The sunshine at 3 p.m. was warm on his body. In Cao Gang's eyes, the boy who was thinking seriously seemed to be surrounded by a faint golden circle, peaceful and beautiful.

"Brother Cao," the young man looked up at the man and said calmly,"Master always told me not to be a good person, because good people don't live long."

"Don't be a bad person, because there is a god above your head"

"Brother Cao, I have never been to a private school. I only learned a few hundred words from Mr. Qi in this small town, so I don’t know how to say nice things.

After saying this, the young man took out about five or six taels of silver from his sleeves and gently placed it on the stone table.

"Yesterday, I hunted a white fox with Hu Zi."

"I sold the fox skin to the Zhang family, a wealthy family in Xizhuang Village, and got a lot of silver.

The young man stood up and said softly,"Thank you, Brother Cao, thank you for thinking so highly of me. It feels so good to be cherished by others.""

"Besides, Dongpo pork is really delicious.

The young man bowed respectfully to the man.

"Brother Cao, the mountains remain green and the waters flow forever, please take care."

Cao Gang stared at the thin figure of the young man walking away, and his eyes were red.


Half an hour later, in Xizhuang Village.

Bai Liu, with a narrow knife hanging from his waist, squatted on the threshold of the Lan family's courtyard, puffing out clouds of mist.

In the distance, a young man in straw sandals walked on the ancient road covered with broken gold.

""You don't want to get on the boat?"

Bai Liu put out his pipe and slowly stood up.

He put the pipe on his waist and turned to the direction of the Lan family's main house and shouted:

"Lord Cao did not send the boy back to the village"

"For the last meal, you and your daughter will prepare a sumptuous meal for the boy."

"As for Old Lady Lan, I will personally send her home tomorrow morning."

Bai Liu took off the purse from his waist, threw it at the door of the main house, and then gently jumped off the threshold and walked away.

A young man and a boy were both walking slowly on the village roads.

When they passed by each other, they nodded slightly at the same time.


After returning to the Lan family's courtyard, Ah Fei first boiled a pot of hot water, then took a broom and swept the yard clean inside and out, leaving no leaves behind.

Lan's father squatted under the eaves, puffing on his pipe, his wrinkles like old tree bark filled with dirt.

""Uncle, why don't you see Aunt and Lanxiang?"

Ah Fei asked.

Lan's father said in a hoarse voice:"Your aunt has gone to visit relatives in Changliu Village. As for Xiang'er, she is not feeling well and is taking a rest in the east wing."


The young man filled a basin with hot water, found a piece of cloth, and wiped the west wing room where he had lived for more than half a month carefully, leaving it spotless.

""Young man, are you leaving?"

A voice suddenly sounded behind him. It was Lanxiang.

Ah Fei, who was sitting on a bench washing a small stool, said without turning his head:"I have been away from my hometown for a long time. I want to go back to see my master."

"when are we leaving?"


"So urgent?"


"Brother, have you ever...ever liked me? Even a little bit!"

Ah Fei's body froze, his back to the girl, motionless.

After a long while, the boy put down the towel and turned around.

At the door of the west wing, Lanxiang was wearing a red dress.

As bright as blood.

Ah Fei was slightly stunned, not daring to look directly at the girl, with his eyelids drooping, he whispered:"It is better to forget each other in the world than to support each other in times of adversity."

The girl burst into tears instantly.

But she forced a smile and said:"Brother, do you remember? You still owe me two things~"

Ah Fei nodded,"Maybe next year, maybe the year after next, I will come back and repay the girl's favor."

The girl shook her head,"It doesn't take that long, right now"

"First of all, I want to cook the last meal for you."

A Fei whispered,"Whatever Miss Lan cooks, I will eat it all."

The girl smiled and said,"Second thing, brother, give me a hug."

A Fei finally looked up at Lan Xiang.

The girl's face was as pale as snow, with tears streaming down her face.

But there was a hint of a happy smile on her lips.

A Fei stood up from the small bench, walked in front of the girl, and slowly opened his arms.

The next second.

The warm and soft jade was full of arms.

‘Master, when I was twenty, or thirty, or forty, or fifty……’

‘When I recall this moment, this situation, I think I will regret it. '

The young man murmured in his heart


In the main hall of the Chen family mansion in Crouching Tiger Lane, Lingshi County , the county magistrate Chen Chong was enjoying a copper hot pot.

At his feet were the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, and twenty-sixth concubines.

As for Cao Gang, he knelt on the ground with his forehead pressed tightly against the cold floor.

"The young man disagreed?"

Chen Chong picked up a piece of bright red mutton and gently put it into the boiling water.

"Yes, sir.

Cao Gang replied

"Do you know why?"

Chen Chong was puzzled and said,"In the past few decades, no one has ever refused to serve me."

"My Lord, I don't know either.

Cao Gang's throat moved.

"After killing him, chop off the boy’s head and bring it back."

Chen Chong said indifferently:"I want to see, after his death, whether his disgusting pride will be as solid as a rock and last forever, or will be vulnerable and disappear into thin air."

""Yes, sir."

With a snap, Chen Chong threw the cooked mutton slices onto the ground.

The three naked concubines immediately rushed to grab the food like hungry dogs.


At the hour of You, the sun was setting in the west.

Xizhuang Village.

Ah Fei came to Huzi's house.

Pushing open the rickety courtyard door, the young man saw four weathered and dilapidated tile houses.

The main house, the east and west wing rooms, the kitchen, and the toilet.

Huzi and his elderly grandfather depend on each other for survival.

His mother died of dystocia when she gave birth to a boy.

A few years ago, his grandfather fell seriously ill and coughed up blood all day long.

In order to treat the disease, the boy's father sold the only few acres of dry land in the family to the county gentry.

Grandpa's illness was cured, but the family's food became a problem.

In desperation, the boy's father chose to join the army and go to the border to participate in the national war.

The first battle was the last battle.

The man was trampled into a pool of blood and flesh by the torrent of enemy cavalry.

The five taels of pension issued by the court were exploited by many officials, and when it reached the hands of the grandfather and grandson, there were only more than 200 copper coins left.

Fortunately, there are abundant medicinal herbs in the deep mountains and old forests outside Xizhuang Village, otherwise the boy would have starved to death and would not have grown to the age of nine.

""Hu Zi~"

Ah Fei called out.

The tightly closed door of the west wing was suddenly pushed open, and the chubby boy said in surprise:"Brother Fei, why are you here?"

Ah Fei smiled and said:"What are you doing hiding in the room?"

The boy said shyly:"Where is the painted sword?""

"let me see"

"don't want"

"Just one glance"



The sun was setting, and the earth was bathed in the afterglow.

In the distant sky, large pieces of flaming clouds floated, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Ah Fei and Hu Zi sat side by side on the threshold of the courtyard.

The young man looked confused and whispered,"What kind of sunset is this beautiful?""


"What's up, Brother Fei?"

"I want to go home."

Hu Zi was surprised and asked,"Brother Fei, you are leaving? When? Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

Ah Fei replied,"After eating the last meal that Miss Lan made for me, and when the bright moon is high, I will leave."

Hu Zi's mouth flattened,"You clearly said that you would take me to the blacksmith shop, communicate with the masters in person, and forge the sword in my heart for me."

"Damn it, the blueprint was drawn in vain, you are a bastard who broke your promise."

Ah Fei smiled awkwardly,"I'm sorry, Hu Zi, I have to leave tonight, the sooner the better"

"You should give the ten taels of silver that the white fox got to your grandfather for safekeeping. Maybe next year, or maybe the year after, I will definitely come back."

"I'll take you to the blacksmith shop then, okay?"

Bang bang~

Hu Zi clenched his fists and hit his chest twice.

"You bastard, I feel so uncomfortable here, what do you want to do?"

Ah Fei smiled,"While there is still time, how about I make you a wooden sword?"

Hu Zi sniffed hard,"It has to be exactly the same as yours.~"

"no problem~"


Half an hour later, night fell.

Ah Fei walked towards Lan's house.

He looked up at the night sky.

The moon was very bright and round tonight.

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