In early winter, everything was bleak. In a corner of the mountains.

In a cave under the cliff.

Some wild animal bones were scattered on the cold and rough ground.

On a pile of hay, a handsome boy with no clothes on his upper body was meditating with his eyes closed.

On his chest, there was a blood-red palm print.

The boy suddenly opened his eyes, his throat felt sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of hot blood with a puff.

"This fire poison is really hard to get rid of, like a tarsal ulcer~"

The young man was Ah Fei, who had been out of the cage for more than three months.

That night when he assassinated Zhao Jin, the ninth prince of Wei, Ah Fei was hit hard by Hui Xue, who was at the fourth level.

The fire poison contained in the burning palm invaded the body, and the internal organs were burning day and night, as if they were placed on a red-hot iron plate, sizzling and smoking.

Gently stroking the bright red palm print on his chest, Ah Fei fell into deep thought.

"If you leave the fire poison alone, your internal organs will be burned and melted in two to three months or half a year."

"The best way to get rid of the fire poison is to use the true qi to dissolve it."

In the martial arts, the external training is to strengthen the body, and the internal training is to nourish the qi.

Rank 9 to 4 martial artists are all external training. Rank

3 Vajra Realm, Rank 2 Mountain Moving Realm, Rank 1 Sea Overturning Realm are internal training.

Martial artists who practice external training have no true qi in their bodies.

"Now my cultivation is at the sixth level, which is a long way from the third level of Vajra.

"《In the book"Falling Flower Sword Technique", there is a whole chapter of top-notch internal training techniques, which can only be tried at risk."

The difference between external training and internal training is the word"true qi".

External training warriors only have brute force, while internal training warriors are full of true qi. Not only are they not afraid of extreme heat and cold, but they can also gather qi into blades and cut iron like mud.

Moving mountains and seas is not just a realm name.

The reason why you must cultivate to the fourth level before you can start internal training is because the process of drawing qi into the body is extremely dangerous.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if you are at the peak of the fifth level, if you dare to draw qi into the body in advance, at the least your meridians will be broken, and you will become a disabled person, or at the worst your body will be torn into pieces and you will die.

"Over the years, I have eaten so many of Master's red fragrant fruits."

"I am a sixth-grade warrior, and my body and tendons are as tough as a fourth-grade warrior."

While whispering, Ah Fei slowly closed his eyes.

"Without him, there is no me; without me, there is nothing to take. This is also close, but I don’t know why it is so."

"If there is a true master, but it is hard to see. You can practice your own faith, but you can't see its form, there is emotion but no form."

A Fei silently chanted, while calmly sensing the eternal Qi between heaven and earth.

As expected of a natural sword embryo, it took only half an incense stick of time for A Fei to sense the existence of Qi.

Inside the cave, outside the cave.

In the sky, underground.

Qi, everywhere.

According to Luoying's heart method, A Fei pinched the mysterious seal with both hands.

Carefully inhaled a wisp of Qi


After the hair-like air entered the body, it ran around like a silver needle.

It penetrated blood vessels, bones, and pieces of flesh.

Ah Fei took a breath of cold air, bit his lips tightly with his teeth, and sweat broke out on his forehead due to the pain.

He kept his mind focused and eliminated all distracting thoughts. Ah Fei's mind quickly calmed down, and he used his mind to forcefully control the air that seemed to be a wild horse running away, and pulled it towards his chest little by little.

Finally, a wisp of air sank into the bright palm print.

In an instant, it was like a drop of water falling into a boiling oil pan.

With a bang, an invisible flame instantly engulfed Ah Fei.


A few dozen feet outside the cave, there was a turbulent river.

At this moment, by the river, a fat white-haired rat, bigger than a puppy, wearing a tiger-head hat, stood upright like a human, holding a river fish and swallowing it voraciously.

""Ah~" A shrill scream suddenly came.

Zhu Dachang was startled and quickly turned his head to look behind him.

He saw the young man with disheveled hair, like a mad cheetah, whooshing straight into the river.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace.


The pig intestines held half a fish, and the black and shiny rat eyes showed human astonishment.

"This is... suicide?!"

"Finally I can go back and report!"


The sky is clear and the sun is still warm at noon in early winter.

Outside Xizhuang Village, by the Baima River, there are women washing clothes and children playing.

"I have been practicing the skill of skipping stones for two and a half years. Huzi, what can you do to compete with me?"

A boy of eight or nine years old picked up a stone, turned slightly sideways, and threw it hard.

With a bang, water splashed everywhere.

For some reason, a scarlet ripple appeared in the river.

"Tiezhu, that seems to be... a person!"

"Oh my god, I killed someone!"

A Fei had a very long dream.

In the dream, he was a bird. He kept flying and flying.

He was too tired, so he wanted to land on the treetop to rest for a while.

Unfortunately, he failed.

He couldn't grab the treetop and fell straight down.

Then he realized that he had no feet.

The terrifying feeling of falling made A Fei sit up suddenly.


Amidst the heavy panting, Ah Fei wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He looked alert and immediately looked around.

The windows were clean and the furnishings were simple.

The bedding and pillows were filled with the faint fragrance of a girl's home.

A woman's wing room.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Ah Fei lowered his head and tore open the collar of the strange clothes.

The handprint on his chest, which was originally as bright as blood, was gradually becoming lighter in color.

In another ten days or half a month, the fire poison will be completely eliminated.

A big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

His head was slightly dazed and numb, and Ah Fei subconsciously touched the back of his head.

"Hiss, it hurts~"

He pulled off the white cloth.

There were spots of blood on it.

"Who smashed my head?!"

Striving to stay weak, Ah Fei got out of bed, put on his straw sandals, and walked out of the wing room. The sun was setting in the west.

A small village came into view.

The land was flat and the houses were neat.

The roads were connected and the chickens and dogs could be heard.

Smoke rose from the chimneys of every household.

Ah Fei was a little dazed for a moment.

""Little brother, you are finally awake."

The soft sound of Wu dialect echoed in his ears.

Ah Fei came back to his senses and looked at a certain place.

At the door of the kitchen, stood a graceful girl. The girl, about fourteen or fifteen years old, had picturesque eyebrows and a pair of bright and charming peach blossom eyes on her small face.

She smiled, and her eyes were shimmering.

Under the clothes that were washed white, her slender body exuded a youthful breath.

He turned a blind eye to the girl's slightly shy smile.

Ah Fei asked softly:"Where is my sword?"

"The sword is in the box. Drink this bowl of ginger soup first."

The girl came closer and handed the steaming ginger soup to Ah Fei.

""Thank you."

I don't know how long I stayed in the river, but I did catch a cold.

After thanking him, Ah Fei took the white porcelain bowl but didn't drink it.

The clever girl brought another bowl from the kitchen.

"Man, there are too many. It's about to overflow."

"Last night, it was frost-falling, and my sister got a bit cold. Please, brother, pour me some."

A bowl of ginger soup, half a bowl for the girl.

After the girl finished drinking, Ah Fei gulped it down.

Although he was a lifesaver, the master had taught us strictly that we should be on guard against others.

"Girl, my sword~"

"Come with me, little brother."

Inside the room, the girl opened a mahogany box.

Instantly, a pleasant smell of soap powder hit her face.

In the box, red and green clothes were neatly folded, and on top was an ordinary iron sword.

"Hu Zi wanted to force me to play, but I beat him and made him cry.

The girl handed the iron sword to Ah Fei.

"Brother, you have come all the way from the upper reaches of the Baima River.���Even if I die, I still hold the sword tightly"

"It's very important to you~" the girl asked curiously.

Ah Fei nodded,"This is the sword my master gave me."

""Master~" the girl murmured.

Hanging the iron sword on his waist, Ah Fei bowed to the girl and said,"Thank you for saving my life, young lady.""

"May I know your name?"

The girl said with red lips and white teeth:"My name is Lanxiang, Lan of orchid, Xiang of vanilla."

Ah Fei said solemnly:"My name is Ah Fei, Fei of flying bird.""

"Miss Lan, my master and mother taught me that a drop of kindness should be repaid with a spring."

"I owe you my life"

"Miss Lan,"

Ah Fei said solemnly,"If there is anything you need me to do, just tell me."

The girl chuckled and said,"Are you so impatient to repay me?"

Ah Fei nodded,"Except for my master, I don't want to owe anyone."

After thinking for a while, the girl's black and curly eyelashes trembled and said,"In this case, little brother, you can be my husband~"

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