In the small town of Shenmulin, there is a fenced courtyard by the Taiping River.

The man in green shirt fished out a small watermelon from the water tank, put his two fingers together as a sword, and gathered his energy into a blade.

With a click, he easily cut the watermelon in the middle.

He put half of it in front of the big yellow dog first, then the man in green shirt took out a wooden spoon, picked up the other half, sat on a small bench under the shade of the tree, and ate the watermelon happily.

Suddenly, footsteps came closer.

The man in green shirt looked up.

But he saw a little head poking into the courtyard.

The little boy was about eight or nine years old, wearing shorts and a short shirt, straw sandals on his feet, and a jade box in his arms.

In his big eyes, which were clearly black and white, there was a kind of spiritual aura that moistened things silently.

The boy was called A'dai, and his home was in Jianyu Lane in the small town. He was the student of the man in green shirt.

"Ah Dai? Come and eat melons."

The green-shirted man smiled and waved to the little boy.

The boy came under the shade of the tree and faced the teacher, feeling a little nervous.

He smiled stiffly and handed the jade box to him, saying in a low voice:"Master, this is a young man named Zhao. He asked Ah Dai to give it to you and said it is a gift for you."

The green-shirted man looked at the square jade box and smelled a faint smell of blood.

He frowned and took the jade box.

"Master, I am leaving first."

The little boy ran away in a flash.

Putting down the half-eaten melon, the man in green opened the jade box.

What came into view was a bloody head.

Two dead grey eyes that had long lost their spirit stared at the man in green.

The master had no expression on his face.

With a light toss, he threw the jade box and the head out of the fence and into the Taiping River not far away.

While continuing to eat the melon, he whispered:"One head falls, and all things come back to life.~"


The town is not big.

Today, the rooster of Zhang San's family in the east of the town laid a golden egg. I guarantee that all the chickens, ducks, geese, dogs and cats in the town will know about it tomorrow.

The news that Ji Yuan in Wuyi Lane had his head sawed off by his first wife Xiao Ran spread to most of the town in just two hours.

For a time, people were in a panic.

Many families wanted to escape from the town and hide in the mountains and forests.

Unfortunately, they were chased by the guards brought by Zhao Mang, and they rolled and crawled, crying for their parents. Under the old locust tree at the entrance of the town.

Zhao Mang waved his folding fan as hard as he could. The heat was so unbearable that he wanted to stick out his tongue.

Ye Zhaoqiu is at the second level of the inner cultivation of moving mountains. His true energy is automatically circulating in the small and large circles all the time. He is no longer afraid of the scorching heat or severe cold. As for

Liu Feng and Gu Wuyang, they will feel cool if they are calm.

"What a lousy place this is, it's no different from a furnace, it's fucking miserable."

While Zhao Mang was cursing, several elderly people in the town, all leaning on crutches, walked towards the old locust tree.

The leader was about eighty years old. His wrinkles were filled with dirt.

"I am Shen Ping, and I am honored to meet the Seventh Prince."

The old man first clasped his fists towards Zhao Mang, and then said solemnly:"Before, the group of coquettish women in this town, and the group of lustful and daring men, angered the Seventh Prince and the two girls."

"I, on behalf of the whole town, would like to express my sincerest apologies to the Seventh Prince and the two fairy-like girls."

After that, there were a few thumps.

The seven most respected elders in the town knelt in front of Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, Liu Feng, and Gu Wuyang.

Zhao Mang yawned with a cold look on his face. The reason why he killed people was because he was offended by the naked eyes of the townspeople at the entrance of the town?!

Do these old men really think of themselves as devils who kill without blinking an eye?

Zhao Mang never liked to kill people.

Not to mention the emperor brothers who had hundreds or even thousands of lives on their hands. The number of people Zhao Mang had killed was not even as many as that of ordinary dandies.

It can be counted.

What Zhao Mang liked most was to use various means to make the husband willingly kill his wife with his own hands.

Let the wife chop up the children, and let the children boil their parents alive.

"Old gentleman."

Zhao Mang, squatting on a tree stump, looked down at the old men who buried their foreheads in the loess and said nonchalantly,"I came to your town this time to ask Mr. Qi Qingji about a person."

"But Mr. Qi didn't want to tell me"

"I have no other choice but to resort to this last resort."

"Old man, I really don't want to kill anyone."

"As long as Mr. Qi can tell me the news I want to know, I will leave."

"Killing Brother Ji Yuan, I am also very sad, after all, he is a citizen of the Wei Kingdom"

"But old man, I really have no way."

Suddenly, Zhao Mang closed his folding fan and tapped his head gently with it.

"Old man, that's not right. I didn't kill Ji Yuan."

"His head was sawed off by his first wife, Miss Xiao Ran."

"As the seventh prince of Wei and the future king of Wei, I love you so much that I can't wait to kill my people."

"Old sir, you must not speak such slanderous words that damage someone's reputation.~"


After an incense stick of time, the little boy ran back to the old locust tree, panting.

Zhao Mang hurriedly asked,"Did Mr. Qi receive the gift?"

The boy nodded,"I received it, big brother.""

"Did Mr. Qi say anything?"


Zhao Mang stuffed a few gold leaves into the boy's hands.

He smiled and said,"You've worked hard, go home now."

The little boy smiled brightly,"Thank you, big brother."

Looking at the boy with a red face, Zhao Mang's eyes rolled.

"May I have your name?"

"Big brother, my name is A-Dai"

"Are you Mr. Qi’s student?"


Zhao Mang narrowed his eyes slightly,"Ah Dai, I'm hungry, can I go to your house to eat something?"

The little boy said hospitably:"Of course."


An hour later.

The blazing sun gradually set in the west.

A small courtyard in Jifeng Lane was filled with dozens of small town residents.

"Ah Dai is dead!"

"The child was so pitiful, his mother sawed off his head"

"Ah Dai died? What happened?"

"The seventh prince gave Ah Dai's stepfather a silver note worth 1,000 taels and asked the man to saw off Ah Dai's head. Ah Dai resisted fiercely and the man was unable to suppress him for a while."

"what's next?"

"Next, the seventh prince threatened Ah Dai's mother, saying that he would kill Ah Dai's stepfather."

"Ah Dai's mother immediately grabbed the saw from the man's hand and sawed off her son's head with her own hands."

"Strangely enough, facing his stepfather, Ah Dai was like an angry little tiger. Facing his mother, he remained motionless from beginning to end, not to mention resistance, not even a scream."

"Alas, you can't blame the woman. After all, she is a widow. If her two husbands died in a row, no one in the town would dare to marry her."

"You are right. If a son dies, you can have another one. If the second husband dies, the woman will be the unlucky star who brings bad luck to her husband. She will become an outcast in our town."

"The Seventh Prince put Ah Dai's head into a jade box and sent it to Mr. Qi."

"Damn Qi Qingji, he is the culprit who deserves to be skinned alive and torn into pieces!"

"I am just wondering, isn't the Seventh Prince just asking for information about someone? Why doesn't the man surnamed Qi want to tell him?"

"You say that Qi is still stubborn and unyielding. Who will be the next to suffer?"

"We can't just sit there and wait for death, we have to take action!"


Under the old locust tree at the entrance of the town,

Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, Liu Feng, and Gu Wuyang all looked at the warhorse galloping towards the covered bridge.

The warhorse was carrying a guard.

The guard was holding a jade box containing Ah Dai's head.

"Ji Yuan has nothing to do with you, Qi. I understand your cold-bloodedness."

"But Ah Dai is your student, I want to see if Qi Qingji can still sit on the Diaoyutai."

Zhao Mang's eyes were grim and teasing.


Suddenly, a scream startled Zhao Mang

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Zhao Mang glared at Liu Feng, who was pale with fear.

""Your Highness... Your Highness, what a big rat!"

Looking in the direction of Liu Feng's finger,

Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, and Gu Wuyang all took a breath of cold air.

Across the long street, a white-haired rat that looked like a kitten stood upright.

Its two eyes, like red agate, stared straight at the four people under the old locust tree.

After being discovered, the white-haired rat was like an arrow shot from a bow, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

…… ps: That's all for today. Tomorrow I will update four chapters with 10,000 words to finish the story of Zhao Mang in one go. The day after tomorrow I will start verification and recommendation.

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