The birds have flown away from the thousands of mountains, and the people have disappeared from the thousands of paths.

Zhu Jiuyin followed the scent and walked barefoot on the snow, leaving no footprints. The old horse was smart, pulling the wooden cart behind him, and the wheels of the cart sank deeply into the snow. At the foot of Mount Gushe, Zhu Jiuyin saw the tiny grave mound at a glance.

There was only a thin layer of snow on the grave mound and around it, and there was new ashes left by the burning in front of the grave.

"Is it the boy called Hu Zi~"

Zhu Jiuyin took off the red blood from the pendant on his waist and inserted it into the frozen soil.

Then he took out the oil paper bag from his sleeve and put it in front of the grave.

Inside was a candied haws made by the old willow in the town.

Slowly squatting down, Zhu Jiuyin gently placed his palm on the grave mound.

"Little one, the master is here~"

"Wait, take a good look at the red blood and savor the candied haws."

"Wait a little longer until the master crushes all of them without leaving any one alive."

"Master will accompany you and walk the Yellow Spring Road together."

With a muffled bang, the golden nanmu coffin smashed the snow into the air.

Zhu Jiuyin hung the red blood on his pendant again and led Lao Ma away from Mount Guye.

"Wait a little longer, little one. Master will take you home soon."

One man and one horse soon disappeared into the depths of the snow.


Lingshi County.

Outside the north city gate, a bamboo pole about 30 to 40 meters long stood tall, with a human head stuck on it.

The bamboo pole and the human head swayed in the cold wind.

With a crisp sound, the little boy was slapped hard by a constable and fell to the ground.

"You are a little bastard who will never give up until you reach the Yellow River. It has been so many days and you are still stealing?"

The constable scolded:"The boss doesn't want to argue with a little bastard like you, otherwise I would have killed you with a knife."

"Don't be so arrogant, just go back home."

Two detectives were wearing straw raincoats and bamboo hats, guarding the bamboo pole and the head on the left and right.

Hu Zi pulled the head out from deep in the snow, touched his burning cheek, spat out a mouthful of blood, and said to the two detectives hatefully:"You bunch of jackals, six people working three shifts a day, you'd better not fall asleep."

"I, Cheng Hu, will come back!"

Hu Zi climbed up with difficulty, took a deep look at the boy's head high up, turned around and faced the blizzard, limping towards Xizhuang Village.

The boy died nine days ago.

Late at night on the second day, a group of bandits sneaked into Lingshi County, burning, killing and looting, causing countless casualties.

On the third day, a group of detectives from the county government rode their horses with swords, galloping straight to Wuyi Mountain, dozens of miles away.

On the fourth day, the boy suddenly became the leader of the Wuyi Mountain bandits, and his head was hung high.

In the next few days, the residents of Lingshi County cursed almost all of the boy's ancestors.

Those extremely vicious curses were enough to fill up the White Horse River, the largest river in the Wei State, and pile it up into a mountain thousands of feet high.

In the past few days, Hu Zi came here several times a day, trying to steal the boy's head.

Unfortunately, not only did he fail, he was also beaten black and blue by the detectives, and even his left leg was broken.


About two quarters of an hour later,

Huzi returned to Xizhuang Village.

Under the old willow tree at the entrance of the village, he was leaning against a broom.

The boy picked up the broom and started sweeping from the entrance of the village to Guye Mountain.

"Brother Fei, it's been nine days, why don't you come to me in my dream~"

The reason why Hu Zi swept the snow and made this long road was because he was afraid that his brother Fei would not be able to find the way when he came to him in his dream.

The sky and the earth were all white.

The place where the boy swept was the way to guide the dead souls home.

This road was very long and wide.


Hu Zi frowned as he looked at the deep wheel tracks on the snow.

Looking up, the wheel tracks seemed to go straight to Mount Guye.

The boy threw away his broom and ran forward.

After an incense stick of time,

Hu Zi, who was covered in snow, was panting heavily. He looked at the golden nanmu coffin in front of the tomb and the string of bright and juicy candied haws that looked like blood.

"Who is here?!"

Hu Zi was stunned.


The sky gradually darkened, and night was about to fall.

A bright moon rose from the east, and the snow was getting smaller and smaller.

A creaking sound pierced the sky, and Zhu Jiuyin led the old horse out of Xizhuang Village.

Standing at the entrance of the village, looking at the straight road that had been cleared, Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"My little one has made a very good friend~"

Leading the old horse, he carefully bypassed the way home.

One person and one horse, they went to Lingshi County, three or four miles away.

After a while, the carriage stopped.

On the side of the road, a corpse was nailed to a wooden stake, with his arms in a stiff posture, and his hands pointed directly in the direction of Lingshi County.

A wooden sign was hung on the chest of the corpse, which read"Bandits will be killed without mercy."

Zhu Jiuyin stretched out his right palm and gently covered the head of the corpse.

Soul-searching technique.

Not only can it search the souls of the living, but also the souls of the dead.

Of course, the time of death cannot be too long.

The snake pupils under the ribbon were slightly closed.

A few seconds later, a series of images appeared in Zhu Jiuyin's eyes.

After a dozen breaths, his eyes opened.

Zhu Jiuyin murmured,"It's not the bandits."


Night fell.

The moonlight reflected the snow all over the sky and earth.

In Lingshi County, Lanxiang, who had just finished the fourth buffet, walked towards the north gate with a food box in her arms.

County Magistrate Chen Chong took in his 27th concubine, and today was the auspicious day. There would be the fifth and final buffet soon.

The guests were all the nobles in Lingshi County.

The reason why the county magistrate sent an invitation to the Lan family was because Lan's father was very good at dealing with people.

Lan's father knew that the Lan family could not keep the 30 gold bars obtained by poisoning the young man.

The people should not fight against the officials.

The county magistrate only needed a small excuse to make the three members of the Lan family die without a burial place.

So he went to the door in person and returned 25 bars, leaving only five.

The county magistrate was happy and invited the Lan family to attend the wedding banquet.

It was cold and snowy, and Lan's father and mother were in their twilight years. Only Lanxiang went to the Chen family's mansion.

As expected of a wealthy businessman, the table was filled with delicacies from land and sea, but those people barely touched their chopsticks, and were busy drinking and complimenting the county magistrate.

Lanxiang packed a full meal to let her parents, who had eaten pickled vegetables and steamed buns all their lives, to have a taste of what delicacies are.

The girl walked out of the north gate quickly.

In a hurry, she passed by two constables guarding bamboo poles and human heads.

The girl stopped and panted until she could no longer see the north gate.

The boy had been dead for nine days.

The girl thought that one night, the boy would appear in her dream.

The headless corpse chased her, asking, where is my head.

What a pity.

Before the boy died, he appeared in her dreams every night.

After his death, half of his face disappeared.

Lanxiang touched her chest.

The heart in her chest didn't seem to hurt as much as before

""It is true that time will annihilate everything visible and invisible~"

The girl muttered to herself, breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to walk towards Xizhuang Village.

In the wind and snow, the creaking sound became clearer and clearer.

As if someone was crying.

Gradually, a tall figure came into Lanxiang's sight.

The girl was stunned.

Under the moonlight, white clothes fluttered.

In the snow, ribbons fluttered.

The old horse pulled the wooden cart slowly.

The barefoot boy's thick black hair twisted like a dragon and snake.

Among the black dragons and black snakes on his head, there was a green hairpin.

The girl didn't come back to her senses until the man and the horse came close.

‘Is this... a banished immortal coming to earth?

The girl murmured in her heart.


Ps: The book is free, so please give me some gifts.

I won’t make up the word count, I will write a separate chapter tomorrow.

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