Bright moon, cold wind, and snow.

In the world, there is only the young man in white with a sword hanging from his waist and the girl in plain clothes holding a food box.

There is also the white-haired mouse squatting on the boy's shoulder, holding a bronze bell.

"Lanxiang~" young language

""Sir, do you recognize me?"

Lanxiang was startled.

The moonlight sprinkled on the girl's pretty face, her skin was as dazzling as white porcelain, as if it was glowing.

In the wind, there were wisps of the girl's body fragrance, faint and very pleasant.

Under the gaze of Lanxiang's crystal clear eyes.

The boy slowly raised his hand and pulled off the white ribbon that covered his eyes.

The ribbon drifted with the wind into the depths of the night.

The boy gently opened his eyes.

In an instant, the two lacquered pupils in Lanxiang's eye sockets suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

With a muffled bang, the food box in the girl's arms fell to the snow, and the delicacies inside poured out, still emitting curls of hot steam.

What kind of eyes are those?

Those are definitely not the eyes that humans should have.

Like molten gold.

The slender vertical pupils are as red as blood.

The creepy evil nature, thick and sticky, seems to flow out of the eye sockets.

"My name is Nanzhu, and I am Master Chen Mengfei~"

Chi Tong looked at the girl, without the burning rage, without the surging murderous intent, only the purest coldness.

"Chen Mengfei... Master?!"

The girl smiled sadly, foreseeing her own end.

"Can...can you let me go home and say goodbye to my parents?"

"I have so many last words to say to them."

Zhu Jiuyin threw out two objects from his left hand, which had been behind his back.

They were two bloody heads.

The heads of Lan's father and mother.

They rolled across the snow and all the way to Lan Xiang's feet.

She lowered her head slightly and looked into her parents' gray eyes, which were still open after death. The girl burst into tears instantly.

"Senior, it's not what you think."

"I...I never thought of killing the little brother. It's all because of the county magistrate.……"

With a clang, the red blood came out of the sheath.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew in the world.

Half of the land from Xizhuang Village to Lingshi County was splashed with ink in an instant. The snow in this world seemed to be scooped up by an immortal, exposing the ground.

It was also like a piece of white skin was torn off the beauty's face, revealing her flesh and blood. With a clang, the red blood returned to the sheath.

The boy walked barefoot, and when he passed by the girl, he reached out and gently lifted her up. He directly lifted the girl's head from her neck.

With a casual throw, the beauty's head drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and with a bang, it fell steadily into the wooden cart.

With a wave of his sleeves, the heads of the girl's parents were blown up by the wind and also fell into the cart.


Too fast.

In the thirteen years, the fastest thing Lanxiang had seen was lightning.

And the boy's sword was faster than lightning, and Lanxiang couldn't see it clearly at all.

Fortunately, from beginning to end, Lanxiang did not feel even the slightest pain.

Even when her head was taken off her body by the boy.

Even when she fell heavily into the wooden cart.

‘Compared to him having his internal organs burned by the Broken Heart Powder, I can leave this world without any pain.’

‘I am lucky~'

The carriage creaked and moved slowly.

Lanxiang took a last look at the world.

What she saw was her headless body still standing in the snow.

Her parents were also nearby, with their cold and dead gray faces and extremely empty eyes.



The crisp sound of the bell echoed in the wind and snow.

On Zhu Jiuyin's shoulder, the little whirlwind stood upright like a person, gently shaking the bronze bell.

This bell is just an ordinary thing, bought in Longwu Town.

Zhu Jiuyin used his own blood to engrave the ancient spell on the bronze bell.

This bell has the effect of summoning souls.

Zhu Jiuyin will never let everyone who killed Xiaobutian die without pain.

He wants to suppress the souls of this group of people under Mount Buzhou.

They will accompany him forever and ever.

Behind the wooden cart.

The souls of the girl Lanxiang, Lan's father and Lan's mother are ethereal, emitting a faint cold light.

The three of them are all dressed in their lifetime, holding their own heads, with confusion in their eyes.


At the north gate of Lingshi County, the two constables guarding the bamboo pole and the human head were shivering with cold.

"Damn it, it's all the fault of that brat from Xizhuang Village."

The young man spat fiercely,"It's the county magistrate's big day, the other brothers are eating meat and drinking wine with big mouthfuls, but we two are so unlucky that we can only starve to this broken head."

The older man puffed on his pipe,"Xiao Xue, bear it for a while, there is only half an hour left."

"We can still catch the last buffet after the shift change."

The constable named Xiao Xue looked gloomy and said,"Brother Zhang, the kid from Xizhuang Village has tried to steal this head several times, why didn't our leader order him to be killed?"

"Also, isn’t this young man’s head the bandit leader from Wuyi Mountain?"

"Why do I feel that the boss is very concerned about this head?"

Constable Zhang exhaled a puff of choking smoke and said with a dazed look in his eyes:"Xiao Xue... maybe the boss is trying his best to atone for his sins."

"Atonement! What does that mean?"

"Xiao Xue, you are a newcomer to the county government. It is better not to know some people and some things. As a person, don't be too curious. Even if you know some secrets that cannot be seen in the light, you must pretend to be ignorant."

Without any sign.

From the direction of Xizhuang Village, a strong wind and a blizzard surged and rushed towards the north gate.

In an instant, the scene seemed like a storm hitting the shore, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

The two detectives struggled to climb out of the thick snow.

"What is going on?!"

Two pairs of eyes, four pupils, stared in astonishment at the vast expanse of black land with almost no snow in front of them.


On the ancient road leading to Lingshi County,

Zhu Jiuyin could see a corpse nailed to a wooden stake every few meters.

The arms of each corpse were in the same rigid position, with both hands pointing in the direction of Lingshi County, like a signpost.

On the chest of each corpse was a wooden sign that read"Bandits will be killed without mercy."

Through soul-searching techniques, Zhu Jiuyin learned that these so-called mountain bandits were innocent prisoners who were forcibly captured and imprisoned by the county police.

"How did the head of an innocent prisoner become the head of a bandit?!"

"Concealing the truth and fooling the people? In fact, it is a collusion between officials and bandits?"

Concentrating his mind, Zhu Jiuyin looked up.

The vague outline of the Lingshi County wall, which was about ten feet high, gradually came into view.

With red vertical pupils, he saw the head of the little guy hanging high on the bamboo pole.


North Gate

"What the hell is this evil wind? It actually blew all the snow from the area within a radius of dozens of miles to our side!"

"Fortunately, there is a city wall blocking it, otherwise at least half of the street would be buried."There was a faint creaking sound in the wind.

Constable Xue, who kept stamping his feet with his hands in his sleeves to keep warm, and Constable Zhang, who was squatting on the ground and puffing out smoke, both looked up in the direction of Xizhuang Village.

Under the moonlight, a young man in white was walking in the distance.

The dark ancient road made him feel like he was walking on the Mojiang River.

The deepest black seemed to swallow up the purest cold white.

…… ps: Kill them, kill them, and put the gift in the bowl.

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