In front of the Shenmu Forest in the small town, beside the Taiping River.

In the shade of the trees in the small fenced courtyard, a man in a green shirt was lying on a rattan chair with a book covering his face.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves approaching from far away shattered the tranquility and peace in the small world.

"I am Han Chong, a member of the Wei Capital Imperial Guard, and I am here to present a gift to Mr. Qi on the orders of His Majesty the Seventh Prince.

The man in green took the scroll and sat up, his brows filled with hidden murderous intent.

Mr. Qi was in a bad mood when he woke up.

"Come in."

The guards in armor and with long swords on their waists walked like dragons and tigers. After coming under the shade of the tree, they placed the jade box in their arms on the stone table.

Then, in front of the gentleman, they opened the lid of the box.

Inside the box, there was Ah Dai's bloody head.

The man in green shirt slowly stood up from the rattan chair. He slowly withdrew his gaze from the jade box and looked at the guards who were close at hand.

The man was about twenty years old, a young man with thick eyebrows and tiger eyes.

Because he was wearing armor, his face under the helmet was red and sweaty.

In the man's puzzled eyes, the man in green shirt raised his arm.

The index finger of his right hand stretched out and gently tapped.���The man's forehead was choked.

He didn't even have time to scream.

The eight-foot-tall, muscular man, along with his clothes, armor, and sword, was silently annihilated into dust.

The wind blew.

The ground under the tree was all ashes.

With a crisp sound, the man in green closed the lid of the box.

He raised his eyes slightly and looked towards the direction of the town.

"Zhao Mang, you should never, ever, target my students!"


At the entrance of the town.

Twenty-nine war horses lined up under the tall memorial archway of the town.

On the horses, twenty-nine battle-hardened guards looked ahead, motionless.

A murderous atmosphere.

Under the old locust tree.

Ye Zhaoqiu, a girl in white clothes carrying an ancient sword case, closed her eyes to rest.

Liu Feng twisted his hands together, staring at the direction of the covered bridge.

Gu Wuyang squatted on the stone pier, staring at Liu Feng's plump and beautiful buttocks expressionlessly.

As for Zhao Mang, he lay on the tree stump snoring like thunder, and the saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth stretched into a transparent silk thread.

"Zhao Mang!!"


A roar of anger that shook the sky and cracked the earth exploded in the distant sky, like the sound of thunder, rolling from one side of the sky to the other.

On the covered bridge over the Taiping River, a man in green clothes appeared at some point.

In his eye sockets, three dark pupils were like three black holes.

Endless murderous aura, as if the water of the Milky Way was gushing out from the black hole and pouring back into the world.

The sound of bangs continued.

Under the archway, twenty-nine war horses knelt on the ground in an instant.

With the sound of bones cracking, the war horses' knees smashed dozens of bluestone slabs to pieces.

All twenty-nine guards were overturned and pressed to the ground by the murderous aura, unable to get up for a long time.

Under the old locust tree.

Ye Zhaoqiu suddenly opened his eyes. His bare hands covered the ancient sword box behind him.

Liu Feng was horrified and stepped back subconsciously. Gu Wuyang stood in front of Zhao Mang, his hand holding the hilt trembling.


Zhao Mang looked up at the sky and took a deep breath.

"Is this the celestial being?!"

In the sky, the clouds that originally looked like towering mountains seemed to be pulled by an invisible hand.

The rolling clouds and mountains were pulled into rivers of stars, flowing straight to the human world. When the Master got angry, the sky and the earth changed color.

"Is this the Nine Heavens Clouds descending?!"

"Too majestic!"

Zhao Mang's eyes were as big as copper bells.

Qingyi, who was standing on the bridge in the last second, suddenly appeared at the entrance of the town in the next second.

In the left eye socket, the grim double pupil was like an unparalleled sword that had once annihilated all living things.

The moment they looked at each other,

Zhao Mang's soul was about to burst.

With a puff, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"I can't remember how many years it has been since I last got angry."

The voice of the man in green was chilling,"Even if all the gods descended today, they can't save your life, Zhao Mang!"

After that, the man in green slowly raised his arm.

Ye Zhaoqiu frowned slightly and whispered,"Your Highness~"


Zhao Mang coughed twice violently, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a smile,"Don't move your trump card, our helpers are here!"

Just as Qing Yi was about to kill

"Mr. Qi, wait a minute!"

Qingyi looked up.

At the end of the long street, he saw the oldest and most prestigious old man in the town, leading a large group of residents towards the town entrance.

"Mr. Qi, the Seventh Prince cannot be killed!" the old man said in a deep voice


Qing Yi said coldly

"Mr. Qi, have you ever thought about the consequences of the seventh prince's death in our town?"

"Emperor Wen and Jing will not let the small town go. When the army rushes through, who can survive?"

"Yes, Mr. Qi is a living god, you can just pat your butt and walk away, but what about us mortals?"

The townspeople said one thing after another.

Qingyi has lived in Qingping Town for decades, and his appearance has not aged at all.

Anyone who is not a fool knows that the man in green is a living god.

Of course, this is not important.

The most important thing is that Qingyi is a good god.

For decades, he has never had a quarrel with anyone in the town.

Master Qi of Jingchun School is a good person, which is well known to the townspeople.

"The Seventh Prince cannot be killed?!"

Qing Yi’s eyes were cold as she said,"Then Ji Yuan from Wuyi Lane and Ah Dai from Jianyu Lane, are we going to let them die in vain?!""

"Mr. Qi, you are confused. Ji Yuan from Wuyi Lane was killed by his first wife Xiao Ran. And A'dai from Jianyu Lane, your student, was killed by his mother who cut off his head with a saw. What does this have to do with the Seventh Prince?"

"That's right, Mr. Qi, you are the teacher of our town's school. As a teacher, you dare not blame others for your mistakes."

"Mr. Qi, how should I put it about the death of Ji Yuan and Ah Dai? It's all fate."

"Mr. Qi, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but didn't the Seventh Prince just ask you for someone's information? You just gave it to him."

"Alas, Mr. Qi, if you trace the root of the matter, the deaths of Ji Yuan and Ah Dai were all caused by you."

At the entrance of the town.

Qingyi closed his eyes in pain.

He knew very well that the faces of the residents of the town were so ugly just to survive.

His head was sawed off alive by his closest person and then put into a jade box as a gift.

Zhao Mang's method was really insidious and cruel.

After all, no one wanted to be the next gift to Qingyi.

If you want to kill Zhao Mang, you must step on the corpses of the people in the town.

Qingyi couldn't do it.

Slowly opening his eyes,

Qingyi looked at the smiling Seventh Prince of Weidu under the old locust tree.

He had never been so aggrieved.

A ball of fire in his heart burned him so hard that he wanted to look up to the sky and howl.

"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped!"

Qing Yi took a step forward.


The townspeople immediately displayed all kinds of weapons, including swords, spears, halberds, axes, hooks and forks.

People stood in front of Zhao Mang, pointing their weapons at the blue-clothed man.

"Mr. Qi, please go back, you need to calm down!"

The townspeople are very afraid of Zhao Mang.

Because Zhao Mang is the seventh prince of Wei.

The townspeople are not afraid of Qing Yi at all.

Even if Qing Yi is a living immortal who can burn the sky and boil the sea.

Why are they not afraid?

It's very simple.

Qing Yi is a good person.


With a deafening laugh, Qingyi turned and walked towards the corridor bridge.

He was defeated.

Under the old locust tree.

Zhao Mang smiled brightly

"Heavenly being? Nothing special!"


The sun was setting in the west.

At the foot of Mount Buzhou,

Zhu Jiuyin sat cross-legged in a cave, puffing out clouds and mist while listening to the eloquent words of Little Tornado.

"Master, this is what I saw and heard in the town today."

Little Tornado stood upright like a person, with his two slender front legs like arms on his waist, and said angrily:"That damn Seventh Prince is too disgusting, too arrogant, and really makes people very upset!"

Zhu Jiuyin picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"Although Qi Qingji was defeated, I admire him for what he experienced and what he did."

"He deserves the title of Sir and Master."

Little Tornado asked curiously,"Master, if you were Mr. Qi, what would you do?"

Zhu Jiu said calmly,"If I were Qi Qingji, the Seventh Prince would probably kill all the people in the town."

"And in front of me, there may be a whole town of heads."

Little Tornado asked again:"What if it is the scene of the confrontation at the town entrance?"

Zhu Jiuyin said expressionlessly:"I will kill all the people present, leaving no one alive."

"If I'm still not happy, I don't mind razing the town to the ground"

"My life purpose is six words"

"Free and happy."

Little Tornado said innocently:"But Master, I can feel that you are not happy, let alone free."

Zhu Jiuyin smiled indifferently,"Okay, stop asking questions."

"You go down the mountain immediately and find Mr. Qi"

"Please ask him to tell the people from Wei City where I live in seclusion."

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the blood-red clouds in the sky and whispered,"This mountain will become their graveyard."

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