"The turbid emblems are faintly revealed, the unruly and arrogant talents, the tide·denial·paralysis·a moment, hindering the long sleep~"

Above the sky, the blood-stained clothes whizzed, and the hair flew like twisting dragons and snakes.

Zhu Jiuyin gently raised his head and slowly opened his arms, as if he wanted to embrace the mountains and rivers of 100,000 miles into his arms.

""The crawling iron princess, the clay doll that constantly mutilates itself~"

As the chanting sounded, the sky suddenly cracked with a sound.

The crack was unknown how many miles long, extending from one side of the sky to the other.

Endless rolling death energy was like a sea of stars, surging and surging, gushing out from the crack and falling straight to the human world.

"Combine, rebound, spread to the ground, and know your own powerlessness~"


With a loud sound like thunder, a towering and ferocious ancient city squeezed out from the depths of the crack and was born in the world.

Countless crack fragments fell, like a gorgeous rain of light, and the night suddenly became as bright as day.

The city surrounded by the rolling death aura was as black as ink.

In the city, countless ferocious and bloodthirsty evil spirits climbed up the roof and the city wall.

Pairs of terrifying eyes as red as blood overlooked the world.

The evil spirits smelled the breath of the living.

Just like a hungry wolf smelling the aroma of meat.

In an instant, countless evil spirits couldn't wait to jump off the city wall.

It was densely packed, like a river.

However, the evil spirits that left the scope of the ancient city were directly wiped out the moment they came into contact with the world of the living.


The shrill screams continued, echoing across the world for hundreds of miles.

"Nanzhu, what are you going to do?"

The roar shook the whole area.

At the end of the sky, the man in green with fluttering sleeves shouted:"There are tens of thousands of people in the county, such a huge cause and effect"

"If even a tiny bit of it falls on that child, it will be enough to ruin him forever!"

High in the sky.

Zhu Jiuyin turned a deaf ear to it.

He slowly raised his right arm.

"The turbid emblems are faintly visible, the unruly and arrogant talents, the tide, the denial, the paralysis, the moment, hindering the long sleep.

The crawling iron princess, the clay doll that constantly hurts itself, combine, rebound, spread to the ground, knowing its own powerlessness."

The towering ancient city, the majestic death.

The twisted evil spirits like mountains and seas in the city screamed crazily.

""Nanzhu, stop!"

Qingyi was anxious as the sound of the air broke through,"Stop, I have a better solution!"

Under the moonlight,

Zhu Jiuyin had no expression on his face, and his red vertical pupils were more sinister than those of a demon.

"Burning Xi and boiling Shu, riding the wind and the clouds.

Eating corpses and blood, chewing bones and killing people"

"Shinto: The Death Realm is Born!"

The raised right arm, with the five fingers spread wide, pressed down heavily.

Above the azure sky, the huge monster carrying endless evil spirits fell with a bang.

After the intense friction with the air, the ancient city suddenly burned fiercely.

It was like a meteorite, dragging a trail of billowing black smoke and blazing flames.


The sky shook and the earth trembled.

Strong winds blew up dust.

It was like a surging wave.

Lingshi County disappeared.

There was only an abyss with no bottom left in that place.


The next day.

The rising sun shines on the snow, reflecting a large area of dazzling light.

Cheng Family Courtyard in Xizhuang Village


Hu Zi slowly woke up with a low groan of pain.

After sitting up and rubbing his sore eyes, the dry-mouthed boy got out of bed and prepared to drink some water.

Suddenly, the boy's body stiffened, and his black and white eyes were as big as copper bells.

On the shabby square table ten feet away, there were piles of gold bars and silver ingots.

There were also dozens or hundreds of jades, pearls, agates and other objects.

Hu Zi's throat moved and he swallowed hard.

He came to the square table with difficulty and picked up two things.

A thin blue book with"Falling Flower Sword Technique" on it.

A long strip of paper with the words"Innocent man, guilty of holding a treasure"’

"This is... Fei Ge's spirit appearing?!"


On the ancient road.

The creaking sound drifted away with the wind.

The old horse pulled the wooden cart, carrying the golden nanmu coffin and two people and a rat.

"Traveling day and night, but still one step too late."

The man in green clothes, sitting cross-legged on top of the coffin with his hands in his sleeves, added:"What I mean is not that I failed to stop you, but that so many beasts did not die under my sword."

"How many can you leave for me?~"

""Ring, ring, ring~"

Qing Yi rang the bronze bell.

Behind the carriage, which was invisible to ordinary people, there were hundreds of ethereal souls.

As for Xiao Xuanfeng, the tiger-head hat covered his entire rat head, and his furry body like a big cat was buried in Zhu Jiuyin's arms, trembling.

"This white-haired rat, could it be the protector you trained for that child?"

Qing Yi curled her lips,"It's not the first time I've seen it, look how scared it is."

Zhu Jiuyin, who was sitting cross-legged in the front of the car, shook his head,"It's easy to kill 100,000 people, but it's hard to find a protector."

"By the way, as you said before, you have a better solution"

"Tell me what you think."

Qingyi rolled her eyes,"You've sent the whole county to hell. What's the point of telling me?"

Zhu Jiuyin took off the yellow gourd from his waist, looked up to the sky and took a big gulp of the clear wine.

Then he threw the gourd to Qingyi.

"The county magistrate's collection of fine wine must be at least a hundred years old. He found it deep in the treasure house when he was packing the yellow and white things for the child."

Taking the gourd, Qingyi grinned and joked,"You are really not a human being."

"I can drink the wine of my enemy with ease."

Zhu Jiuyin raised his lips slightly,"I am not a human being."

"Besides, good wine is innocent."

He took two big gulps, and his internal organs seemed to be burning.

Qingyi praised with a breath of alcohol:"It's really good wine~"

After that, he poured the remaining half of the gourd into the carriage.

Then he patted the golden nanmu coffin under his butt,"Boy, drink it all, don't leave a drop."

He threw the gourd back to Zhu Jiuyin.

Qingyi faced the sky and lay down comfortably.

"Southern Candle"


"What do you think of this world?"

"I haven't been there, how can I know~"

Qingyi's three dark pupils were stunned,"The world is very small, so small that a Qingping Town can show all kinds of human life."

"The world is vast, with different kinds of wine and beauties. Every sea, every mountain, every river, every tree, every flower is different."

"Let alone ten thousand miles, even if you travel a million or ten million miles, you still can't see the whole world."

Qingyi narrowed her eyes slightly,"The spring grass and flying birds, the green forests in the midsummer, the abundant fruits in the cold autumn, the thousands of miles of snow in the winter, and this blue sky, that child will never see it again."

"Nanzhu, do you know the cause of this incident?"

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head,"I don't know."

Qingyi whispered:"I think in Weidu"


"Why don't you ask me why?"

Zhu Jiuyin sighed,"Why?"

Qingyi said faintly,"I don't know."

Zhu Jiuyin:"……"

"The cause and effect, once you try to trace the source, even the gods will be entangled."

The blue-clothed man with double pupils said coldly:"Nanzhu, let's cut off the fate of the Wei Kingdom.~"


Ps: Two things, we’ll talk about them tomorrow.

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