On the fourth day after descending the mountain, in the early morning, the cold wind was like a knife, cutting into the cracks of human bones. Everything was bleak, and the sky was gray.

On the top of a mountain, Zhu Jiuyin, dressed in white, looked out at the rumbling river thousands of feet away.

"The White Horse River in Little Bit’s memory~"

At the beginning, Little Bit fled from Buzhou Mountain day and night to this river, which took nearly two months.

In the third month, he hid in a cave somewhere to heal his wounds, the wounds of fire poison.

At the end of the month, he drew air into his body, causing the fire poison to backfire, just like the counterattack of a beast before death.

Unable to bear the pain of the fire poison burning his body, Little Bit jumped into the White Horse River.

He floated from the middle reaches of the river to the lower reaches and was rescued by the girl named Lanxiang.

He spent the fourth month in Xizhuang Village, Lingshi County, which was also the last month of his life.

Suddenly, the system panel opened automatically, and came into Zhu Jiuyin’s eyes.

【Free time for this time: 40 hours

Consumed: 38 hours

Countdown: 03:59:44】

【Remaining free time: 20 days (240 hours)】

【Ding, it is detected that the free time you have allocated this time is less than one hour. Do you want to allocate it again?

Zhu Jiuyin said indifferently:"Allow another 100 hours."

【Free time for two times: 140 hours

Consumed: 38 hours

Countdown: 403:59:21】


An incense stick later.

In a cave under a cliff, Zhu Jiuyin looked around.

There were many wild animal bones scattered on the rough and cold ground, and some hay was piled in a corner.

Zhu Jiuyin's red vertical pupils under the white ribbon seemed to see the little one with eyes tightly closed, teeth biting lips tightly, enduring the pain of the fire poison burning his internal organs.

After standing in the cave for a long time, Zhu Jiuyin turned around and left.

Half an incense stick later.

In a mountain stream a hundred feet away from the cave, Zhu Jiuyin found the resting place chosen by the little one for Liu Cui'er.

Under the thin ice layer, the clear stream gurgled and merged directly into the Baima River in the distance.

The surrounding peaks were beautiful and the rocks were rugged.

In front of the slightly raised tomb, an irregular long thin stone slab pierced deeply into the soil like a sword.

The stone slab was engraved with"My sister Liu Cui'er's tomb".

At the bottom right,"My foolish brother Chen Mengfei is standing here."

Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help but think of that evening.

The girl in the emerald green skirt, with red eyes, talked to him a lot under the old locust tree at the entrance of the town.

Zhu Jiuyin still remembers every word of those words.

"Miss Liu, I'm sorry"

"I promised you that I would take good care of the little one."


Six days after descending the mountain.

The setting sun was blood-red and the north wind was howling. At the Yan Family Coffin Shop in Longwu Town, Yan Shouzhong, wearing a cotton jacket and trousers, picked up the fire tongs and poked the charcoal basin.

"This damn weather is freezing cold. It's almost the end of the year and the sky still hasn't snowed."

On the small red clay stove, the spout of the purple clay teapot was filled with steam. Yan Shouzhong's wife put a towel under her and poured two cups of hot tea.

"It is said that auspicious snow indicates a good harvest. The land is dry and has not been moistened by water for several months. How can we grow crops next year? How can we pay the high grain tax?"

Yan Shouzhong stared at the red charcoal fire, worried.

The woman handed the blue and white porcelain teacup to the man and comforted him softly,"We still have a coffin shop. Many elderly people in the town cannot survive this harsh winter."

Holding the hand-warming teacup, Yan Shouzhong sighed softly,"The elderly are dying one after another, like leaves falling in the wind."

"Every face, every glance, could be the last face, the last glance.

Suddenly, the thick curtain of the coffin shop was lifted.

The cold wind rushed in instantly, killing the insignificant heat in the shop. What appeared in the eyes of Yan Shouzhong and his wife was a barefoot boy in white clothes, with a long sword hanging from his waist and a white cat lying on his shoulder.

"Do you have a jade coffin or a stone coffin here?"

Yan Shouzhong felt that the boy's voice was as cold as the cold current outside, chilling to the bone.

He withdrew his gaze from the boy's bare feet, which were as crystal clear as jade and not stained with a bit of dust.

Yan Shouzhong hurriedly replied:"There is no jade coffin or stone coffin. The best and most expensive one is the golden nanmu coffin."

"May I ask... little brother, who in your family has passed away?"

"According to the funeral customs of the Wei State, the name of the deceased, including his/her birth date, must be engraved on the inner wall of the coffin lid in advance."

"In order to pray that when the Black and White Impermanence of the underworld come to take the soul away, the soul of the deceased can still remember who it is before leaving the world."

The young man was silent for a while.

He shook his head and whispered:"I will not let the Black and White Impermanence take away my disciple's soul.~"


After a cup of tea,

Yan Shouzhong and his wife watched the young man carrying a golden nanmu coffin weighing more than 1,000 kilograms and slowly leaving the shop. They were so shocked that their eyes almost fell to the ground. They were so relaxed that it seemed as if it was not a coffin, but a leaf.

"After seventy years, this golden nanmu coffin that was the main attraction of the shop has finally been sold."

Rubbing the large piece of old dragon jade that belonged to the boy before and will belong to him from now on, Yan Shouzhong couldn't close his mouth.

"Seventy years! Husband, there won't be any problem with the coffin, right?"

"The eyes under the ribbon of that young man always give me a chilling feeling."

"No...nothing will happen, right?!" the woman said in fear.

"Don't worry, that coffin is my grandfather's most proud work in his life, made of genuine golden nanmu wood."

"Not to mention a mere 70 years, even if it were 700 years, it wouldn’t rot at all."

Yan Shouzhong vowed solemnly:


On the seventh day of descending the mountain.

On the ancient road, a red horse pulled a wooden cart steadily forward.

The wheels crushed the cold wind, and the golden nanmu coffin was dotted with snow.

"Master, it's snowing~"

Zhu Jiuyin, who was sitting cross-legged at the front of the car, slowly opened his eyes.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the scattered snow.

Snowflakes fell into his eyes and were quickly melted by his red pupils like golden candles.

The cold snow water flowed out of his eyes and slid down Zhu Jiuyin's pale face.

It was like a person crying.~


Unconsciously, night fell.

This night was not dark, because the snow was getting heavier.

On the ancient road, the carriage suddenly stopped.

Zhu Jiuyin walked barefoot on the salt on the ground, walked into the forest, and took out a hat from the snow.

A tiger-head hat

"I never blame the pig intestines, because they are as timid as mice and only dare to steal chickens and ducks raised by the people. When they see humans, they run faster than the wind.

Zhu Jiuyin gently patted the snow off the tiger hat and put it on the little whirlwind's head.

"I know that after the little one jumped into the Baima River, the pig intestine lost its smell."

"I also know that when Pig Intestines found Little Bit again, he was already a corpse."

"I never thought of taking my anger out on the pig intestine, so I let it sit in front of the little one's grave, waiting for us to come."

"I don't even blame it for running away, because in the eyes of you rats, I am just a cruel, ferocious, bloodthirsty, smelly snake."

"It could have left the tiger-head hat in front of the little one's grave."

Zhu Jiuyin slowly stretched out a hand, and then clenched it tightly.

The little whirlwind squatting on his shoulder suddenly felt a rat heart beating.

‘Did the master use the death spell to kill the pig intestines?!

The carriage was on the road again.

With the tiger-head hat to keep warm, the little whirlwind felt much warmer instantly.

Unable to resist curiosity, he asked:"Master, did you buy this tiger-head hat for... the little one?"


Zhu Jiuyin shook his head,"It was made by his mother herself, stitch by stitch, as a gift for the little one's tenth birthday."

"It's also the last gift.~"


Suddenly, a spring breeze came, and thousands of pear trees blossomed.

On the eighth day after descending the mountain,

Zhu Jiuyin finally saw the vague outline of the small village in the distance.


Ps: I haven't had lunch yet, so I'll go fill my stomach first.

What I want to say and the second chapter will be around 11:30.

Please give me some free gifts.

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