"Brother Fei, the old man of the Lan family fell seriously ill a few years ago. He vomited blood all day long and had difficulty swallowing food."

"In order to survive, Grandma Lan borrowed a lamb interest"

"Sister Lanxiang said that the interest on the lamb totaled five taels of silver and had been paid off last year."

"But those bastards still come to the Lan family to smash and destroy things every now and then."

"Today, the leader called Bai Liu came with several burly men and blocked the gate of the Lan family."

"This time the scene is bigger than ever before. I think Bai Liu and his gang of scoundrels will either pay with money or blood."

"Brother Fei, the group of people surnamed Bai are arrogant and lawless. They really dare to kill people. You should leave now."

"Brother Fei, let's go, why are you going back?!"

In the forest, Hu Zi held Ah Fei's arm tightly and pulled the boy in the opposite direction of Xizhuang Village.

"Brother Fei, although you are six years older than me, we can pee in the same pot, and I don't want anything to happen to you."

Although Hu Zi is small in stature, he is very strong, and he pulled Ah Fei staggering.

""Hu Zi!"

Ah Fei frowned, and Hu Zi was so scared that he dared not to use any more force.

Looking at Hu Zi's red eyes and his aggrieved look with his mouth flat, Ah Fei gently rubbed the boy's head.

"Huzi, there were so many people on the Baima River that day, but only Miss Lan jumped into the freezing cold river, gritted her teeth, and tried her best to drag me ashore."

"Master, mother, and sister Cui Er taught me more than once that as a person, you must be grateful and repay kindness."

"A drop of water should be repaid with a spring. As long as one is a human being, he can easily utter these nine words with a little mouth opening and closing."

"But very few can actually do it."

"Knowing that my savior was in danger, how could I turn a blind eye and run away?"


Ah Fei gently wiped away the boy's tears and said softly,"We are men. Men, when they know the news,~"

"But... but Brother Fei, Bai Liu is really cruel. I once saw him bite through the throat of a debtor."

"He is like a bloodthirsty wolf. I don't want anything to happen to you!"

Hu Zi choked up.

"Don't worry, Huzi."

Ah Fei whispered,"Master not only taught me to repay a drop of kindness with a spring of gratitude, but also taught me to be indecisive when faced with a problem."

"I am not a stubborn person who won't turn back until I hit the wall or shed tears until I see the coffin."


Xichuang Village.

Under the eaves of the Lan family's courtyard, there is a small table.

On the table are a plate of pickles, a bowl of steaming brown sugar water, and a small basket of freshly baked steamed buns.

Several big men blocked the door of the Lan family's courtyard.

Lan's father, who is in his sixties, squatted at the door of the kitchen, smoking an old dry pipe, his wrinkles filled with sorrow.

Lan's mother accompanied Lan's father, at a loss.

As for Lan Xiang, because she has not yet married and become a wife, it is not convenient for her to show her face, so she stayed in the east wing.

Sitting on the small stool, there is a young man in his twenties.

The young man is dressed in tight clothes, with a narrow knife hanging from his waist, and his very thin and long eyes reveal a cold chill.

There is a scar from top to bottom on the left cheek, with dense sutures. From a distance, the young man's face looks like a hideous centipede crawling.

At this moment, the young man holds chopsticks in his left hand and a steamed bun in his right hand.

He bit the pickles and they made a crisp sound.

He ate six or seven steamed breads in one go, along with the pickles, and drank a large bowl of brown sugar water in big gulps.

The young man wiped his mouth and burped comfortably.

"When I was young, there was a famine in my hometown. Let alone steamed bread, sometimes there was no clean water to drink for two or three days."

The young man took out the jade-mouthed dry pipe inserted in his waist, lit it and took a deep puff.

While puffing out clouds of smoke, the young man said with a dazed look in his eyes:"One day, my mother found a large piece of foxtail grass on the dry riverbed."

"Pick grass seeds and cook them into porridge"

"I finished three bowls in one go"

"The next day, the grass seeds were extremely difficult to digest and formed a hard mass in my stomach, causing me excruciating pain."

"I found a branch and poked it at my anus"

"Even though I was careful enough, I was still injured and my anus was bleeding."

"After two or three days, my anus was rotting, and coupled with the nagging hunger and severe malnutrition, I collapsed in my mother's arms."

"Later, the old lady cut her flesh to feed her son."

"She died, I lived"

"Since then, I have never eaten any meat or wasted any food."

"When eating, I would pick up and eat even the grains of rice that fell on the ground."

"I would also break off a piece of steamed bun and wipe it clean if there was any leftover soup on the plate."

"To get to the bottom of things, if you want to survive in this turbid world, three acres of good farmland is enough"

"However, there is a world of difference between survival and life."

"If you want to survive, you have to eat food. If you want to live, you have to eat people."

"If you want to live a good life, wearing silk and satin every day and eating delicious food every day, you have to associate with the nobles."

At this point, the young man gently patted the narrow knife at his waist under the puzzled eyes of Lan's father and mother.

"We are the lower class, at best we can just brandish guns and sticks to scare the poor fellow lower class people."

"Even if they ate humans, let alone for one lifetime, even for ten lifetimes, what they would chew in their mouths would only be the rough dead meat of the lower class ghosts that would get stuck in their teeth."

"If we want to leap from survival to life, as the lower class, there is only one way, that is to become the dog of the upper class."

"Day after day, year after year, whenever he sees his owner, he sticks out his tongue and wags his tail"

"One day, he will make his master happy. Even if he reveals a little from his fingers, it will be enough for us, the lower class, to live comfortably for more than ten years."

After saying that, the young man raised his lips slightly, revealing a bright smile, and looked at Lan's father and mother.

"You two, the county magistrate wants to marry Miss Lanxiang as his 27th concubine."

"Such a great fortune, even if your Lan family's ancestral tombs emit billowing green smoke for a thousand or ten thousand years, you can never hope to obtain it."

The young man persuaded:"As long as you agree, the twenty taels of interest on the lamb interest will be written off."

"In addition, the county magistrate will build the most luxurious courtyard in Xizhuang Village for you two."

"He would also grant the two a hundred acres of fertile land and dozens of carefully trained maids and servants."

"Fine clothes, delicacies from land and sea, white silver ingots, golden gold bars"

"All these beautiful things that were once out of reach are now within reach."

"Are you two really not tempted?"

Lan's father and mother fell silent.

Not tempted?

How is it possible?

As long as one is human, there will be greed.

However, the two old people knew that Lingshi County Magistrate Chen Chong was not a human.

Any concubine taken into Chen's house by the county magistrate would die in three or four months at the shortest, or one or two years at the longest.

There is only one reason, that is, the county magistrate is tired of playing with her.

The final outcome of each concubine is nothing more than two. One is to be sent to the county magistrate's own brothel and be entertained by a man all day long.

After all, she is the woman that the county magistrate likes, and her appearance is the best among thousands of miles. For Lingshi County, The masters and sons of these wealthy families have a strong appeal.

Who wouldn't be excited to play with the county magistrate's woman?

Secondly, those who are unwilling to enter the brothel to earn money for the county magistrate will be rewarded to the county government's constables.

How can a sheep survive among jackals?

They will definitely not escape the fate of being tortured to death.

The most important point is that Lanxiang is the daughter of Lan's father and mother in their old age.

No father or mother would be so cruel as to push their precious daughter into the kang.

Lan's father put down his pipe.

His turbid eyes looked at the young man named Bai Liu.

He shook his head slowly and firmly.


The young man grinned.

The centipede on his face seemed to come alive.

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