The moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

In Crouching Tiger Lane, Lingshi County, in the back garden of the Chen family mansion.

The whole garden is filled with the wanton laughter of the county magistrate Chen Chong.

"Hahaha, good, very good, Luanxiang, please crawl faster, Yanyue and Emei, whoever finishes ten circles first, I will let her be a human for a day tomorrow."

Chen Chong was wearing a crane cloak to keep out the cold, and his hands were gently holding the blue and white porcelain teacup that was steaming.

The twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, and twenty-sixth concubines were naked, crawling on all fours like hounds along the wall of the huge back garden, one circle after another.

Their knees were rubbed and bleeding, and the bones were almost visible. On the cobblestone ground, three scarlet marks were shocking.


Qilong Lane, Lingshi County, the master bedroom of the Cao family mansion.

Cao Gang, wearing armor, took down the sword hanging on the wall and hung it on his waist.

On the embroidered bed, the child was already fast asleep.

Beside him, a woman held a cloak in her hands.

In the candlelight, the woman's tender eyes were full of sorrow.

"My husband, with Bai Liu and the county government's many constables, why do you have to suffer the cold wave?"

Cao Gang took the cloak and whispered,"I have traveled all over the country in my life, but I have never met such a talented, gentle and tenacious boy."

"In time, a sun will shine brightly and brilliantly, illuminating the mountains and rivers. The young sun fell because of me."

"The ending has already been determined and cannot be changed. All I can do is to send the boy on his last journey.

Cao Gang gently held the woman's soft hand and said softly,"Go to bed. Don't wait for me. I won't be back until very late.""

"Be careful"



When Ah Fei returned to the Lan family's courtyard, he saw Lan Xiang standing under the eaves, looking forward to seeing him.

The boy thought of his mother and sister Cui Er.

"You are back."

Lanxiang's face was filled with a warm smile.


The boy nodded gently.

"Wash your hands before eating. The food is getting cold."


Ah Fei walked towards the kitchen, and Lan Xiang turned and went into the main room.

The young man suddenly stopped and frowned.

He felt something was wrong.


The last dinner was indeed sumptuous.

The square table was filled with dozens of dishes that Lanxiang had prepared with great care.

Wine, vegetarian dishes, meat dishes, soup, everything from flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the river.

Lanxiang picked up the green glazed short-mouthed pot and poured two full glasses of wine, handing one of the glasses to the young man.

"My dear brother, after this separation, I don't know when we will meet again."

"Let's drink this cup together."

Lan Xiang said with red lips and white teeth.


Ah Fei took the wine cup, clinked glasses with the girl, and they both drank it.

""Miss Lan, where is your uncle?"

Putting down the wine cup, Ah Fei asked in confusion.

"Daddy has eaten and is visiting relatives."

The girl, who was not good at drinking, only drank one glass, and her face immediately turned slightly red."I made this meal for you alone, and Daddy knows it very well."

""Brother, eat quickly, it's getting cold~"

Grabbing a big white steamed bun, Ah Fei picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing it with big mouthfuls.

The girl smiled and said,"Is it delicious, brother?"

Ah Fei nodded with bulging cheeks,"It's delicious."

Outside the house.

Silently, the gate of the courtyard was suddenly pushed open a crack.

The first to come in was Bai Liu with a narrow knife hanging from his waist, followed by a dozen county constables in green.

Inside the house. The hand of the young man who was about to pick up the food suddenly froze in mid-air.

He slowly turned his head.

Reflected in the young man's sparkling eyes were a series of murderous burly bodies and expressionless cold faces.

His face suddenly changed.

With a puff, the young man suddenly spit out a large mouthful of black blood.

Like ink, it splashed on the dishes on the table.

Feeling the severe pain of his internal organs being torn apart, the young man widened his eyes and looked at Lanxiang.

Across the square table, the girl's pretty face was as cold as a piece of ice.

On the ice, countless crystal clear and hot pearls rolled down.

The boy's pupils shrank slightly.

Finally, he knew what was wrong.

It turned out to be the girl's clothes.

The snow-white plain clothes were like mourning clothes.


Another mouthful of black blood fell fiercely between the dishes, splashing all over the girl's face.

The boy supported himself on the table with both hands and stood up with difficulty.

He smiled faintly at the girl.

"The grace of saving a life is higher than the sky and deeper than the earth"

"Miss Lan, from now on, we owe each other nothing."

With a trembling hand, the young man picked up the iron sword leaning against the wooden table and staggered out of the house.

In the yard,

Bai Liu waved his hand.

A dozen constables made way for the young man.

In the house, the girl in white clothes gently closed her eyes.

The expression on her face was extremely strange.

Half of her face was smiling.

Half of her face was crying.


The moonlight, as bright as frost and snow, enveloped everything in the world.

The village was quiet.

The crisscrossing paths seemed to be paved with salt.

The young man, holding the iron sword in one hand and covering his mouth with the other, staggered out of the village.

Behind him, Bai Liu and a dozen constables followed closely, like a thorn in the flesh.

"Where is he going?" a constable asked in confusion.

"I don't know."

Bai Liu shook his head.

"Could it be that he wanted to go home? Did he want to see his family one last time before he died?"

"Maybe, but his home is not here."

"No one knows where he came from. His internal organs seemed to be slowly rotting, and the boy was suffering from inhuman torture.


A mouthful of blood rushed up his throat.

Even if he covered his mouth, it was useless.

The sticky black blood oozed out from between his fingers and dripped onto the fine salt on the ground.

The snow-white and black were shocking.

The boy kept walking and walking until he walked out of Xizhuang Village and came to the Baima River.

He could no longer walk.

Just like the bird without feet, it could no longer fly.

The boy forced himself to support his shaky body and came to a bluestone as tall as a person.

Holding the bluestone, facing the Baima River, he slowly sat down.

"The boss said that this young man's martial arts cultivation is at least the sixth level, and his blood and qi are so powerful that he can resist for such a long time. That is the Broken Heart Powder, one of the ten great poisons in the world."

"I can feel that the vitality in the boy's body is fading quickly."

"What is he looking at? He keeps looking south.~"

"There is a full moon tonight!"

"He was not looking at the moon, nor at the Baima River. His hometown might be in the south."

"The pain in his internal organs melted away, but the boy remained silent from beginning to end, which was admirable.

Looking at the boy's slightly distorted face, Bai Liu took a few steps forward.

He pulled out the dry pipe from his waist, lit it, squatted down, and handed it to the boy's mouth.

""Smoke it, smoke it in big puffs, it can relieve some of the pain."

The young man opened his mouth with difficulty.

Bai Liu immediately put the jade mouth into his mouth.

He took a deep breath with all his strength. The young man choked and coughed up blood.

Blood began to slowly seep out of his ear holes, nostrils, and eye sockets.

The blood was as black as ink.

In his throat, there were waves of unclear, broken and hoarse sounds, like the mournful cry of a bird before its death.

He was in so much pain!

Bai Liu put down the pipe and took out a dagger as thin as a cicada's wing from his sleeve.

The tip of the dagger gently pressed against the young man's chest.

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt soon, go to sleep well~"

While whispering, Bai Liu suddenly exerted force with both hands holding the dagger handle.

The dagger, flashing with a bright cold light, pierced into the chest easily.

It pierced the boy's entire heart.

Warm black blood gushed out like a spring.


His vision became increasingly blurred, and the overwhelming wave of pain quickly disappeared.

The boy felt his body light.

His consciousness was fading away bit by bit.

The past flashed before his eyes in the form of pictures.

"Is this... my whole life?!"

"It's really wonderful"

"I'll come back in my next life"

"Being my mother's son and Cui'er's younger brother"

""Be a good disciple of the master~"

The scene froze.

The last thing the boy saw was when he was twelve years old.

At the foot of Mount Buzhou.

In front of the cave, on the edge of the cliff.

The boy leaned against his master.

Distant mountains, peach trees, and a gentle breeze.

The man and the python slept for the entire summer.

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