Seeing the man calmly preparing for death, Zhu Jiuyin's lips curled up slightly.

His smile was like water spilling out of cracked ice.

"Asking you to cut off your head? That's a nice thought.~"

"My disciple died of internal organs melting and rotting."

Chen Chong's expression changed slightly.

In the night outside the house, there was a rustling sound.

In the man's astonished eyes, a white shadow suddenly rushed into the room, climbed up along the boy's tall body, and finally squatted on his shoulder.

Looking closely, it was not a white cat, but a white-haired rat.

The hair was thick and soft, and the bright rat eyes were like red agate.


Chen Chong took a breath of cold air.

At the door, hundreds of rats gathered. They were so densely packed that the squeaking sound continued.

"I'll let these mice crawl into your mouth and deep into your chest"

""I will eat your heart, your liver, your lungs, your internal organs, mouthful by mouthful, cleanly."

Zhu Jiuyin sat down, picked up the short-mouthed white glazed pot and poured himself a full glass of wine.

After drinking it all, he pointed a finger in the air.

The man who was quietly preparing to take the sword from the wall to commit suicide immediately froze in place like a sculpture, motionless.

"Little Cyclone"

"Master, please tell me"

"let's start"


The little whirlwind holding the soul-calling bell turned around and squeaked twice at the rats outside the door.

Immediately, a gray-haired rat rushed towards Chen Chong.

It crawled along the man's fat body and went straight to his mouth.

Chen Chong was sweating profusely and gritted his teeth.


Little Tornado gave the order again.

The gray-haired rat opened its mouth and bit the man's lips fiercely.

The rat's sharp teeth could bite through even a concrete wall, not to mention a flesh and blood body.


The man whose lips were bitten through and a small piece of flesh was bitten off suddenly let out a heart-wrenching scream.

The gray-haired rat seized the opportunity and went straight into the man's mouth.

The scream stopped abruptly.

The man stared with a pair of terrified eyes.

He deeply felt that his throat was stretched open.

The indescribable feeling of suffocation made his whole face red.

On his neck, the hideous blood vessels twisted like earthworms, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was scarlet.


The extremely painful scream seemed to shatter all tangible things.


The second gray-haired mouse, the third, the fourth, the fifth……


Half an hour later, the Lingshi County Magistrate Chen Chong, Master Chen, had only a complete head left.

Not to mention the flesh and blood, even the skeleton was bitten by the rats and scattered all over the ground.

Picking up the head of the man who died with his eyes wide open, Zhu Jiuyin walked out of the house. He quickly left the backyard and came to the front yard.

Looking at the broken limbs and arms in the yard,

Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"Dragon Flame~"

The red fire was spit out.

The fire took advantage of the wind and burned fiercely.

Burning everything in the world

After walking out of the Chen family mansion, they threw Chen Chong's head into the wooden cart.

The fire burned the night sky red.

One man and one horse walked towards the county government office.

After about an incense stick of time

, the county government arrived with a creaking sound.

‘Your salary is the blood and sweat of the people.

It is easy to abuse the people, but it is hard to deceive God.

Zhu Jiuyin looked up at the high hanging plaque with the words"Public Justice and Honesty"


Untying the old horse's rope, Zhu Jiuyin held the shaft of the cart.

With a slight force, the wooden cart slowly tilted backwards.


The heads of the people in the cart rolled to the ground.

Then he tied the rope to the old horse.

One person, one horse, and a white-haired rat slowly walked towards the north gate.


With a sound of breaking through the air, the Black Death Spear flew diagonally.

Zhu Jiuyin grabbed it and threw it into the wooden cart.

""Ring, ring, ring~"

Little Tornado shook the bronze bell all the way.

The crisp bell sound turned into sound waves and spread throughout Lingshi County.

In Zuichunlou, Qilong Lane, Crouching Tiger Lane, souls emitting cold light, most of them were holding human heads, gathering towards Zhu Jiuyin's position.

County Magistrate Chen Chong, black-robed head of the police Cao Gang, Bai Liu, etc.

The county constables were the most.

There was also the girl Lanxiang, Lan's father and Lan's mother.

Behind Zhu Jiuyin, it seemed as if a galaxy was flowing.

Soon they arrived at the north city gate. Zhu Jiuyin looked back at the quiet Lingshi County.

"Dream well"

"When I wake up from the dream, the human world is hard to find, but the underworld is just around the corner."

Under the moonlight, the blood-stained clothes are in front, and the carriage is behind.

One person and a hundred ghosts, heading straight to Xizhuang Village

Half an hour later, at the foot of Mount Gushe,

Zhu Jiuyin squatted down and placed his slender hands on the grave mound.

He said softly,"Little one, the people who killed you were killed by Master."

"It's a pity that you can't see them on the road to the underworld"

"Master wants to suppress these people under Mount Buzhou"

"Not one year, not ten years, not a hundred years"

"But for all eternity, forever and ever"

"Even if the seas run dry and the rocks crumble."

The cold wind carried the broken snow, cruelly cutting Zhu Jiuyin's rare gentle smile.

""Little one, Master will take you home~"

He stood up and came to the golden nanmu coffin.

Zhu Jiuyin opened the coffin lid with one hand.

Then he faced the grave and whispered,"Open~"

The frozen soil rushed to both sides frantically, and soon a cypress coffin buried deep underground was exposed.

Zhu Jiuyin waved his sleeves.

With a whizzing sound, seven coffin nails flew through the air.

Jumping down the deep pit, Zhu Jiuyin lifted the coffin lid.

What came into view was the headless body of the little one who was extremely stiff. He was still wearing the coarse linen clothes he wore when he left his hometown. He was still wearing the tattered straw sandals on his feet.

His right hand was still tightly holding the ordinary iron sword.

"My little one…"

Zhu Jiuyin opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he always felt something stuck in his throat. He leaned over and picked up the headless body.

It was strange.

The body, which was originally stiff like an iron plate, suddenly became soft as if it was still alive after being in his arms.


Put the headless body of the little one into the golden nanmu coffin.

Then carefully put the head beside it.

Then put the string of candied haws from Old Liutou into his left hand.

Finally, Zhu Jiuyin took off the red blood hanging from his waist.

With a clang, the long sword was unsheathed. After killing so many people, the sword as clear as autumn water was not stained with a single trace of blood.

The blade as cold as frost and snow did not have the slightest curl or gap.

It was as sharp as the first time it was unsheathed.


The long sword was sheathed.

Zhu Jiuyin leaned over and tried to pry open the little one's right hand and take away the iron sword.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the boy would not let go.

Zhu Jiuyin smiled bitterly and had to gently place the red blood on the body of the little one.


Little Tornado took off the tiger-head hat and handed it to Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head and said,"Leave it here. It's just a thought.""


The coffin lid closed.

Zhu Jiuyin moved away from the golden nanmu coffin, looking down at the souls all over the hill.

After a long time, his red vertical pupils looked at the vague outline of Lingshi County in the distance.

The cold wind blew, blowing the blood-stained clothes and the black hair fluttering.

Zhu Jiuyin's crystal-clear bare feet slowly left the ground.

His tall body slowly floated into the distant sky.

"The turbid emblems faintly reveal the unruly and arrogant talents~"

《The Birth of the Dead Realm is an ancient divine skill recorded in the Nine Yin Devouring Heaven Skill, which has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth.

Zhu Jiuyin is preparing to use this ancient divine skill to send Lingshi County into hell.


Ps: Two things. First, the chant of the advent of the dead world comes from the"Bleach" by Aizen Sosuke, Hado Ninjutsu, and Kurokokan.

Second, there will be three updates tomorrow, so please give me some free gifts.

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