The system panel opened automatically, and Zhu Jiuyin saw

【Master-Disciple Return System: In effect.

Disciple's name: Chen Mengfei.

Talent: Born with a sword.

Age: 15 (deceased).

Cultivation: Martial Arts External Refining Level 6 (18/100).

Immediately, the system made a mechanical sound without any emotional fluctuations.

【Ding, it is detected that the host's disciple Chen Mengfei has died, and his cultivation is now returned to the host ten thousand times.】

【Ding, it is detected that the host's disciple Chen Mengfei has died. The master-disciple return system is temporarily closed. Please wait for the next destined person. 】


Two surging auras fell from the void and poured into the red python's body.

One was the cultivation returned ten thousand times.

The other was all the memories of Ah Fei's life.

""Master, what happened to you?!"

Looking at Zhu Jiuyin, whose python head was like a sculpture and motionless, Little Cyclone asked in confusion.

Suddenly, a gentle force wrapped around the mouse's body.

Little Cyclone floated out of the cave quickly as if riding the wind.

The gentle force disappeared only after floating hundreds of feet away.

Below was a bleak forest, and Little Cyclone fell quickly.

With quick eyes and hands, he stretched out his claws and held a branch tightly.

He lowered his head and looked at the height of more than 30 meters. Little Cyclone's red eyes were full of fear, and his body was trembling like a kitten.

"Master, save me, I’m afraid of heights!"


For the whole day, Little Tornado didn't dare to get down from the tree.

The ruby-like rat eyes looked into the cave under the towering mountains in the distance, exuding a human-like creepiness.

Wave after wave of terrifying auras, stronger and stronger than the last, rushed out of the deep cave like a surging river.

Little Tornado felt deeply that his master seemed to be evolving, becoming stronger and more terrifying than before.

In the blink of an eye, night fell.

There were no stars or moon on the velvet black curtain tonight.

The wind suddenly rose.

In the last second, it only slightly blew Little Tornado's snow-white hair, and in the next second it suddenly became violent, blowing sand and rocks between the sky and the earth.

"This is... dark clouds?!"

The tree's thick trunk swayed violently. Little Tornado held the branch tightly with his four claws and raised his head to look up at the night sky.

The rolling dark clouds, which were darker than the darkness, were like an inverted ocean. Even if a few mountains were thrown into it, it would not splash a single wave. The dark sea was so low that it seemed to swallow up the world, which made Little Tornado tremble with fear.


First there was a thunderous sound that shook the heavens and the earth, rolling from one side of the sky to the other.

Then, with a crackling sound, a bolt of lightning fell from the depths of Wuhai, and the sky and the earth suddenly became as bright as day.


Little Tornado saw with his own eyes a mountain being submerged by lightning.

In that area, rocks flew through the air, and countless arcs of lightning shot out like silver snakes.

"Dong Lei! What the hell is going on?"

Little Tornado trembled in fear.


Without any warning, a roar that shook the earth and sky came from the cave. It was high-pitched and powerful, like a dragon's roar.

The sound waves rippled towards the world, and the forests and mountains trembled wherever they passed.

The little whirlwind, who was looking at the entrance of the cave, suddenly opened his big eyes. A ferocious python head as big as a hill slowly squeezed out.

It was more than two or three times larger than before.

The eyes filled with brilliant golden blood were like two lanterns.

The densely packed, tightly fastened red scales were like a large flame burning in the dark night.

Each snake scale was as big as an adult's palm.


Even the small whirlwind hundreds of feet away could hear the sound of breaking through the air.

Inside the cave, an ancient vine burst into blazing brilliance, like a divine chain that had been tempered a thousand times, and hit the giant python's head fiercely.


Amid the melodious sound of metal, the place where the ancient vine and the python head collided, bursting out with billions of blazing sparks.

It was as if the sea of stars had been annihilated.


One by one, the ancient vines came to life, and one by one, the divine chains hit the red python.

The terrible power contained in each hit was enough to blow up a mountain.

Dazzling sparks lit up and went out, like a sea of stars, extremely bright and then quickly dimmed.

More ancient vines were wrapped around every part of the python's body, trying to pull the red python back to the cave.

With a clanging sound, the divine chains were stretched straight. Dozens of thinner ancient vines broke directly with the sound of crackling under the heavy load.

Thunder rumbled, wanting to roar to shatter the sun, moon and stars.

The lightning forest was violent, and silver dragons pierced through the sky and the earth.

"Let me out!!"

All the negative emotions of being suppressed for more than 20 years and the death of his disciple turned into anger at this moment, shaking the whole area.

All the ancient vines wrapped around the python's body broke.

The red python raised its huge head high.

It opened its bloody mouth and suddenly spit out a large mouthful of flames towards the sky above its head.

"" Boom~"

The overwhelming flames burned Wu Hai red.

The scene was magnificent.

Staring blankly at the red python that wanted to burn the sky.

Little Tornado was stunned and murmured:"Dragon Flame!"

"This is dragon flame!"


Suddenly, a faint Taoist bell rang through the sky and the earth.

In the eyes of Xiao Xuanfeng who couldn't believe it, the smooth cliff of Buzhou Mountain suddenly shone with golden light.

The six-character mantra deeply embedded in the rock layer of the cliff moved.

The word"Ling" in the six characters of Daode, Yuanshi, and Lingbao was shining with millions of rays of light.

Slowly, the word"Ling" broke away from the cliff and hung high in the air.

The next second.

With a rumble, the ancient characters fell like a scorching sun. The endless surging Taoist rhyme almost sank the earth.

Xiao Xuanfeng heard the sound of bones breaking.

He saw large pieces of red blood falling.

It was like a rain.


Small town.

In front of the sacred tree forest, beside the Taiping River.

The big yellow dog was frightened by the continuous thunder and hid in the doghouse with its tail between its legs.

With her hands in her sleeves, the tall and graceful Qingyi looked at Buzhou Mountain in the distance. Reflected in her three lacquered pupils were thick and twisted silver dragons, rolling���The surging Wuhai is a sky of flowing gold and blood

"Is Nanzhu evolving?"

Qingyi frowned slightly,"Is it successful or failed?"

"Why can't I sense His breath?!"

Qing Yi's body trembled suddenly, and he slowly turned his head to look at the sacred tree forest.

With the dazzling light of lightning, he could see the huge faces engraved on the trunks of the sacred trees. At this moment, blood was flowing from the eyes of the huge faces.

"God's Cry?!"

Qing Yi's three dark pupils shrank slightly.


Early in the morning.

One centimeter, one centimeter, and another centimeter.

Little Tornado moved down little by little.

It took a whole night, and he finally got down from the tree.

He couldn't wait to run to the cave.

Along the way, the mountains and rivers were broken, like a dragon turning over.

After an incense stick of time.

Little Tornado ran to the front of the cave.

Looking at the two peach trees that were charred all over and still emitting curls of black smoke, he said to himself:"I won't be able to eat peaches next year.~"

"Then we'll eat it the year after next."

A familiar voice came from behind.

Little Tornado turned around suddenly and looked up at Zhu Jiuyin's handsome face.

"Master, can you walk out of the cave?"

Little Tornado asked puzzledly:"Then what happened yesterday?……"

Zhu Jiuyin's face was as pale as snow, and he said,"There is only one day of free time in a year."

"It’s only been one day~"

Zhu Jiuyin squatted down and stretched out a palm towards Xiao Xuanfeng.

Xiao Xuanfeng immediately jumped into his palm.

"Master, where are we going?"

Putting Xiao Xuanfeng on his shoulder, Zhu Jiuyin came to the edge of the cliff and looked far to the north.

After a while, he retracted his gaze.

He lowered his head and looked at the lush green hairpin in his right hand.

"I know I can't get out of this cave, but I still want to try to stop it.~"

"The reason is that broken bones, torn skin and flesh can make the heart in the chest feel a little better."

"He is only fifteen years old.~"

"He just barely walked out of the Aquarius state~" He raised his palm and wiped it gently.

The fingertips sparkled.

Zhu Jiuyin never thought that he could also shed tears.

"Master, why are you crying~"

Little Tornado tilted his head and asked curiously

"Some people will never come back~"

Biting the jade hairpin in his mouth, Zhu Jiuyin stretched out his hands to tie his hair.

After the hair was tied, he put on the jade hairpin.

Zhu Jiuyin conjured up a white ribbon and gently tied it around the blood-red snake pupil.

"Going Down the Mountain"


"Take my disciple home~"

Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"I want this world to turn upside down~"


Ps: The old man in my neighbor's house passed away. I was busy with the gongs and drums and couldn't write at all.

Time is tight and the task is heavy. I will put my thanks in the next chapter.

Thank you for your support, and I bow to you.

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