The woman, who was weak and had never killed anyone in her life, stood quietly in the dark corridor with a sword in her arms.

Suddenly, with a bang, a bloody head rolled to the woman's feet.

With the faint light of the snow, the woman saw clearly that it was her personal maid, named He'er, who was only thirteen years old and a miserable child.

The footsteps came closer and closer, gradually becoming clearer.

The woman gritted her teeth and drew her sword with a clang.

The cold tip of the sword pointed directly into the depths of darkness.

In the sticky ink, two dazzling scarlet spots suddenly lit up, as if the devil from hell had crawled into the world.

The next moment, a strong bloody smell came over the sky and the woman seemed to see a sea of blood and corpses.

The footsteps disappeared.

It seemed that the red-clothed boy who had just been bathed in blood was standing two feet away.

Looking into those golden and bloody eyes, the woman felt as if several towering mountains were pressing on her spine.

Her legs trembled, and she couldn't help wanting to kneel down and kowtow devoutly.

With a clang, the long sword fell to the ground.

The woman no longer had the slightest desire to resist, and she was frozen like a stone statue.

The blood-stained boy stretched out a hand to the woman.

The woman was slightly startled, and stepped forward, subconsciously trying to hold it. The boy's hand suddenly clenched.

With a bang, the woman's whole body exploded.

Warm and sticky blood, broken flesh and bones, splashed on the ground, the pillars, the corridor roof, and the snow.


After an incense stick of time,

Zhu Jiuyin, who had killed all the people in Cao's mansion, swallowed and spit out his forked snake tongue.

After a few breaths, he turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

"There is still a fish that slipped through the net~"

Soon, Zhu Jiuyin came to the master bedroom of Cao's mansion and pushed the door open. He immediately sensed the breath of a living person hiding under the bed.

The breath was like the tender green grass in the spring.

It was a child of about five or six years old.

Zhu Jiuyin walked slowly towards the embroidered bed.


Something happened!

Something big happened!

Seeing that Zuichunlou, which used to be brightly lit and full of laughter, has become a dead and bloody building, Cao Gang, who thought something was wrong, rolled and crawled towards Qillong Lane.

As soon as he rushed into the alley, the man was stunned. What came into view was a house with billowing smoke and flames.

A young man in red with a sword hanging from his waist happened to walk out of the gate of Cao's mansion.

The young man was in front, and the old horse was pulling half a cart of human heads behind.

A man and a horse slowly walked towards Cao Gang.

Three feet away, the young man stopped and threw something casually, which landed in front of the man.

Cao Gang slowly squatted down, stretched out his trembling palm, and picked up the longevity lock stained with blood.

"My name is Nanzhu, Master Chen Mengfei"

"Your wife and children did not feel any pain"

"This is God's mercy."

The man wrapped the longevity lock tightly with both hands and pressed it tightly against his chest.

Suddenly he burst into tears.

Hot tears rushed out of his eyes, slid down his face, and melted large pieces of snow.

The boy did not take any action, but waited patiently.

After a long time, the man wiped away his tears and stood up.

He said in a hoarse voice:"I knew this day would come."

"I just never thought it would be so fast"

"The news did not leak out"

"How did you know the child was dead?"


The man smiled bitterly and shook his head,"It doesn't matter"

""Nothing matters anymore~"

With a clang, the man drew his sword from its sheath. He said no more.

After running a few steps, he jumped high.

For his wife and children, he handed the strongest sword of his life to the boy.

The blade reflected the moonlight and snow, reflecting a sparkling cold light.

Before the sword arrived, the wind from the sword had already blown the boy's bloody clothes.

Under the moonlight, the boy gently stretched out his index finger.

With a clang , sparks flew in the sound of metal clashing.

The index finger was against the blade.

It could not move forward.

The man's eyes suddenly widened.

With a buzzing sound, the blade of the simple and heavy long sword trembled constantly.

With a click, the whole long sword suddenly exploded.

Dozens of blade pieces shot out like bullets, piercing the man's chest into a bloody mess.

Bang~ The body fell to the ground.

The man loosened his right hand that was tightly holding the handle of the sword.

His left hand was still tightly holding the longevity lock of the child until his death.

The sword was drawn out of the sheath.

Cut off the man's head and threw it into the wooden cart.

One man and one horse, continued to walk towards Crouching Tiger Lane


Two quarters of an hour later.

We arrived at the Chen family mansion in Crouching Tiger Lane.

Before entering the door, we could hear the noisy voices of people toasting and drinking, mixed with the sound of mist.

Two constables squatted at the door of the mansion, puffing out clouds of smoke. Suddenly

, we heard footsteps approaching from afar.

So we all looked up.

The last sight of the world was the extremely fast sword light.

The sword light was as dazzling as lightning. It could chill even the bone marrow.

The head fell to the ground.

The blood gushed out.

The two corpses were still squatting, and the two dry pipes were still emitting wisps of smoke.

Passing between the two corpses, Zhu Jiuyin came to the closed vermilion door.

His slender palm gently covered the door. He suddenly exerted force.

With a bang, half of the door was directly shattered into sawdust.

Soon, the desperate screams and heart-wrenching screams before death echoed in the night.

One after another, heads flew out of the Chen mansion and landed steadily on the wooden cart.

Every face is filled with fear.


In the backyard of the Chen Mansion, in the master bedroom.

Although Master Chen Chong, who was drunk, had entered the bridal chamber, he had not yet had time to favor the twenty-seventh concubine, and he was snoring like thunder.

The young girl, who was about 18 years old, was held in Chen Chong's arms. She was frightened by the continuous screams in the front yard.

Her delicate body trembled like a stressed kitten.

The screams soon disappeared.

However, the night was not quiet.

Because footsteps gradually sounded.


The door of the master bedroom was gently pushed open.

The bloody smell surged. When the girl looked into the pair of upside-down bloodshot pupils, she suddenly screamed in fear. Zhu Jiuyin came to the Huanghuali wooden table and broke off a piece of the white glazed porcelain teacup. With a flick of his finger , the porcelain piece sank into the girl's heart with a sound of breaking through the air. The blood spurted out two meters away like a flood. After the girl died, Zhu Jiuyin looked at the county magistrate who was still snoring.

"I'm tired"

"I just want to take the little one home as soon as possible."

"So, if you keep pretending to sleep, I will skin you alive and pull out your tendons."

Zhu Jiuyin said expressionlessly.


Chen Chong sighed lightly and sat up slowly.

He looked at Zhu Jiuyin who seemed to have just climbed out of a sea of blood.

He looked at the blood-stained young man with upturned red pupils.

Chen Chong did not feel his scalp tingling and his hair standing on end like those people before.

The magistrate of Lingshi County looked as calm as ever, and asked with a little curiosity:"Who is the little guy?"

Zhu Jiuyin replied:"Chen Mengfei"


Chen Chong suddenly realized:"It's the young man from Xizhuang Village."

After pondering for a while, the man smiled slightly,"My treasure house has countless gold bars and silver ingots, jade and precious stones."

"Spare my life, it's all yours."

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head,"Kill you, it's also mine."


Chen Chong smiled and pointed to the corner.

On the hanger was a man's seventh-rank official uniform embroidered with a mandarin duck.

Zhu Jiuyin remained silent.

"Thank you~"

The man thanked him, stood up and walked to the clothes rack.

While putting on the official uniform, he whispered:"I have worn official uniforms countless times in my life."

"However, I only did it myself twice, and the rest were all done by maids."

"The last time is now"

"The first time was the day I received my official uniform."

"I, Chen Chong, also once had a dream of being an honest official who would speak for the people.

The well-dressed man turned around and faced Zhu Jiuyin.

"Once upon a time, the people were the meat and I was the butcher."

"Now you are the knife and I am the fish.

The man smiled.

"Please cut off your head~"


Ps: Ask for free gifts. Also, why is the rating not rising but falling?

All killed, the next few chapters will be about A Fei, and the Cang Xue chapter will start soon.

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