There was a violent storm with lightning and thunder.

Everyone looked in the same direction.

In the depths of the rain, two blood-red lights suddenly lit up, like two shining lanterns in the long night.

The chilling evil aura rushed like a tidal wave and hit Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, and everyone.

Is this an eye?

This is definitely not a human eye!

Everyone had a tight string in their mind.

Everyone stared at the pair of golden candle-like eyes, letting the rain blur their vision, and they dared not raise their hands to wipe them.

"Give me the bow!"

When the atmosphere was about to suffocate, Gu Wuyang strode out of the square formation.

He stretched out his big hand and took the Wanshi bow handed by a guard.

He pressed the Thousand Killing Arrow forged with fine steel on the bowstring.

The strong young man exerted force suddenly.

The bow was like a full moon.

The next second. With a hum, the bowstring trembled.

Amid the screams of ghosts and wolves, the Thousand Killing Arrows, wrapped in the power of wind and thunder, pierced through drop after drop of rain.

In the air, one crystal clear rain flower after another was blooming.

The sharp arrow was like a silver streak and hit the depths of the rain curtain fiercely.

With a clang.

Everyone heard the crisp crack of the Thousand Killing Arrow breaking.

They saw the splattering blazing sparks.


Lightning tore through the thick and heavy clouds, and the sky and the earth suddenly became as bright as day.

Instantly, the pupils of everyone's eyes suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip. With a muffled bang, the

Wanshi Bow fell to the ground.

Gu Wuyang's scalp numbed, and his feet subconsciously stepped back.

Deep in the rain.

A huge monster seemed to be the god who dominated this mountain, with red vertical pupils burning with flames, looking coldly at everyone.

The dense red-gold scales were like armor forged by the gods with heavenly fire. The thick and knotty body was full of indescribable extreme violent beauty.


Zhao Mang's throat moved, and he swallowed hard, as if swallowing a mouthful of boiling magma.

When he looked into the pair of eerie red vertical pupils, it was as if a mountain was pressing down on his spine. The seventh prince of Weidu trembled with his legs, and had a strong urge to kneel on the ground and kowtow devoutly.

Suddenly, the terrifying vertical pupils that were overflowing with gold went out.

Then there was the sound of layers of dense scales opening and closing.

The sound of metal friction came from the depths of the rain curtain, in front, around, and in every direction that everyone could feel.


A miserable scream.

The square formation was immediately missing a corner.

A guard was pulled into the depths of the old forest by a terrifying force.

The screams stopped abruptly.

Then, there was the familiar crunching sound of chewing.

He was eating!

Zhao Mang, Ye Zhaoqiu, Gu Wuyang, and 27 other guards were tightly squeezed into a mountain of flesh.

There was almost no gap between people and bodies.

It seemed that this could alleviate the surging fear in their hearts.

They became a small boat on the misty ocean.

The behemoth was the raging waves.

Time and time again, it wanted to smash the small boat into the bottomless abyss.

"Your Highness, retreat, we shouldn't have trespassed into this mountain!"

Gu Wuyang's face turned pale


Zhao Mang gritted his teeth,"Do you think this beast will let us leave the mountain alive?"

Gu Wuyang was stunned

"Damn it, I haven't even seen the young assassin named Chen and his master."

Zhao Mang gently patted Ye Zhaoqiu's shoulder.

"Use your trump card and kill this beast~"


The girl in white nodded and quickly took off the ancient sword box on her back.

There were several yellow paper talismans pasted on the gap between the lid and the body of the bronze sword box.

The rain was so violent, but the talismans were miraculously not stained by water.

Ye Zhaoqiu stretched out his bare hands and peeled off the talismans one by one.


Another guard was dragged away.

The fear that everyone had suppressed so hard suddenly erupted like a volcano.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~

One after another, the ten thousand stone bows were pulled into full moons by the guards.

One after another, the thousand killing arrows shot into the depths of the rain curtain.

The sound of the wind suddenly became sobbing.

Like crying, but also like laughing.

Weeping that everyone is about to bury this mountain.

Laughing at everyone for being so small, like dust.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger.

One after another, the guards were dragged into the depths of the rainstorm by the terrifying force and disappeared.

The chewing sound of bones being bitten, the swallowing sound of flesh and blood sliding into the throat, like an invisible and invisible big hand, strangling the throat of the living, suffocating them.


The voice of the girl in white was like a heavenly sound floating from the sky.

A total of nine talismans were taken off intact.

With a click,

Ye Zhaoqiu opened the box cover.

Inside the bronze ancient sword box, half of a broken war spear lay.

The ancient war spear was as black as ink, with dense cracks all over it.

It seemed that it would fall apart if touched lightly.

"Is this the imperial master's trump card?"

Gu Wuyang stared at the shaky ancient war spear and muttered to himself.

"The Black Death Spear has two characteristics."

Zhao Mang's eyes were bright and he said,"First, once this spear is thrown, it will definitely hit the target."

Gu Wuyang asked curiously,"What about the second one?"

Zhao Mang took the ancient war spear from the girl in white, stared at the back of a guard in front of him, and said in a cold voice,"Second, one life for another!"

With a puff, blood splattered.

The ancient war spear pierced into the body of the guard as easily as piercing tender tofu.

In an instant, the essence of the guard's blood and qi rushed into the ancient war spear like a sea embracing hundreds of rivers.

Except for the girl in white, Ye Zhaoqiu, everyone stared with wide eyes.

Because since the ancient war spear, a gurgling sound of drinking could be heard.

This spear is like a living thing! There was a muffled sound of bang.

In just a few seconds, the guard who was stabbed in the back by Zhao Mang was sucked alive by the ancient war spear. It became a dried human flesh.

The skinny corpse like a zombie fell heavily on the wet and thick rotten leaves.

At this moment.

The ancient spear in Zhao Mang's hand, which was originally pitch black, turned scarlet as blood.

As if it had been soaked in blood for thousands of years.

It exuded a murderous aura that penetrated the bones.

Zhao Mang slowly closed his eyes and outlined the appearance of the behemoth in his mind.

Ye Zhaoqiu, Gu Wuyang, and the only remaining thirteen guards, while guarding closely, prayed silently in their hearts.

This If one spear cannot kill or seriously injure the behemoth, they will never have a second chance.

The metallic sound of scales rubbing against each other came from all directions.

Even if everyone opened their eyes, they could not see where"He" was.


The outline was completed.

Zhao Mang opened his eyes suddenly.

His right arm, which was tightly holding the Black Death Spear, was raised high.

The next second.

The whole body drove the right arm.

The blood-red ancient war spear was thrown out fiercely.

It was as if an eternal blood light cut through the long night.

Everyone saw billions of dazzling sparks splashing in the depths of the rain curtain.

The burning eyes were extremely painful.

Then, there were large pieces of red-gold blood splashing.

Finally, there was the rumbling sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

The whole mountain seemed to be shaking slightly.

The heavy rain suddenly turned into a drizzle.

People had to suspect that the actual operator of this inexplicable rain was not God, but the behemoth.

After a brief silence.

Zhao Mang's eyes flickered and said,"Wuyang, take a few people to have a look."

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