Outside the window, something was shuttling back and forth, with shrieks like ghosts and wolves howling through the air. The desperate screams of people before they died were piercing.

In the wing room, three candle flames flickered.

There was only one candle.

The other two were the red vertical pupils of the blood-stained boy.

Human eyeballs are white, but the boy's eyeballs are like molten gold.

There is not a trace of impurities, and it seems to be flowing out of the eye sockets.

The extremely thin and long vertical pupils are bright as if coagulated with blood, revealing a terrifying evil nature that can make people's souls break.

Large patches of dense goose bumps suddenly appeared on Bai Liu's exposed skin.

He was sure that he had never seen the red-clothed boy in front of him in his life.

"Senior, I, Bai Liu, don't remember provoking you~"

Bai Liu's muscles were tense, and his eyes were fixed on the boy.

The surging sense of life and death crisis was so intense for the first time in his life. The young man concentrated all his attention, and beads of sweat covered with fear slid down his face.

He didn't dare to wipe it off, let alone blink. He even breathed carefully.

Bai Liu deeply felt that Hong���It is easier for the boy to kill him than to crush a bug.

"My name is Nanzhu, and I am Master Chen Mengfei~"

The young man slowly stood up.

Bai Liu's face instantly turned pale as paper.

With a sad smile, he leaned over slightly and picked up the narrow knife leaning against the embroidery bed.

"Begging for mercy is useless~"

The young man in red did not respond, but just lightly raised his feet.

With a clang, the narrow knife came out of the sheath.

Bai Liu threw away the sheath and held the handle tightly.

"When I was a kid, there was a drought in my hometown and I almost starved to death"

"When he grew up, he became a lackey of the county magistrate. He ate three meals a day until he could not walk. His belly was like a pregnant woman in her 10th month."

"My mother always told me that there is a god above my head."

"Because I've killed so many people, I eat every meal as if it were my last."

"I have tasted both bitterness and sweetness in my life."

"Bitter is really bitter, sweet is really sweet"

"I have never regretted or felt sorry in my life."

"Come on!"

Pointing the tip of the narrow knife directly at the young man in red, Bai Liu grinned and said,"I would be happy to die in the hands of a being like you, even if I was cut into pieces and fell into the bottom of the eighteenth level of hell forever.""


Half an hour later,

Zhu Jiuyin slowly walked downstairs carrying Bai Liu's bloody head.

In the wing room, the strong smell of blood was pungent.

The headless body of the young man stood stiffly, with only a skeleton stained with traces of blood.

Under the white skeleton, there were scattered and piled layers of bloody flesh.

Each piece was as thin as a cicada's wing.


The noisy Zuichunlou, which was bustling with people before, was now silent.

Only the strong smell of blood rose to the sky.

Zhu Jiuyin walked out of the brothel and threw Bai Liu's head into the ox cart.

Then, the red-clothed man walked in front and the carriage followed.

Under the moonlight and the snow, one man and one horse walked towards Qilong Lane in Lingshi County.


Wohu Lane, Lingshi County.

The Chen family mansion was decorated with lights and was bright.

Those who came to participate in the fifth banquet were all the rich and powerful families in the county. Amid the sound of stringed instruments, the nobles in brocade and gorgeous clothes toasted each other.

The maids in the Chen family were all beautiful, dressed in gauze, and knelt on the ground.

Holding jade plates, they shuttled between the tables, serving dishes and adding wine.

After five consecutive banquets, the maids' knees were all rubbed raw, and the knee marks were bright red where they knelt.

Suddenly, there was a bang.

A maid couldn't bear the pain and fell to the ground.

The juice and wine from the dishes splashed on the robes of several nobles.

The lively atmosphere of music and singing immediately subsided.

Everyone's eyes were all on the county magistrate Chen Chong who was sitting at the main seat at the main table.

The maid was almost scared to death.

She knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lord Chen.

"I'm sorry, Master. Xiang'er will lick the guests clean right away!

Chen Chong said indifferently,"No need."

"Be careful in your next life"

"Drag her down and chop her into pieces to feed the dogs."

The death of a maidservant was no more worthy of a cat or a dog than the death of a cat or a dog to the nobles.

The nobles, especially the rich ladies, would be merciful when they saw the poor cats and dogs covered in wounds.

But when they saw the hungry people and the frozen corpses in the dark alleys, they felt disgusted.


A few days ago, the so-called anti-bandit operation made the county's gentry rich.

In order to thank and please, the gentry took turns to toast Master Chen Chong.

Master Chen soon became too drunk and, with the help of his personal maid, went to the backyard to the bridal chamber. After the county magistrate left, the only one who could calm the situation was Cao Gang, the black-robed head of the police.

"Wei Wu.

Cao Gang beckoned a constable over.

"What's the matter?"

"You stay here and take care of the old man. I'm going back home."

"Boss, didn't sister-in-law and Xiaozhi just return to Qilong Lane after the fourth banquet? It's been less than an hour and you're missing me so much~" the constable joked

"You talk too much nonsense. If you fail to take good care of these masters and make the master lose face, I will make you unable to get out of bed for three months.

After giving many instructions, Cao Gang hurriedly left the Chen Mansion.

After leaving Crouching Tiger Lane, the man ran towards home.

‘What's wrong with me? Why is my heart beating so fast all of a sudden?’

‘It feels like something bad is going to happen~'

The palpitations are getting stronger and stronger.

It's terrible.


In Qilong Lane, Lingshi County, the Cao family mansion was littered with corpses.

In front of the blood-stained young man, a mansion guard knelt on his knees, holding his bloody broken neck.

His voice was hoarse and intermittent:"Who... who are you?!"

The young man's bloodshot eyes were inlaid in his eyes, and he said expressionlessly:"God~"

The sword flashed.

The head fell to the ground.

The young man walked straight to the backyard of the Cao mansion, leaving bloody footprints with every step.


In the master bedroom in the backyard, ignoring the screams outside, the woman gently stuffed two cotton balls into the child's ears.

Immediately, a tender smile bloomed on her face,"Zhi'er, can you play a game with me?"

The delicate boy nodded obediently.

"Then let's play hide and seek"

"Zhier, just hide under the bed and count to ten thousand numbers silently. Don't be in a hurry. Count slowly, one by one."

The boy said in a childish voice,"Mom, Zhier can only count to ten."

The woman's eyes were red and she said,"It's okay. You can count from one to ten, and then from ten to one."

The boy smiled brightly,"Mom, let's get started."


The woman suddenly hugged the child into her arms.

She hugged him very tightly, as if she wanted to melt him into her body.

""Mom, I'm in pain~" the boy whispered.

The woman let go of her son, tears welled up in her eyes, and she murmured in pain:"I'm sorry, Zhi'er, I'm sorry for you."

The boy didn't know why his mother was crying.

So he stretched out his chubby little hand and gently wiped the tears from his mother's face.

""Mom, don't cry."

The boy rubbed his chest and said,"It hurts here.""

"Okay, I won't cry anymore. You should hide now."

""Okay, okay."

Watching the child crawling under the bed with joy, the woman lowered her head and took a deep breath.

The air was filled with the smell of her son.

She took down the long sword that her husband had hung on the wall.

The woman stepped out of the door.

Her face, as pale as snow, was firm.

She walked straight into the night.


Ps: Someone reported that it was too bloody, so I won't build a Jingguan in the next chapter.

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