The sky was lead grey, and everything looked bleak.

Behind a huge bluestone, dozens of pairs of wretched rat eyes silently stared at the boy in white clothes and barefoot walking away.

The naked rat king gnashed his teeth and said,"This damn little whirlwind is a traitor. He actually betrayed her handsome, fresh, elegant, and cunning king!"

A young man on the side asked curiously,"King, what did this stinky snake do last night? It could change the color of the sky and the earth!"

"Keep your voice down!"

The Rat King turned his head and scolded, lowering his voice and saying:"If I am not mistaken, this stinky snake should want to evolve into a dragon."

"King, what is a Jiao? Is it as delicious as those spiritual fruits?"

With a crisp sound

, the Rat King slapped the young man hard, and the young man spun around like a top.

"You only know how to eat all day long. If you dare to become the second pig intestine of our rat clan, I will cook you in a cauldron."

"Guys, I don't know where this stinky snake is going, time is running out for us"

"Rush into the cave, take away all the spiritual fruits without leaving any behind."

Rat King raised the sharp sword in his hand and said solemnly:"Now this stinky snake slanders the rat clan, bullies the rat clan, insults the rat clan, laughs at the rat clan, despises the rat clan, and despises the rat clan."

"Wait another ten years, and we will see how our rat tribe will eat the stinking snakes clean."

"The day the rat tribe was born was the day when all mankind faced disaster."


The Rat King gave an order, and dozens of white-haired rat spirits transformed into human forms, hundreds of rats, rushed towards the cave on the cliff.

Half an incense stick later, in front of the cave, the Rat King was dumbfounded, staring at the ancient vines that seemed like living creatures.

It was as if dozens of meters long snakes were absorbing large tracts of red blood that had seeped into the soil.


The Rat King swallowed hard and murmured,"I finally know where those spiritual fruits came from.~"

"Is this snake blood or dragon blood?"

"Could it be dragon blood?!"

Looking at the old vines deeply embedded in the ground and listening to the clear gurgling sounds, the Rat King was horrified,"My little ones, hurry up and save your life!"~"


A corner of the mountains and rivers.

With a roar, Zhu Jiuyin stabbed a wild boar to death with the Black Death Spear.

In just a few seconds, the ferocious wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms was squeezed alive by the ancient war spear into a piece of dried meat.

The Black Death Spear, which had drunk the essence of the blood and qi of several wild boars, was now bright red.

The cracks all over the rough spear opened and closed, like a person breathing.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the cave, Zhu Jiuyin slowly lowered his raised arms.

"What's wrong, Master?"

The little whirlwind lying on his shoulder asked

"It's okay."

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head and continued walking towards the town a dozen miles away.


It was freezing cold.

There were few pedestrians at the entrance of the town.

Under the bare old locust tree, the old man selling candied haws in Xijian Lane, wearing a tattered sheepskin coat, sat on the tree stump, squinting slightly. His face, like the yellow earth, was red from the cold. He covered his mouth with a pair of dry hands and exhaled hot air from time to time.

On the trunk of the locust tree next to him, there was a straw target for the old man to stick candied haws.

On it, there was only a string of bright red candied haws.

Amid the crisp laughter like silver bells, several children ran excitedly from one end of the long street.

"Grandpa Liu, why is there only one string left?"

The old man smiled kindly,"You little greedy cats, it's very cold, go home quickly, Grandpa will make more tomorrow."

"Grandpa Liu, we ran across most of the town to find you, give us this last bunch."

Several boys sniffed hard.

The old man shook his head,"Today, Grandpa will only make this one bunch."

"And it's for the dead to eat, not for the living."

""Be good, be obedient, go back, don't get frozen."

Several children came happily and left dejectedly.

About a cup of tea later, a boy in a snow-white dress came into the sight of Old Liutou. He looked about 17 or 18 years old, with white ribbons covering his eyes, and walked past the archway of the town, passing by Old Liutou.


Old Liutou sighed,"Even the kid named Qi has eaten the candied haws I made, but that child"

"This blessing cannot be given away."

The old man was about to stand up, but suddenly sat down again, with a meaningful arc at the corner of his mouth.

The footsteps came from far away.

A cold voice sounded in my ears.

""Grandpa, how much is a string of candied haws?"

The old man raised his eyes and grinned, revealing a mouthful of crooked yellow teeth.

He stretched out a finger and said,"One copper coin.""

"I want it~"


The old man stood up, took out a piece of oil paper from his sleeve, wrapped the first and last string of candied haws today, and handed it to the young man in white. The little whirlwind squatting on the young man's shoulder also grabbed a copper coin from the thick and soft white hair.

The old man and the young man.

One took the money and the other took the things.

Looking at the back of the young man in white going away, the old willow picked up the straw target and walked home while humming softly.

"Nine is the number of"

"A sweet life"

"My child, eat grandpa's candied haws and I guarantee you will have a sweet life for the rest of your life"


Blacksmith shop in Windy Lane, a small town

""Waste, a bunch of waste, they can't even take care of his mother's family!"

Han Ying, the owner of the blacksmith shop, who was short and stocky with a shiny bald head, was pointing at several big dogs and cursing.

The big dogs all hung their heads.

Several blacksmiths were silent and expressed their sympathy.

The blacksmith shop had been robbed repeatedly in the past ten years.

The thieves not only stole eighteen kinds of weapons such as swords, spears, axes, hooks and forks, but also hoes, axes, kitchen knives, sickles and other items.

Han Ying had no choice but to feed several big dogs. Unfortunately, the shop was robbed again and again last night and was almost looted.

Even the dragon-slaying sword forged by Han Ying himself was gone. It was really unlucky.


After taking a deep breath, Han Ying looked up in a certain direction.

He saw a sword hanging high in the air tied with red cloth on the beam of the blacksmith shop.

"Fortunately, you didn't lose it~"

Han Ying ordered:"Daniu, go and change the red cloth with red blood into white cloth."

The simple and honest young man was puzzled and asked:"Why?"

"Just change it if I ask you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"Shopkeeper, this red blood has been hanging for several years, why hasn't its owner come to take it?"

Han Ying said quietly:"Someone come right away.~"

"It's a pity that it's not its owner."


Wuyi Lane in a small town.

Zhu Jiuyin pushed open the gate with a creaking sound.

This was his third time to the Chen family courtyard.

Everything he saw was still so familiar.

Zhu Jiuyin pushed open the door to the main house.

His expression suddenly froze.

On the wooden bed, a gentle and quiet woman said with curved eyebrows:"Sir, the end of the year is approaching. The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is Ah Fei's birthday. Don't forget to tell him to cook sixteen eggs for you~"

In the blink of an eye, the woman disappeared without a trace.

On the wooden bed, the quilt was neatly folded, and the mattress had no wrinkles, but was covered with dust.

Zhu Jiuyin felt like he had walked into an old yellowed photo.

…… ps: I don't know where to start thanking you, there are too many Taoist friends who sent gifts.

In short, thank you all for your great support, I am under a lot of pressure. I can only polish it word by word.

The book is free, so there is no need to pay for gifts. Don't spend money, just watch a free advertisement and send a free gift.

Short reviews, book reviews, etc. are all needed. In addition, I will take the time to read everyone's comments one by one.

Please correct me if there are any mistakes.

I won't say more, I will change the outline of the Cangxue chapter.

No more swords!

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