In the autumn when Ah Fei was six years old, the school in the town was closed for a long time because of the God Offering Festival.

Qingyi took the big yellow dog to fish on the Taiping River every day.

The fishhook was a curved hook, but there was no bait on it.

So from beginning to end, Qingyi didn't catch a single fish.

Nine is the extreme number.

The God Offering Festival lasts for nine days.

Every day, people kowtow to the sacred tree devoutly for nine hours, and kowtow for nine consecutive days, in order to ask the gods to grant nine generations of blessings and health. On the first day of the festival, the town was deserted, and the sacred wood forest, which was usually quiet and almost a little eerie, was crowded with people.

Except for the"slicing ghost", every sacred tree was crowded with people, like a sea of flies drowning a corpse.

Half of the families came in early in the morning and went out at noon, most of whom were wealthy merchants in the town.

After all, nine copper coins a day, eighty-one coins in nine days, are just a hair on a cow's body for these merchants.

Poor families have no money, so they can only kowtow honestly.

On the first day, a total of 679 people from the 40,000 to 50,000 residents of the town knelt for nine hours, including Little One.

The man in green counted them one by one, clearly.

679 people knelt from early morning to noon, then to sunset, and then to the moon. They knelt until the middle of the night.

More than 600 people supported each other in the moonlight, limping out of the sacred woods and walking across the covered bridge.

"Damn it, nine hours! I can't get out of bed for at least half a month."

"Alas, day after day, year after year, I've been busy all the time, but I can't even come up with nine copper coins."

"My knees are numb and painful, and I feel like I'm being bitten by thousands of ants. I won't come tomorrow even if you kill me."

"My mother passed away last year. I buried her doll. It should be enough for her to have enough food and clothing in her life."

"As a human being, don't be too greedy, just live one life. Even if my father who died tonight comes to me in a dream and kneels and kowtows in front of me, I will not continue tomorrow."On the second day of the Festival of Offering to the Gods, only seventy-nine people continued to enter the sacred woods and kowtow.

In nine hours, a total of thirty-one people gave up halfway.

On the third day of the Festival of Offering to the Gods, there were still six people who continued to kowtow. On the fourth day, there was only one person who continued.

On the fifth day, there was one person.

On the sixth day, there was one person.

The night was dark, and the stars and the moon were dim.

On the seventh day, at about three quarters past three in the morning, Qingyi stood at the gate of the small fenced courtyard, quietly watching the little guy who supported his thin body with his elbows, crawled out of the sacred woods little by little, and climbed over the covered bridge.

""The bells, drums, and delicacies of the Sixth Generation should be enough, right?"

Qingyi muttered to herself.

On the seventh day of the God Offering Festival, the sky was just getting light.

The little one, who had slept for more than two hours, walked out of the town tremblingly with a wooden stick, walked across the covered bridge, and entered the God Tree Forest.

"Six lives...isn't that enough?!"

"Don't you want those legs anymore?!"

Even though he was a land immortal who had witnessed the rise and fall of dynasties, and had seen too many births, deaths, sorrows, joys, and separations, he couldn't help but be slightly moved.


At noon,

Qingyi led the big yellow dog to the town.

"Sir, please take a seat."

The little girl in a green skirt quickly wiped the clean table and the wooden stool, and poured a cup of tea for Qingyi.

"Old rules, salty, more chopped green onions, no coriander"


The soft white tofu was crushed with wooden chopsticks, sprinkled with fine salt, drizzled with sesame oil, and garnished with chopped green onions.

Qingyi ate it in small bites, elegantly.

The tofu stall was very popular, and it was lunchtime, so there were many customers.

"I heard that the Zhao family gambling house opened a special bet for the kid from the Chen family in Wuyi Lane. Did you guys place any bets?"

"What money? Which kid?"

"The new bet of the Zhao family gambling house is whether the kid named Chen Mengfei in Wuyi Lane can kneel for nine days."

"I have seen that kid, he is as thin as a bamboo pole, he has been kneeling for six days straight, today is the seventh day"

"Day 7?! Oh my god, are you crazy?~"

"I just went to the gambling house, the odds on the new bets from the Chen family kid are crazy"

"Bet one copper coin. As long as the boy from the Chen family can kneel for nine days, he can get thirty-seven copper coins."

"This is only the seventh day. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the odds will increase dramatically."

"I think you are crazy. If that kid doesn't kneel for nine days, won't you be killed?"

"The most important point is, do you think the Zhao family will let the boy from the Chen family kneel for nine days?"

"What you said is, why not just bet one or two less for fun?"

"We have to trust Mr. Zhao. After all, honesty is what businessmen care about most."

"I heard that many people borrowed lambs and bet their entire fortunes. I'm really afraid that the kid won't kneel for nine days, and the gamblers who lost their money will eat him alive."

On the seventh day of the God Offering Festival, the little guy knelt for nine hours.

Those who bet on him kneeling for nine days cheered.

On the eighth day of the God Offering Festival, the little guy was the same as always.

After nightfall, Qingyi walked out of the fenced courtyard with a wooden sword hanging from his waist.

After taking a deep look at the dark forest of gods, Qingyi walked across the covered bridge and headed towards the town.

He wanted to talk to Mr. Zhao in Wolong Lane.


The moonlight was like frost and snow.

Qingyi, who was walking on the long bluestone street, was suddenly startled.

In the dark alley, accompanied by rustling sounds, an evil ghost crawled out.


Not an evil ghost.

Just a woman who looked like an evil ghost.

The woman had two broken legs, and like her son, she supported her body with her elbows, crawling bit by bit with difficulty.

Qingyi saw that the woman was carrying a saw behind her.

The woman obviously didn't expect that there were pedestrians on the street late at night.

With her head lowered, she softly said"sorry" to Qingyi.

The woman slowly crawled towards Wolong Lane.

Qingyi's three lacquered eyes sparkled.

It was as if she saw a phoenix with broken bones and tendons.

The thin shoulders of the woman carried all the spiritual energy of Qingping Town for nearly three hundred years.

Qingyi hid her figure and followed closely.


In the small town of Wolong Lane, the Zhao family mansion is brightly lit at night.

"Master, they are crazy. Those gamblers are crazy. They almost sold everything they had and bet that the boy from the Chen family can kneel for nine days."

"This is already the eighth day. That kid really doesn't care about his legs."

"Master, tomorrow is the last day. If we really let the little devil kneel for the whole day, we will suffer a huge loss."

The housekeeper of the Zhao Mansion said worriedly.

"" Calm down~"

Master Zhao, dressed in gorgeous clothes, sipped his tea and said indifferently,"Do you think I will let those crazy idiots get what they want?"

The housekeeper asked,"What do you mean, Master?……"

Mr. Zhao raised his mouth with a sinister smile,"Shenmulin is outside the town."

"The little ghost was the only one in the whole forest."

"It's normal to be eaten by wild beasts like wolves, tigers and leopards."

"How can a pile of skinny bones kowtow?"

"If we don't kowtow for nine days, aren't we the final winners~"

The housekeeper gave a thumbs up,"Master, great!"

A servant suddenly walked into the main hall and bowed to Master Zhao, saying,"Master, there is a woman outside who wants to see you. She says she is Chen Mengfei's mother."

"Chen Mengfei? The kid from the Chen family!"

Zhao Huairen's eyes flickered for a moment, and he said,"Please come in.""


Half an incense stick of time passed.

Zhao Huairen and housekeeper Zhao looked at the yellow skin and skinny Chen family woman, with only the upper body, and they were both dumbfounded.

How did this woman raise her son?!

"Master Zhao, I am Nan Jinping, from Chen Nan of the Chen family in Wuyi Lane."

The woman's voice was soft and her eyes were bright.

Master Zhao, who always looked down on the lowly, bowed to the woman for the first time and said,"I wonder what's the matter with Chen Nan visiting you so late at night?"

The woman whispered,"I want Master Zhao to give up."

"My son's note."

Mr. Zhao smiled faintly,"Ms. Chen Nan, do you know how popular your son has been these days?"

"To be frank, it has touched the hearts of most of the residents in the town."

"Too many people have risked everything for your son."

"There is only one day left in the God Offering Festival, you asked me to cancel the registration"

"That group of angry gamblers will eat me alive."

The woman smiled without showing her teeth and said,"I heard that Mr. Zhao likes gambling very much. Why don't you play a game with me?"


Mr. Zhao immediately became interested,"How do you bet?"

The woman rolled up her trouser legs, revealing half of her thigh that was not even as thick as an adult's forearm.

"Mr. Zhao, please take a look at how long my left leg is?"

"Just make a rough guess."

Mr. Zhao looked carefully.

The thigh length of an adult woman is about 15 inches.

If a woman's thigh is cut in the middle, there is still more than 7 inches left.

"Between 5 inches and 10 inches."

Zhao Huairen replied confidently.

""Master Zhao, you guessed wrong~"

The woman smiled and said,"The correct answer is less than half an inch."

After that, the woman took off the saw on her back.

In front of Master Zhao and the housekeeper of the Zhao Mansion, she placed the saw teeth on the root of her left leg.

In an instant, the flesh was torn apart, and blood was red.

The sound of snapping filled the ears like crazy.

Master Zhao and the housekeeper, two pairs of eyes, four pupils, suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

Zhao Huairen had seen too many too���He was a cruel and brutal person who killed people without hesitation. But he had never seen or even heard of a woman like this.

The sound of sawing bones made Zhao Huairen shudder.

The woman's eyes were bright and calm.

There was no trace of hideous distortion on her face.

She just frowned slightly.


Zhao Huairen waved his hand,"Go, I'll eliminate the injection~"

The woman put away the saw stained with blood, meat and bone, lowered her head and said softly:"Thank you~"

Looking at the thin back of the woman walking away.

The housekeeper's thighs trembled like a sieve.

Master Zhao stretched out his hands, his palms were wet


"How cruel!"

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