Under the moonlight, the world was quiet.

The scabbard emitting a blazing golden light hung high in the sky.

Zhu Jiuyin held the Tingfeng Sword in his hand, his eyes slightly closed, and waited quietly.

Suddenly, a breeze blew on his face, blowing his white clothes and his black hair into a flutter.

""Here it comes~"

Zhu Jiuyin slowly opened his eyes, and what was reflected in his red vertical pupils was a white column of smoke.

It rushed from afar and rushed straight into the scabbard.


With a loud noise, the earth trembled.

The second, third, fourth...

On the vast land, countless thick smoke columns rolled, like endless silver dragons, flowing through rivers, flying over mountains, and all swallowed by the scabbard.

The scabbard could not bear so many white dragons of luck, and it kept sinking from the sky.

Qingyi's ten natal characters had long been eclipsed.

The golden color was submerged by the silver.

It was like a white sun across the world.

Zhu Jiuyin put two fingers of his left hand in parallel and stroked the bladeless ink ruler.

With this sword, many, many people will die.

And they will die miserably and painfully.

After the Wei Kingdom was destroyed, could the new dynasty lead the people to a bumper harvest and live and work in peace?

Overthrow the old temple and build a new temple on the ruins.

Will it be better than before?

Even a little bit.

Zhu Jiuyin didn't know, and didn't want to know

"Will destroying the Wei Dynasty make me happy?"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled calmly,"Yes~"

Life is short, just be happy


He threw the sword fiercely.

The Tingfeng Sword pierced the sky.

Then, like an eternal immortal light, it suddenly fell down.

It was firmly inserted into the scabbard.

With a loud bang, the mountains and rivers were shattered. The white sun disappeared.



Qingyi couldn't help but gasp when she saw Zhu Jiuyin again.

Under the moonlight and in the light of snow, the boy walking towards her was in pieces, like a porcelain bottle covered with cracks and about to break.

The boy had a face as desolate as snow, red eyes that looked like flowing gold and bleeding, and even a strand of his hair had cracks all over it.

Qingyi couldn't help but give Zhu Jiuyin a thumbs up and uttered a word,"Brave!"

After throwing the Tingfeng Sword to Qingyi, Zhu Jiuyin stretched out his rough palm that was like broken pieces and then sloppily pieced together, and struggled to sit on the front of the car.

"This matter is over, let's go home~"

With a creaking sound, the carriage swayed towards the direction of Aquarius State.


When leaving, there was only one person and one mouse.

When returning, there were only three people and one mouse.

When the familiar outline of the town was seen from afar, the snow between the sky and the earth had mostly melted.

Qingyi, who was sitting cross-legged on the golden nanmu coffin, raised his arms and stretched comfortably.

Then he gently patted the coffin lid under his buttocks,"Child, we are home."

In the cold wind blowing from the town, the gossips of the residents could be vaguely heard.

Qingyi asked,"Nanzhu, where are you going to bury this child?"

"Is it your Buzhou Mountain, or his mother's peach blossom forest?"

The cracks on the palm that was like a spider web before have become lighter.

Zhu Jiuyin retracted his gaze and whispered:"Bury him next to his mother."

"Fallen leaves must return to their roots, and young birds must return to their nests"

"The roots and nest are not in Buzhou Mountain, nor in the peach blossom forest, and certainly not here with me."

The slender palm gently stroked the golden nanmu coffin,"Wherever Nan Jinping is, that is the little one's roots and nest."

Qingyi curled her lips,"I am also half a master of this child."

"Since you have prepared the coffin, I will take care of the rest of the funeral items."

Zhu Jiuyin nodded slightly,"Okay."

"Besides, I will choose the burial date, and you will dig the grave."

"Finally, this coffin cannot be brought back to the Chen family compound in Wuyi Lane today.


Zhu Jiuyin was puzzled.

"Because the body and soul are incomplete, the King of Hell will not accept them."

"If you accept it, you will be sent to the animal realm."

The three pupils of Qingyi narrowed slightly,"Tonight, I will sew up the corpse of this child."

"Let this kid leave the world intact and dignified."

Qingyi lowered his head slightly and looked at Zhu Jiuyin who was staring at him. He couldn't help but touch his face,"Is there something wrong with my face?"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled,"If the little one knows that you, the always arrogant teacher Qi, are so kind to him, he will be very happy, very happy."


Qing Yi snorted coldly, and pressed his chin against Zhu Jiuyin,"You are such a rude person, which eye of yours saw my nose going up to the sky?!"


Zhu Jiuyin got off the carriage at the small town's covered bridge.

"Remember, don't disturb me tonight."

Qingyi waved his hand, drove the old horse, pulled the coffin, and drove across the covered bridge.

"Little Cyclone"

"Master, please tell me"

"Let's go home too."

Little Tornado rang the soul-calling bell.

On the ancient road that could not be seen by mortal bodies, more than a hundred ethereal souls stood.

Following the crisp bell sound, they headed straight to Buzhou Mountain.


【Host: Zhu Jiuyin

Lifespan: Immortality (immortality)

True body: Zhulong (slim snake stage)

Cultivation: 103.7 meters (advanced to fierce dragon stage after 896.3 meters)】

【Master-disciple return system: temporarily closed (host please wait for the destined person)】

【Remaining free time: 28 hours】

【Total of free time for three times: 252 hours

Consumed: 249 hours

Countdown: 05:51:47]

After traversing this world for 26 years, I have been free for 26 days.

Now there are less than three days left.

"If the little guy can live, live forever, until he fulfills his dreams"

"I'd rather not have a vacation."

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, Zhu Jiuyin smashed the thin ice layer and washed his face with cold stream water. He immediately stood up and raised his right arm high.

He used his arm as a knife and chopped it down fiercely.

The terrifying edge was like a galaxy, and it fell straight down three thousand feet.

With a loud bang, the ground suddenly cracked open.

The crack was extremely wide and countless miles long, starting from Buzhou Mountain and extending to the end of the endless sky.

Rather than calling it a crack, it would be more appropriate to describe it as an abyss.

""Go down!"

With a wave of his sleeves, hundreds of souls fell into the abyss like dumplings.

Chen Chong, Cao Gang, Lan Xiang, Bai Liu, Lan's father and mother, etc. came to a huge bluestone beside the abyss. Zhu Jiuyin thought for a while, and then he inhaled and exhaled energy from his fingertips. He pointed at the word"Netherworld" on the bluestone.


At dusk,

Zhu Jiuyin walked out of the cave, holding an ordinary iron sword.

He came to the two peach trees that were killed by lightning, bit his finger, and dripped a drop of blood onto the iron sword.

The iron sword, which was originally rusty, immediately became red and sharp.

He engraved ancient runes on the sword with his fingernails.

After about an incense stick, Zhu Jiuyin handed the iron sword to Xiao Xuanfeng.

""Master, do you want me to practice sword?"

Little Tornado took it curiously.

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head and said,"From tomorrow on, you will go into the netherworld in your spare time and use this sword to hurt those souls."

""You can be as cruel as you want."

Little Tornado nodded his head, like a chicken pecking at rice,"Master, don't worry, I'm free."

Sitting cross-legged on the charred trunk of the peach tree, Zhu Jiuyin stared at the brilliant sunset with his red eyes.

"Master, I heard from the people in the town that after death, people will go to the underworld, enter the ghost gate, and walk through the Yellow Spring Road. After the judgment of Yama, the wicked will be sent to the eighteen levels of hell, and the good will go to Naihe Bridge, drink a bowl of Mengpo soup, forget their past, and go back to the six realms of reincarnation."

"Master, will the little one also want to drink Meng Po soup?"

"Will he forget his master?"

Little Tornado tilted his head, staring at Zhu Jiuyin's calm face with his red agate-like bright eyes.

Zhu Jiuyin whispered,"I won't let Yama judge the little one."

"I won't let him forget this life."


Ps: I haven't eaten the second meal yet, and the third chapter should be in the early morning.

Today is Saturday and I have a holiday. The backstage is all machine-censored, and I don't know if it can be released.

Those who can't wait can read it tomorrow, and it will also be three chapters.

Finally, I am collecting three names, Cang Xue's parents, and her younger brother.

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