In the next few days, Ah Fei stayed at Lan's house temporarily.

Through communication with the girl, Ah Fei learned that the village was called Xizhuang, only four or five miles away from Lingshi County.

There are three people in the Lan family.

Lan's father and mother are already in their sixties, and Lanxiang is a daughter born in old age.

Lan's father had a serious illness in his early years, and he could barely manage farm work on weekdays. Lan's mother and Lanxiang took on some needlework for some wealthy families in Lingshi County. Although the family was not well-off, they had no problem with basic food and clothing.

The weather was getting colder and colder.

Early in the morning.

In the west wing of the Lan family, Ah Fei got up early.

Putting on the cotton-padded jacket and trousers that Lanxiang brought last night, and then putting on a coarse linen shirt on the outside, Ah Fei opened the door and came to the yard.

The sun was rising, and it was a good day.

Exhaling a breath of white air, Ah Fei picked up the shoulder pole, carried two buckets and walked out of the yard.

Ah Fei's thoughts were surging as he walked on the fields.

"How can I not repay the life-saving grace?~"

"But how should I report it?"

I can't really be the son-in-law of the Lan family, can I?

Although Lan Xiang is very beautiful, she is in her prime and about to bloom. Her hair is black and shiny, cascading down her back like a waterfall.

Her eyes are as soft and delicate as peach petals.

"Master said that a true swordsman can be crazy about swords and drink like his life, but he cannot be bound by women."

"The wind makes the sword light, but the feelings make it heavy."

"Besides, my dream is the surging waves of the East China Sea, the glaciers stretching for thousands of miles in the north, and the stars falling from the sky on Zhaoyao Mountain, not two people in one house, three acres of fertile land, working from sunrise to sunset."

The home of a flying bird is the sky, not a cage.

Unconsciously, the destination has arrived.

Ah Fei looked up.

There were two people beside the well at the end of the village.

A woman about 27 or 28 years old, and a child of eight or nine years old.

The woman faced the child, grabbed the reins, and lifted the bucket in the well.

The child squatted on the stone pier, his big black eyes staring at a certain part of the woman.

Ah Fei followed the boy's gaze.

Under the woman's loose clothes, two things were like ripe peaches, hanging heavy on the branches.

Coming up quietly, Ah Fei suddenly slapped the boy on the shoulder.


The boy jumped three feet high


The woman snorted coldly at Ah Fei, carrying two buckets of water on the pole, twisting her hips, and walked away quickly.

"Brother Fei, you came at the wrong time!" the boy complained.

Ah Fei smiled faintly,"My master said that lust is a knife that scrapes bones. Tiger, you are still young and can't control yourself. Climbing walls and windows all day, be careful not to leak your essence."

"Besides, this is not home, please be polite."

Ah Fei pointed to a slightly raised spot.

The boy looked down and quickly lifted his hips and tightened his abdomen.

Then he pressed his thumb against his middle finger and flicked it hard at his crotch.

He cursed in a low voice:"You spineless thing!"

Looking up at the iron sword hanging from Ah Fei's waist, the boy called Hu Zi felt itchy and said,"Brother Fei, it's not that I'm horny, but I'm getting old."

"Most of the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boys and girls in the village have already married and made love with each other."

The water fetcher Ah Fei said without turning his head:"You are only nine years old, it's too early."

Hu Zi rolled his eyes and said:"Brother Fei, I promise you that from now on I will never steal widows' windows at night again."

"A young man can be taught"

"Brother Fei, let me play with the sword."

"Widow Qiao has a really plump figure. Let me climb the wall with you tonight."

"Brother Fei! My good brother, please let me play for a while."


Filled all three water jars of the Lan family.

After breakfast, Ah Fei carried the ox horn bow and quiver of Lan's father, and took Hu Zi, the young and the young, and ran straight to the deep mountains and old forests outside the village.

It is difficult to repay the life-saving grace.

Ah Fei would feel guilty if he troubled the Lan family again with a temporary shelter and two meals a day.

The sun was setting.

Ah Fei walked in front, carrying a wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms.

Hu Zi, who was sturdy and strong, was covered with rabbits and pheasants.

Since it was very close to Lingshi County, there was a family in Xizhuang Village who specialized in collecting wild animals.

Night fell.

Ah Fei and Hu Zi walked out of the Zhang family, a wealthy family in the village.

The wild boar, five rabbits, and three pheasants were sold for a total of one string of money plus four hundred and ninety-one copper coins.

Rabbits and pheasants are cheap, and 95% of them are sold from the whole wild boar.

Ah Fei took one string of one thousand coins and handed the remaining nearly five hundred coins to Hu Zi.

He took over the heavy purse.

Hu Zi reached out and took out a few coins and stuffed them into his crotch, tied the rope tightly, and threw the purse back to Ah Fei.

"What's the matter? Too little?"

""What the hell!"

Hu Zi pouted,"You killed all the wild animals, I just ran errands and took one third, it's too outrageous"

"When I was a kid, I wanted to eat candied haws, so I stole the neighbor's grandfather's purse."

"Damn, I only realized when I grew up that a candied haws only cost one copper coin."

"That damn vendor in Lingshi County cheated me out of more than a hundred copper coins with just three candied haws."

"Without the coffin money, the neighbor's grandfather died in a few days"

"The body was wrapped in a straw mat. The funeral was so shabby."

"Damn it~"

The boy gritted his teeth and said,"Later, I was almost beaten to death by that bastard vendor, but I finally got my thirty-nine copper coins back."

"Knowing that my grandfather loves to drink, I bought all the wine for him."

"Not a drop left, all poured on the grave"

"Later, I went to a private school for half a year. The teacher taught me thousands of words, but I only remembered eight."

"The teacher was so angry that he scolded me, saying that a rotten tree cannot be carved and a wall of dung cannot be defiled, and I was beaten with a stick every day."

Looking at the boy's red eyes, Ah Fei whispered,"Which eight words did you remember?"

The boy sniffed hard,"A gentleman loves money, but he gets it in a proper way.""


The night was dark.

After having dinner in the main room of the Lan family, Ah Fei returned to the west wing early.

Holding the iron sword, he sat on the bench and thought.

"Now I am fifteen years old and have been in Xizhuang Village for five years. I can earn four taels a year by hunting, which means twenty taels in five years."

"My life should be worth this much.~"

"When I turn 20, I will go home and have my master perform a ceremony for me."

"Then we set off again, the first stop is Donghai, the second stop is Zhaoyao Mountain, and the last stop is to see the Northland Glacier"

"Alas, how can I owe such a big favor~"

The young man sighed.


The door was pushed open and Lanxiang walked in holding a pair of boots.

"Brother Fei, these are the boots I made for you. Try them and see if they fit you."

Knowing that the girl would be sad for several nights after being rejected, Ah Fei reluctantly accepted them and prepared to find an excuse tomorrow to give her some copper coins.

"Miss Lan, I am only a few years older than you, so you should just call me Ah Fei from now on."

"By the way, I'm moving to Xiaohu's house tomorrow. There's a vacant room there. I'm sorry to bother you these days."

Lanxiang sat on a chair, her delicate hands supporting her cheeks, her peach blossom eyes staring at Ah Fei without blinking.


"No, just call me brother."

"Brother, do you owe me a life?"

A Feizheng nodded.

The girl said with sparkling eyes:"Then you promise me three things, and after you do them, we will owe each other nothing."

"Please tell me."

The girl said cunningly,"First, you must live in my house."

Ah Fei hesitated for a while and said,"Okay, but I have to pay the rent and the cost of two meals a day."

"Fei...Brother, are you so unwilling to owe favors to others? I can't do that either?"

Fei said softly:"Yu Jiapo~"

"What about the remaining two things?"

The girl stared at Ah Fei's handsome face, and didn't know what she was thinking of. Her face suddenly turned red, as if she was drunk.

In those slightly blurred peach blossom eyes, the glittering spring water seemed to be flowing out.

For some reason, Ah Fei's heart suddenly trembled in his chest.

A woman's blushing face is the most beautiful scenery in the world. Master is not deceiving me.

"Brother, I will tell you the other two things after I think about them."

"Good night, see you tomorrow."

The girl stood up and left.

Before leaving, she playfully winked at Ah Fei with her right eye.


The door was closed and gently tightened.

The tip of my nose was filled with the faint body fragrance of the girl, which smelled very good.

Ah Fei held the iron sword tightly.

He murmured,"Master, your disciple has fallen.~"


On the seventeenth day of drifting to Xizhuang Village, the fire poison in the body was finally eradicated.

On this day, in the forest,

Ah Fei stared at the mountain rabbit more than ten feet away with his dark eyes. Just as he was about to draw his bow, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps and Xiaohu's panicked shouts from outside the forest.

"Brother Fei, Brother Fei, something terrible has happened."

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