"Master, the wine is here~"

Little Tornado stood up like a man, holding a jar of wine and quickly rushed from the foot of Buzhou Mountain to the front of the cave. Zhu Jiuyin, who turned into a human form and sat cross-legged barefoot at the entrance of the cave, took the jar of wine, tore off the red cloth, raised his head and gulped down a few big mouthfuls.

The clear wine went into his throat, and the spicy taste rushed straight to his brain and nose, and his internal organs were burning.

Finally, he suppressed the strong smell of blood in his mouth.

"Good wine~"


Zhu Jiuyin burped comfortably.

He drank all the remaining wine in one breath, took out the brass pipe inserted in his waist, and began to puff out smoke.

"Little Cyclone"

"Master, please tell me what to do."

Zhu Jiuyin asked,"Is Mr. Qi from Jingchun Academy in the town, or has he already set off for Weidu?"

Little Tornado leaned over the wine jar and sniffed the aroma of the wine, while replying,"I didn't see him. I was busy stealing wine for the master.""

"Don't smell it. I'll leave some for you next time. Go to the cave and eat the fruit."

""Oh oh."

Taking a puff of dry tobacco, Zhu Jiuyin exhaled two columns of smoke, and his red eyes looked at the ancient war spear in front of him.

During the hunting operation two hours ago, Zhao Mang, the seventh prince of Wei, introduced this ancient war spear. Zhu Jiuyin, who was dozens of feet away at the time, heard it clearly.

Black Death Spear.

The trump card of Luo Xinghe, the great mage of Wei.

This spear has two major characteristics.

First, as long as it is thrown, it will hit the target.

Second, one life for another.

Zhao Mang threw this spear, a mere ant of the seventh level of martial arts, and it could penetrate Zhu Jiuyin's python head.

"If it weren't for the immortality of the Candle Dragon's true body, that spear would have sent me away."

After extinguishing his pipe, Zhu Jiuyin stood up.

His mind moved, and the system panel immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

【Host: Zhu Jiuyin

Lifespan: Immortal (immortal)

True form: Zhulong (young snake stage)

Cultivation level: 37.8 meters young snake (advanced to fierce dragon stage after 1000 meters)】

"Swallowed more than 30 martial artists of the seventh and eighth grades, one martial artist of the third grade Vajra realm, and one martial artist of the second grade Moving Mountains realm."

"The snake's length increased from 30.7 meters to 37.8 meters."

""It's a pity that he was suppressed by Buzhou Mountain forever and could not leave this mountain.

Otherwise, the Immortal Gang is so vast that martial artists of all sizes would be like stars in the sky.

They would all become Zhu Jiuyin's blood food.

"If I could swallow Qi Qingji……"

The effect is definitely great

【Master-disciple return system: in effect

Disciple name: Chen Mengfei

Talent: Born with a sword

Age: 15 years old

Cultivation : Martial Arts External Refining Level 6 (1.2/100)】

"It is now the sixth rank~"

When Ah Fei left, his cultivation was at the seventh rank (98/100), and now he has finally made a great progress.

Unknowingly, it has been almost three months since the bird was released from the cage.

"I don't know if the pig intestines have found Ah Fei.~"

【Remaining free time: 23 days and 6 hours (282 hours)】

"I wonder when I can save enough for a year's vacation~"

Zhu Jiuyin has been traveling through this world for twenty-six years. The farthest place he has been is Qingping Town, twenty or thirty miles away.

He also wants to go out and have fun.

But reality does not allow it.

"System, control two hours of free time"

【This time the control time: two hours

Countdown: 04:00:00

Please confirm the host】


【Countdown: 03:59:59



Zhu Jiuyin pulled up the Black Death Spear and walked out of the cave.

Soon he came to the stream at the foot of the mountain.

Not far away, dozens of sparrows pecked at the water with their beaks.

Zhu Jiuyin raised the Black Death Spear and aimed.

With a whoosh.

A black light flashed between heaven and earth.

Amid the sound of breaking through the air, the shaky ancient war spear pierced a sparrow with a puff.

When Zhu Jiuyin came closer, he pulled up the Black Death Spear.

The sparrow nailed to death by the spearhead had already become wrinkled jerky, and even its feathers had lost their luster.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly closed his red vertical pupils, and outlined one of the startled sparrows in his mind.

Soon, Zhu Jiuyin opened his eyes and looked into the depths of the forest hundreds of feet away.

His muscles tensed, and his arms suddenly exerted force.


Amid the screams of ghosts and wolves, the black death spear with a faint blood glow all over its body disappeared in an instant.

After an incense stick of time, in the deep mountains and old forests,

Zhu Jiuyin pulled out the black death spear that was deeply inserted into the trunk of the ancient tree.

The violent blood glow dissipated at some point.

The spear was pierced with a sparrow corpse.

"The power is terrifying, but it's a pity that there is no return."

"If you throw it too far, someone else might pick it up."


An hour later.

After many tests, Zhu Jiuyin finally had a deep understanding of the Black Death Spear.

First of all, the one-life-for-one-life feature has a great constraint.

For example, the life of a sparrow can only be exchanged for the life of a sparrow, magpie, yellow bird, lark, or other similar-sized lifeforms.

The life of a sparrow cannot be exchanged for the life of a mountain wolf, wild boar, tiger, or other large lifeforms.

A crucial point.

The same person uses the Black Death Spear, and the first time it is one life for one life.

The second time it becomes two lives for one life, the third time it becomes four lives for one life, and so on.

The sun is setting.

Deep in the mountains


With a bang, the ground shook.

Zhu Jiuyin used the Black Death Spear to stab a wild boar weighing more than 300 kilograms to death.

With the sound of swallowing, the pitch-black ancient war spear quickly turned scarlet as blood.

The dense cracks all over the spear opened and closed like a hungry human mouth.

Feeling the surging bloodthirsty murderous intent of the blood spear, Zhu Jiuyin gradually outlined the appearance of Qi Qingji in his mind.


The small town Yuelai Inn.

The delicate hands grabbed a big meat bun, dipped it in a little hot sauce and stuffed it into her mouth.

""This bun smells so good, what kind of meat is used?"

Liu Feng asked while chewing.

The waiter beside him smiled flatteringly and said,"This is a gift from the Huang Family Bun Shop in Jifeng Lane."

"I tasted one and found it delicious, so I brought it back to you."

"I heard from the shop owner that wild boar meat is used."

Liu Feng finished eating one and picked up another.

"No wonder."

He took out a few pieces of silver to send the waiter away, and Liu Feng quickly finished the two trays of buns.

He opened the window and saw the sky was ablaze.

Night was about to fall.

He looked towards the town entrance.

Liu Feng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"The Seventh Prince...will never come back?!"

"Who is the master of the young assassin named Chen?"

"Even the imperial master's trump card cannot be killed!"

The sun completely sank in the west.

Liu Feng rode away from the town.

"After losing two sons in a row, His Majesty will definitely send a national teacher~"

"When the young assassin surnamed Chen and his master died, it was also the day when I, Liu Feng, would die~"

As his thoughts were surging, Liu Feng suddenly caught a glimpse of a man in green standing on the bridge.


Liu Feng pulled the reins suddenly.

The warhorse neighed, raised its front hooves high, and then dropped heavily, trampling dust.

Looking at the Qingyi with a wooden sword hanging from her waist on the corridor bridge, and the big yellow dog with its tongue sticking out,

Liu Feng hurriedly dismounted and clasped his fists from a distance, saying,"Hello, Mr. Qi~"

Qingyi put her hands behind her back, walked down the corridor bridge, and came in front of Liu Feng.

The woman lowered her head lightly, not daring to look at Qingyi's double pupils.

""Look up."

Qing Yi's voice was as gentle as jade.

Liu Feng slowly raised his head.

What caught his eye was a finger.

It gently touched the woman's white forehead.

"Dahuang, the horse is here"

"The master will take you to experience the prosperity of the Wei capital."

Qingyi picked up the big yellow dog and carefully placed it on the horse's back.

Then he pulled the reins.

One man, one sword.

One horse, one dog.

Walking on the ancient road covered with salt.

Facing the refreshing evening breeze.

Going farther and farther.

Beside the covered bridge.

The woman in goose yellow clothes suddenly fell to the ground.

With a bang.

Her body fell to the ground like a porcelain bottle and shattered.

Under the bright moon.

Qingyi, who was humming softly, suddenly stopped.

She turned around abruptly and looked in the direction of Buzhou Mountain.

On the exposed skin, the hairs stood up like needles.

"What's with this horrible, intense feeling of having my head pierced through?!"


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