
Zhu Jiuyin pushed open the door of the east wing.

The furnishings in the room were exactly the same as the second time he came, except for the dust and cobwebs.

Zhu Jiuyin came to the wooden bed and gently lifted up one of the legs.

He took the oil paper folded into a small square under the bed leg in his hand.

He unwrapped the oil paper, and inside was a piece of rice paper that was also folded neatly.

He carefully unwrapped the rice paper and saw the sword painted on it.

The name of the sword is Red Blood!

The system gave Ah Fei all the memories of his life, so Zhu Jiuyin could easily find it.

"On the day of the assassination of Zhao Jin, the ninth prince of Wei, the little one had been to the blacksmith shop in Jifeng Lane."

Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"My little one is just a little bit away from getting the sword that he has always dreamed of, which belongs only to him~"

Zhu Jiuyin stuffed the rice paper into his sleeves and walked out of the east wing.

When passing by the kitchen, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a small bench at the door.

It's a pity that the little one who stood on the bench to boil medicine for his mother will never come back. After tidying up his mood, Zhu Jiuyin left the courtyard.

After a cup of tea, he went to the blacksmith shop in Jifeng Lane in the small town.

The charcoal smoke choked his nose, and the sword blade was red. Even if It was freezing cold, but the masters were still working shirtless, with only shorts on their lower body.

Amid the rolling heat waves, the sound of clinking and clanging was endless.

Every time the hammer hit the sword blade, it could blow down a sea of stars.

On a square low table, there was a bronze mirror and a bowl of black sticky substance.

Han Ying, the owner of the blacksmith shop, who was 1.5 meters tall, was squatting in front of the low table, looking at his fleshy face in the bronze mirror.

After a while, the man suddenly grabbed a handful of sticky substance and smeared it directly on his shiny bald head.

""Shopkeeper, what's in the bowl? Is it cow dung again?"

A chef in the shop joked.

"Shopkeeper, hair will not grow back once it falls out, just accept your fate."

"Lao Cao is right. How much have you suffered for growing hair over the years?"

"Which normal person would smear cow dung on his head? He would even stand upside down and fracture his cervical vertebrae to promote the so-called blood circulation in his head~"

Han Ying turned his head and glared at the masters. He then sighed and said,"Why do I, such a handsome man, have to lose my hair? And you, a bunch of weird and ugly freaks, have hair all over your heads?"

"The heaven is unfair~"

Several masters were silent for a long time

""Boss, when did you go blind?"

Han Ying was about to curse, but his expression suddenly changed.

"Daniel, the people have arrived, go and take the red blood off"



No one knew when the boy arrived, except Han Ying.

When the masters felt they were being watched, they looked up.

They saw white clothes fluttering and ribbons dancing outside the blacksmith shop.

Han Ying, with his back to the white clothes, covered his head with the last handful of sticky stuff, then grabbed the long sword on the low table and stood up.

"I want to forge a sword, where is your shopkeeper?"

Zhu Jiuyin asked

"I am it."

Han Ying turned around and handed the sword in his hand horizontally.

Zhu Jiuyin frowned slightly,"What do you mean?"

Han Ying grinned,"The kid from Wuyi Lane came to me in a dream last night and said that his master would come to take the sword today."

"Red blood?"

Han Ying nodded.

The red vertical pupils under Zhu Jiuyin's ribbon narrowed slightly.

"Just finished?"

Han Ying shook his head."The boy finished the sword when he asked me to look at the blueprints when he was twelve years old. I waited for a long time, but he didn't come to get the sword."

Zhu Jiuyin reached out to take the red blood."He has been saving money for a long, long time." The little whirlwind squatting on his shoulder threw a few pieces of silver to Han Ying.

The man took it and weighed it twice."No more, no less, exactly five taels."


"Walk slowly."

Looking at the long back of the young man in white clothes gradually disappearing, Han Ying murmured:"The god of Zhongshan is called Zhuyin. He sees day as day and closes his eyes as night. He blows as winter and breathes as summer. He does not drink, eat or rest. His breath is wind."

The man curled his lips in disdain,"In terms of beauty, he is not even one ten-thousandth of me."


Walking out of the town.

Zhu Jiuyin untied the white cloth tied to the hilt of the long sword.

"If it weren't for the system, I wouldn't have known that the little guy had died."

"That person actually knew that!"

"Even more terrifying than Qi Qingji who opened the sky with one sword!"

""Hidden dragons and crouching tigers" is not enough to describe this town~"

With a clang, Zhu Jiuyin drew his sword from its sheath.

The long sword was as clear as autumn water, the blade was as thin as a cicada's wing, and the blade was engraved with complicated and beautiful patterns.

After inserting the scabbard into the ground, Zhu Jiuyin freed his left hand.

The blade gently passed by.

Bright red blood immediately flowed from the middle fingertip

""So sharp!"

Zhu Jiuyin was surprised.

You know, after the system returned ten thousand times, his python body has increased from nearly forty meters to one hundred meters.

It is more than twice as strong.

He was easily cut by this sword.

He lowered his head and stared at the two words"red blood" at the junction of the hilt and the sword body.

Zhu Jiuyin felt upset.

The red blood is still there, but the young man is gone.


In front of the sacred tree forest, beside the Taiping River.

Inside the fenced courtyard, the main hall door was wide open.

Wine was warming on a small red clay stove. Qingyi, sitting upright, held the"Flower Appreciation Guide" in her hands, and read with great interest.

From time to time, she would take a sip from the wine cup.

The big yellow dog lying beside Qingyi suddenly looked up and looked outside the courtyard.

"Calm down~"

Qingyi reached out and touched the dog's head.

The big yellow dog lay down obediently.

After a while, footsteps came closer.

Qingyi withdrew his reluctant eyes from the sage book, and his three lacquered pupils looked out quietly. What came into view was the spotless white clothes.

A sword hung from his waist and a short spear was held in his hand.

Qingyi stood up and walked out of the main hall, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth. He pointed to the doghouse in the corner of the yard and asked:"How is it?"

Looking at the gilded plaque with the words"open and aboveboard", Zhu Jiuyin said indifferently:"You should nail the head of Emperor Wen Jing on it.���, not a dead object."

Qingyi rolled his eyes and said,"The emperor of the world is easy to kill, but the sword of heaven is not so easy to resist."

"I can't even withstand a blow."

"So, what are you going to do with this sword and spear? Are you going to fight me?"

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head."You once taught the little guy to read and write, so you are half his master."

"I came here to tell you that the little one is dead."

Qingyi was stunned for a long time before asking,"How did he die? Where did he die?"

Zhu Jiuyin said expressionlessly,"He died in Lingshi County, Wutong Prefecture, Yunzhou."

"After being poisoned by Duanchangsan, his internal organs melted away like snow, and he died in agony."

"After death, his head was chopped off and his body was separated."

"As for the people who killed the little one, there are many."

Qing Yi asked knowingly:"Are you going to avenge that child?"

Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"At the same time as taking revenge,"

"Qi Qingji, you were easily controlled by the seventh prince of Weidu before, and you are so angry."

"In order to vent the pent-up anger in your chest, you traveled all the way to Weidu to split the sky with a sword."

The voice of the young man in white suddenly became cold,"The anger in my eyes almost burned me to ashes."

"I want to vent this anger"

"I want to kill someone"

"A hearty killing!"

"Finally, I don't want my little one to die in a foreign land"

"Fallen leaves return to their roots."

Looking at the young man's back as he walked away, Qingyi opened her mouth but said nothing.

A cold wind suddenly blew.

In Qingyi's eyes, the white clothes turned into bloody clothes.


Ps: You guys are so awesome, you just finished 25 chapters, and released it after deleting them.

The second chapter is already at 11:30, and tomorrow is Monday. Those who need to go to work should go to work, and those who need to go to school should go to school. Save it for after work and self-study. Sleep is important, don't stay up late.

In addition, I want to ask for a wave of free gifts, and I have something else to say in the second chapter.

Bow to me.

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