blood splattered all over the girl's body and face.

Under the shade of the tree, Ye Zhaoqiu slowly closed his eyes, unable to bear such a bloody and tragic scene.

Liu Feng lowered his eyelids. As a warrior of Weidu Wu Pavilion, the woman's hands were already stained with blood.

This scene was commonplace.

"Fun, really fun"

"Interesting, so interesting"


Zhao Mang laughed heartily.

"Liufeng, go to the town entrance and get a jade box from the carriage."

"Give this young man's head as a gift to Mr. Qi."

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