The rain stopped.

The mountains were covered with fog.

The old forest was completely silent.

Gu Wuyang held a fine steel sword in his hand and led the five guards forward cautiously.

Soon, the six saw the red-gold blood splattered on the grass, trees, and rocks.

It was like burning blood, emitting waves of terrifying breath of life.

"How many years has this beast lived?!"

Gu Wuyang pinched his knuckles until they turned white.

He continued to move forward.

After a dozen feet, the six people stopped.

Their eyes were all as bright as copper bells.

Not far away, the giant python was lying in the forest. Its huge head was pierced by the black death spear, and red blood was gushing out.


Gu Wuyang breathed a sigh of relief as his pounding heart slowly calmed down.

As he approached, the young man looked up at the lifeless head of the giant python. He subconsciously stretched out his hand and stroked the dense, layered, tightly fitting red-gold scales.

"This mountain can actually give birth to such a monster!"

The long knife slashed across, the scales clanged, and sparks of fire burst out.

"The essence of this beast's flesh and blood is like a surging river, better than the elixirs made by the national master."

"Whether it is made into armor or melted into weapons, the red scales are extremely rare divine materials."

"There is also bone marrow. If you swallow it, it is very likely to prolong your life."

"And bones……"

The sound of talking to himself suddenly stopped.

Gu Wuyang suddenly turned into a stone statue, motionless.

""Master Gu, what's wrong?"

A guard behind him asked softly, his expression full of doubt.


Gu Wuyang's upper and lower teeth trembled lightly.

The young man's eyes were filled with scarlet blood, almost bursting. The giant python, which had been pierced through the head by the black death spear, suddenly opened its eyes.

Gu Wuyang's face was close to the lantern-like eyes of the giant python.

The blood-red, vertical pupils exuded a sinister evil nature.

It was like burning gold, bright and sticky, and it was about to flow out of the eye sockets.

A voice suddenly sounded in Gu Wuyang's heart.

The voice was hoarse, roaring at him to run away, run away.

However, the young man's feet The python was like taking root, unable to move an inch.

Without any warning, the giant python suddenly opened its bloody mouth and swallowed Gu Wuyang into its mouth.

The first thing he felt was the overwhelming and pungent smell of blood.

Then, what caught Gu Wuyang's eyes were hundreds of sharp teeth.

It was as if the giant python's mouth was inlaid with hundreds of narrow knives with cold light.

The python's mouth gradually exerted force.

Gu Wuyang could clearly feel the giant python's upper and lower rows of teeth slowly and easily piercing his fragile body. The tips of the teeth pierced into the skull, the brain , the chest, and the heart.

"My life is over~"

The moment the thought came to mind, with a bang, the young man exploded in the python's mouth.


The fog was getting thicker and thicker, and you couldn't see anything more than two meters away.

The girl in white, Ye Zhaoqiu, ran away from the others.

Behind them, in the deep fog far away, the desperate and painful screams of people before death could be heard from time to time.

"The Black Death Spear, which had sucked the essence of several celestial beings dry, could not be killed?!"

Ye Zhaoqiu's face was as pale as snow. The spotless white clothes she wore before entering the mountain were now covered with mud. The wet clothes stuck to her skin, outlining the graceful curves of the girl's body.

"I’m afraid even if the master comes, he won’t be able to subdue that beast!"

"Gu Wuyang is right, humans should not trespass into this mountain"

"Perhaps Qi Qingji was unwilling to tell the assassin Chen and his master where they were hiding out of kindness."

"Zhao Mang, wish yourself the best."

"I, Ye Zhaoqiu, must walk out of this mountain alive."

The girl in white made up her mind that if she could return to Weidu in one piece, she would definitely go through the life and death gate.

If you are not a god, you are all ants.

The master is right.

Suddenly, a warm breath sprayed on her back.

The girl in white shuddered suddenly. She took a deep breath and slowly turned around.

The two lacquer pupils in her long eyes trembled slightly.

The huge and ferocious python head almost filled her eyes. The evil red vertical pupils looked down from above.

There was no bloodthirsty cruelty of the beast, nor the contempt and ridicule of the strong bullying the weak.

There was only the purest cold-bloodedness.

The bone-chilling mountain wind blew past.

The clouds and mist were pushed aside.

The huge python head with its head down.

The girl in white looked up.

It was like a beautiful ink painting.

"Python...Python fairy!"

"My teacher Luo Xinghe, the Wei Kingdom's national defense method……"

The voice of the girl in white suddenly disappeared.

Large pieces of warm blood splattered on the ancient trees and rotten leaves.

This time, the red python chewed slowly.

Because compared to those guards, the girl was really delicious.

After all, the martial arts inner cultivation was at the second level of the mountain-moving realm.


"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

"I shouldn't have gone into the mountains."

"No, no, I shouldn't have agreed to this."

"Zhao Jin, Zhao Jin, you really hurt your brother!"

Zhao Mang, the seventh prince of Wei, used his hands and feet to crawl, and his brocade clothes were covered with mud. He took two steps at a time.

Zhao Mang, who was not afraid of being beaten, rushed out of the old forest. What came into view was a gurgling stream.

By the stream, stood a slender figure.

The elegant green dress

"Qi Qingji!"

Zhao Mang braked urgently.

Qingyi did not look at Zhao Mang.

His dark pupils stared at the back of the seventh prince of Weidu.

Zhao Mang turned his head carefully.

With a hiss, he took a deep breath.

Reflected in his horrified eyes was a terrifying python head as big as a hill.

In Zhao Mang's horrified eyes, the red python spoke human words.

"This mountain doesn't welcome outsiders, and neither do you."

Qing Yi smiled slightly,"Raising clouds and rain, your magic is unpredictable."

"Only this time."

The conversation between a man and a python made Zhao Mang's scalp numb.

Raising clouds and rain?

The previous violent storm was indeed the work of this red python!

Damn it, is this a python or a dragon?!

"Nanzhu, even if you kill this batch, the old emperor will send out the second, third, and fourth batches, and they will never be killed."

The red python said indifferently:"No matter how many insects there are, they are still insects. I am happy to waste my time to get pleasure from crushing insects."

"What I lack the most is time.

Qing Yi smiled and said,"But one day, you will not be tired of it."

"Nanzhu, this guy has caused me to have a demon in my heart. I need to go to Weidu and get rid of the pent-up anger in my chest."

"I will offer a sword to Emperor Wen Jing"

"After this sword strike, no one in Wei dared to set foot in the Taihang Mountains anymore."

"You and I can both have a peaceful life."

The man in green pointed at Zhao Mang,"This kid's life belongs to you, and I want his body."

The red python said lightly,"Yes."

Hearing the man and the python divide him in a few words,

Zhao Mang knew that he was doomed.

The fear in his heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

With a clang, the seventh prince of Weidu drew his sword for the last time.

The tip of the sword pointed directly at the head of the red python.

""Chang Chong, and those with the surname Qi, remember, my name is Zhao Mang!"

After saying that, Zhao

Mang rushed forward to the red python.

In the sound of breaking through the air, the red python gently swung its tail.

With a bang, the long sword shattered.

Zhao Mang was like a cannonball, flying dozens of feet away, and then hit the rock heavily with a bang.

All the bones in his body were broken completely.

Like a pool of meat paste, he slowly slid to the ground


There was a heavy rain in the mountains.

However, the town was sunny and the sky was clear.

Qingyi came to the bun shop carrying dozens of kilograms of meat.

"Hey, Mr. Qi, what kind of meat is this?"

The shopkeeper of the bun shop asked with a smile.


I got up early and had nothing to do, so I went hunting in the mountains. I was lucky enough to shoot a wild boar.

"There is too much meat. I can't finish it by myself."

"Make more buns and send two trays to every household. This is the processing fee."

Qingyi threw a few taels of silver to the shopkeeper.

Looking at Qi Qingji's back as he walked away, the shopkeeper felt very upset.

"Repaying evil with kindness, sir, is a man of high character~"

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