The moonlight was shining, and the world was clear.

The green-clad figure standing on the roof had her sleeves fluttering, as if she was about to fly away.

Three dark eyes stared silently at the woman who was slowly crawling away.

A long bloodstain was drawn on the ground.

"Why can't the young phoenix flap its wings?!"

Qing Yi frowned.

The woman who had gathered the spiritual energy of the town for three hundred years was living such a miserable life.

If she were in the outside world, she could become a land immortal in a hundred years.

If she was born in Zhaoyao Mountain, where immortals were everywhere, she might be the next mountain master.

The mountain master of Zhaoyao Mountain is the Heaven Above of Xiangang Continent.

"Could it be that... there is something in this small town that can surpass this young phoenix?!"


The ninth day of the God Offering Festival was also the last day.

For the first and last time in his life, Mr. Zhao lost tens of thousands of taels of silver ingots.

The townspeople who bet their entire fortunes were so happy that they couldn't stop smiling, shouting"I am the God of Gamblers". Those who only bet a few copper coins regretted beating their chests and stamping their feet.

Those who didn't bet anything wanted to cut open their stomachs with knives to see with their own eyes whether their intestines were blue.


The tenth day of the God Offering Festival.

At about 15:00 in the morning, the moon was cold and the stars were sparse.

In the deepest part of the God Forest, in front of the God Tree of the"Slicing Dead Ghost".

The little kid couldn't kneel down anymore, his knees felt like they were rotting. He had no choice but to lie face down on the ground, arms stretched out, hands folded together.

""Master Shen," the little kid didn't know how to address the god.

Since every resident in the town was very respectful when they saw Master Qi, the schoolmaster, then he should be called Master.

"Master of God, can you hear me?"

"The boy is called Chen Mengfei"

"Master God, I kowtow here for nine hours every day. I have kowtowed for nine days."

"I am not greedy, I am afraid that you will be tired"

"The boy does not ask his mother to be sweet for the rest of his life"

"One sweet life, one life is good enough."

The little one stood up with difficulty, his legs trembling.

He opened his arms, stretched out his two little hands, and gently hugged the trunk of the sacred tree. The hideous and twisted face looked like it was being cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

"Thank you, Master Shen~"


At the gate of the fenced courtyard by the Taiping River.

Watching the little one finish his last day of prayers safely, and then crawling towards the town little by little.

Qingyi stretched out a hand to the sky.

With a sound of breaking through the air, the wooden sword hanging high above the sacred wood forest flew obliquely.

Grabbing the wooden sword, hanging it around his waist, Qingyi returned to the house.

Lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

About an hour later.

Qingyi, who was dozing off, suddenly opened his eyes.

He sat up abruptly, pushed the door and walked out of the courtyard.

He happened to see the woman who lost both legs crawling across the covered bridge.

In front of the sacred wood forest.

The woman tried her best to look up at the huge smiling face on the tree trunk.

"Is it you, my son, that I am knocking on?"

Soon, the woman shook her head and said to herself,"No."

The second sacred tree.

The third.

The fourth


Until the 27th tree.

The woman was about to ask, but slowly turned her head.

What came into view was a spotless green dress.

Pointing to the deepest part of the sacred forest, the green dress said calmly:"Your clay doll is at the innermost, the tree that killed the ghost."

The woman said softly:"Thank you"

"My surname is Qi, my given name is Qingji, my courtesy name is Xiuli, and I am a teacher at a small town school.

Qingyi can’t remember how many years it has been since she revealed her courtesy name to anyone.

"My name is Nan Jinping, and I am from the Chen family in Wuyi Lane.

The woman smiled and slowly crawled towards the depths of the sacred woods.


Two quarters of an hour later, the woman finally climbed to the tree of the dead ghosts and gods. She said softly,"My son, are you the one you are knocking on?"

Two bright streams of blood suddenly flowed from the eye sockets of the ferocious face.

The woman smiled and said,"It's you."

She propped herself up with one hand and started digging with the other.

After about an incense stick of time, the woman dug out the clay doll that her son had made for her.

"My son is really good at making things~"

She took out the note with her name written on it from the empty stomach of the clay doll and put it into its mouth.

The woman chewed it quickly and swallowed it.

Then she bit her index finger and wrote the three words"Chen Mengfei" on the clay doll with blood.

"The child will be very sad if he finds out."

The voice of Qing Yi sounded from behind.

The woman buried the clay doll and whispered,"Mr. Qi, I don't feel that I am suffering."

"The one who really suffered was my son."

"I, as a mother, am a cripple and have never cooked a single meal for my son."

"My son was so young, he had to stand on a stool to boil medicine for me, prepare meals, wash clothes, and go into the mountains to collect herbs every day."

"Only when it rains or snows can you lie in my arms and pester me to tell you stories"

"Mr. Qi, I want to die"

"Only when I die will the mountain weighing heavily on my son's back fall apart."

"He is too tired, I just want him to relax a little."

The woman's eyes were red and she said,"But I can't bear it."

"I've only watched him for six years."

"I just want to keep watching."

Qing Yi sighed inaudibly.

"Lets see"

"Wait until the child grows up a little"

"When he is alone, he can dig a deep pit and carry your body."

"Wait till then to die"


The sky was just getting light.

The woman crawled back to Wuyi Lane.

In the east wing of the Chen family courtyard, the woman crawled to her son's side.

She stretched out her skinny hands and gently stroked her son's little face.

The woman's eyes were filled with tenderness,"I don't want nine generations of wealth and health, I just need you."

"How can the sweetness of nine lifetimes compare to my son's smiling face?"

The woman leaned down gently and put her face against the little boy's.

Listening to her son's heartbeat and breathing, and feeling his warmth, the woman murmured,"Such a kind and well-behaved cute child, he is my son, Nan Jinping.~"


The memories stopped.

Qi Qingji stood up and stared at the twisted face of the old man on the trunk of the sacred tree.

"If that woman or child doesn't come to me in my dreams within a month, I will chop you up and use you as firewood!"

After saying that, Qingyi led the big yellow dog away. In a small courtyard in Xijian Lane in the town, the old man Liutou, who was boiling syrup, stretched out his little finger to touch his ear hole.

"This kid named Qi is quite angry."


After returning to the small courtyard, Qingyi walked into the main hall and looked at the wall.

There was a sword hanging on the wall.

The name of the sword was"Tingfeng’

"Just half a master?!"

Qingyi took off the wooden sword and placed it on the table.

Then he took off the Tingfeng and hung it on his waist.

"Half a master is still a master."

The big yellow dog was fed until it was almost bloated to death.

Qingyi walked out of the small courtyard and locked the gate.

""Child, wait a minute. Master Qi Ban will take you on your last journey."

He tapped his toes and jumped several dozen feet.

The figure in green soon disappeared among the mountains and valleys.


Qingping Town is hundreds of miles away from Lingshi County, Yunzhou. It takes more than half a month to walk there, and seven or eight days to take a carriage, mainly because the mountain road is rugged.

On the third day of descending the mountain.

Among the towering mountains, Zhu Jiuyin jumped a hundred feet, and the wind whistled in his ears.

"Wait a minute, little one.~"


Ps: The sword is called Dianxue, which comes from the red furnace Dianxue in"Sword Comes". Later, I made a mistake and made it red blood. It's my fault.

In addition, thank you for the large amount of rewards, thank you to all the Taoist friends who sent gifts, thank you to all the Taoist friends who read the article, thank you for your support, and bow to you.

As for the group, it seems that you need 1,000 fans to open it, so there is no rush.

Finally, stop talking nonsense, and start killing tomorrow.

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