Night falls.

The moon is bright.

The velvet black curtain is embroidered with stars.

In front of the sacred tree forest in the town, by the Taiping River.

In the main hall of the fenced courtyard, Qi Qingji sat cross-legged, with the jade box containing the head of Ah Dai in front of him.

For hundreds of years, Qingyi has traveled around the world and visited every corner of the Xiangang Continent.

As a land immortal, he has witnessed the displacement of mountains and rivers, the drying up of rivers, and the collapse of dynasties.

He has witnessed too many mortals grow old, get sick, and die, emperors turn into yellow earth, and beauties turn into skeletons.

Qi Qingji thought that his heart of Taoism had been tempered to be tough enough, and he would remain unmoved no matter how strong the wind was.

However, on this day, he, a land immortal who burned the sky and boiled the sea, and ate the wind and drank the dew, was toyed with like a monkey by a so-called seventh prince of Weidu.

This day will be unforgettable for Qingyi for the rest of his life, as if it were a nightmare.

It is like a beggar in the mud, shitting and pissing on the emperor's head.

The emperor, who has the power of life and death, is helpless.


"It's really fucking pathetic~"

Qi Qingji bit���Gnashing teeth, the terrifying murderous intent gushing out of his double pupils almost drowned the world.

On this day, a demon had formed in Yu Daoxin.

If he couldn't get rid of the grievances in his heart, hundreds of years of cultivation would be like a deflated ball, rushing down.

Qingyi suddenly raised his head and looked outside the house where mercury was pouring down the ground.

After a while, a white-haired mouse that looked like a kitten sneaked into the fenced yard.

In front of Qingyi, the white-haired mouse came to the front of the hall.

The mouse's body suddenly stood up like a human.

The mouse's eyes were red.

He spoke in human language,"Mr. Qi, my master asked me to see you."

Qi Qingji pressed the suddenly standing big yellow dog back to the ground, and his double pupils narrowed slightly.

"Master? Nanzhu?"

The white-haired rat nodded humanely.


The second floor of Yuelai Inn in the small town.

Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, Liu Feng, and Gu Wuyang are enjoying dinner at a table.

""Ting ting ting~"

A guard suddenly came upstairs, holding a letter tightly in his hand.

""Seventh Prince, Mr. Qi sent someone to give you a letter."

The guards handed the letter to Zhao Mang respectfully.

Zhao Mang put down his chopsticks, took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth.

Then he took it and opened the envelope.

A piece of rice paper, with a few words

"Secondary School"

"Master, please tell me what you want to do."

The waiter who was waiting at the stairs hurried forward.

Zhao Mang burned the envelope and the letter paper, and asked,"Where is Buzhou Mountain?"

The waiter replied respectfully,"Master, go south after leaving the town. After about half an hour, you can see a very majestic mountain."

"After walking for about an hour, we will reach the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

Liu Feng asked curiously,"Seventh Prince, are the master and disciple hiding in this mountain?"

Zhao Mang nodded.

"Have a good rest tonight, and find a small town person to take us to this mountain tomorrow."

"Liufeng, just in case, you stay at the inn tomorrow"

"If we haven't returned after dark, we are most likely dead."

"Then you will return to Weidu as soon as possible and report to your father."

Liu Feng was stunned and said,"Your Highness, did you imagine the mysterious master of the young man surnamed Chen to be too powerful?"

"No matter how terrifying that person is, can he be compared to Qi Qingji, a god?"

Zhao Mang left his seat, opened the window, and looked out at the mountains standing quietly in the distance.

"You may not believe it."

"Ever since night fell, I have always felt uneasy, as if the sky is about to collapse."

"I've never felt this way before. It's terrible."


The next day.

It was a sunny day with clear skies.

At the entrance of the town, twenty-nine guards took out twenty-nine fine bows from Zhao Mang's luxurious carriage.

The bow is called the Wanshi bow, and the materials used to make it are hard to find. In the huge Wei Kingdom, there are only seven thousand bows.

It is impossible to pull this bow without the strength to kill a lion or a tiger with bare hands.

With a sharp arrow forged from fine steel, it can easily penetrate gold and split stone.

The waiter of Yuelai Inn served as a guide, bringing Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, Gu Wuyang, and twenty-nine guards holding Wanshi bows, long swords hanging from their waists, and quivers on their backs.

Under the gaze of many residents of the town, the group headed towards Mount Buzhou in a mighty procession.


Half an hour later,

Zhao Mang looked up into the distance.

At the end of the distant sky, there stood a huge and majestic mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, it was shrouded in clouds and mist, as if it was rising into the outer space.

"It's so big, so tall, and so magnificent!"

Zhao Mang couldn't help but exclaimed

""Your Highness, the weather has changed~"

The white-clothed girl Ye Zhaoqiu frowned slightly.

After being reminded, Zhao Mang and others were shocked.

Before entering the mountain, the weather was sunny and the sky was clear.

It was only half an hour, and the sky was already full of thick leaden clouds.

An hour later.

The outline of the towering mountain became clearer and clearer, like a crawling wild beast.

The crowns of the towering ancient trees blocked the sky, and the leaves overlapped each other densely, rendering the environment of the deep mountains and old forests dark and gloomy.

The dozens of people walking in the forest were silent, and there was silence all around, not even a bird's crisp chirping could be heard.


The mountain wind blew, bringing a bone-chilling chill.

"Wait a minute!"

The girl in white, Ye Zhaoqiu, suddenly spoke

"What happened?"

Zhao Mang turned his head and asked.

The girl said sternly:"Where did the waiter go?!"

Zhao Mang turned his head and looked at the front of the team.

The twenty-nine guards also looked around vigilantly.

The waiter was gone!

In full view of everyone!

The mountain wind was bone-chilling, and the old forest was gloomy.

Zhao Mang could not control himself and retreated to Ye Zhaoqiu's side.

He clung to the white-clothed girl's soft and boneless body.

Feeling the soft temperature under the thin clothes, the heart of the seventh prince of Weidu calmed down a little.

"Here it comes!"

Ye Zhaoqiu's bare hands suddenly covered the ancient sword box behind him.

""Arm your battle array!"

With a deep shout, the twenty-nine guards quickly formed a square formation, surrounding Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, and Gu Wuyang in the middle.


First, a blazing lightning fell from the clouds, piercing through the sky and earth.

Then there was a deafening thunder, rumbling across the sky.


It was as if a hole had been broken in the sky.

Large pieces of sea water fell down.

The violent storm blurred everyone's vision in an instant. The big raindrops poured on everyone, quickly taking away the heat in their bodies.

His eyes were eroded by the rain, and they were so sore that Zhao Mang subconsciously raised his arm and wiped his face with his palm.



Ye Zhaoqiu's reminder and the screams of the guards suddenly exploded in his ears.

Zhao Mang shuddered fiercely.

He watched the guard being dragged by a terrible and strange force and pulled into the depths of the rain curtain.

Soon, a series of crunching chewing sounds penetrated the rain curtain and entered everyone's ears.

Is this... cannibalism?!

Such a seemingly absurd thought arose in everyone's mind.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and everyone was soaked like a drowned chicken.

The chewing sound was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, sometimes far and sometimes near.

In front, behind.

On the left, on the right.


Zhao Mang's throat moved and his scalp was numb.

Even though he was closely protected by many guards, the seventh prince of Wei Du still did not have even the slightest sense of security.

"Left front!!"

Ye Zhaoqiu's cry was instantly crushed by the rain.

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