Night falls, the moon is bright and clear.

In front of the sacred tree forest, beside the Taiping River.

In the small fenced courtyard, Qingyi stands under the eaves, looking down at a pair of slender hands, hesitant.

"Left hand or right hand? So conflicted~"

The right hand can hold a sword and chopsticks, so Qingyi finally chose the left hand.

Walking into the main hall, he opened the lid of the golden nanmu coffin. What came into view were two swords.

An iron sword and red blood.

There was also a string of bright and juicy candied haws that seemed to be clotted with blood.

Qingyi counted them, a total of nine red fruits.

Bending down and gently prying the boy's left and right hands apart, Qingyi took the candied haws and iron sword away and put them aside.

He then picked up the boy's headless body and placed it on the long table.

Then he gently held out the boy's head.

Staring at the deathly gray face so close, Qingyi's double pupils flashed with cold light,"Damn bug, being tortured to death or cut into pieces is not enough to vent my anger."

Putting the head on the long table, Qingyi took off the coarse linen clothes and tattered straw sandals from the boy's body gently and slowly.

Then she filled half a basin with warm water and took out a clean towel.

After wetting the towel, she wiped the boy's body carefully.

About two quarters of an hour later, after scrubbing the body three times, Qingyi filled the fourth basin with water and gently took off the green hairpin.

The lifeless hair was like dead grass.

Qingyi washed the boy's hair and face.

After another two quarters of an hour, after washing the boy's makeup, Qingyi took out the newly bought shroud and shoes.

Like moonlight, like frost and snow, white without a trace of other colors.

Qingyi was like a father, and put on the shroud and shoes for the boy.

The hair was not dry yet, and it would take a while to put it in a bun.

Qingyi came to the golden nanmu coffin and stared at the string of crystal-clear candied haws.

"Why do I feel weird?!"

I always feel like something is wrong.

But after thinking for a long time, I still can't figure it out.


After the hair was completely dry, Qingyi skillfully arranged the boy's hair into a bun and inserted a jade hairpin.

Then he picked up the Tingfeng Sword and walked out of the main hall, sitting on a small bench under the eaves. With a clang, the long sword was unsheathed.

Qingyi held the sword in his right hand and stretched out his left hand.

He placed the edgeless sword blade against the base of his little finger.

He exerted force suddenly.

The bright red blood fell to the ground, splattering into a scorching flower of blood.

Qingyi looked normal, and leaned over to pick up the little finger. To sew a corpse, needle and thread are indispensable.

However, in the final analysis, it is just an ordinary dead object. You can sew a corpse, but you can't sew a soul.

Qingyi thought for a long time and decided to use his own bones of a land immortal instead of silver needles.

After removing the skin and flesh, Qingyi used the little finger bone in his left hand and the Tingfeng Sword in his right hand.

With a crackling sound, he used the sword to grind the bone.


It was not until the moon was at its zenith that Qingyi stopped her mechanical movements. She stood up from the bench and stretched herself lazily.


He let out a long breath.

His palm rubbed the empty space in front of him fiercely.

‘Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and trustworthiness’

‘The ten natal characters of"honesty, forgiveness, loyalty, filial piety, and brotherhood" are like ten small suns.

Qingyi pointed at the character"loyalty".

The void shook, the golden light was restrained, and the character"loyalty" slowly disintegrated and reorganized into a very thin and long golden thread.

With a slight pinch, the golden thread was twisted.

Qingyi immediately threaded the needle.

The needle was the bone needle of the immortals on land.

The thread was the golden thread of Confucianism and Confucianism.

Qingyi waved his sleeves, and the nine natal characters disappeared.

He walked into the main hall and put the young man's head on the broken neck of the headless corpse.

Qingyi's face was serious, and the tip of the bone needle pierced into the gray skin.

Each needle had a strong feeling of an ant trying to shake a tree or a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

It was like a blade of grass trying to pierce a piece of iron.

It was very difficult!

After only two needles, Qingyi's face turned pale and sweated profusely.

The heart in his chest was beating wildly, and the blood in his body was about to boil.

Gritting his teeth, Qingyi's hand holding the needle was as steady as a rock, and he placed the third needle. To complete the incomplete soul of a person who had been dead for more than half a month was an act against the will of heaven. Only a land immortal could do this.


In the blink of an eye, the sky was already slightly pale.

In the main hall, Qingyi finished sewing the last stitch, suppressed the dizziness, and looked at the boy while holding the edge of the table. The boy whose body was torn apart yesterday was now complete.

The bright golden thread gradually disappeared into the flesh and blood, while repairing the body, it was also repairing the soul.

Qingyi, whose face was as pale as paper, smiled bitterly,"I'm sorry, kid, Banshi is just a mere earthly immortal, and can only do this."


When the sun was high in the sky.

Zhu Jiuyin faced the cold wind, holding a shovel in his left hand and carrying two granite tombstones on his right shoulder, and came to the peach blossom forest on the west side of the town.

There was a solitary grave deep in the peach blossom forest.

A long irregular stone slab was used as the tombstone, and it was inscribed with"The Tomb of the Loving Mother Nan Jinping".

In the lower right corner was"The Unfilial Son Chen Mengfei Knocked".

With a muffled bang, the two brand new tombstones fell to the ground.

Zhu Jiuyin inserted the shovel into the frozen soil and came to the woman's grave.

The cold wind blew, and the clothes fluttered.

The skinny appearance of the woman emerged in his mind.

Zhu Jiuyin has never forgotten those clear and bright eyes that are always tender and like the little one in appearance and spirit.

He stared at the grave for a long time, his heart was full of words, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't utter even a word.

Zhu Jiuyin pulled out the shovel, shoveled away the dead grass growing wildly on the grave, and filled it with new soil.

Immediately, he started digging a pit next to the woman's grave.

An hour later, the burial pit was ready.

Zhu Jiuyin walked out of the peach blossom forest just as he had come, holding a shovel in his left hand and carrying two tombstones on his right shoulder.

Suddenly, something flew diagonally from the sky.

Zhu Jiuyin turned his head sharply while thinking about it.

He saw a yellow bird standing on the new tombstone. Its two eyes were round and watery.

It seemed like he had seen it somewhere before.


In front of the sacred forest, beside the Taiping River.

Zhu Jiuyin walked into the small fenced courtyard and gently placed the two tombstones under the eaves.

Entering the main hall, he came to the golden nanmu coffin.

Looking at the intact body in the coffin, without a single suture mark on the neck.

Zhu Jiuyin gave a thumbs up to the Qingyi lying on the corpse bed,"Great!"

Qingyi, whose face was as pale as paper and almost out of breath, said in a mosquito-like voice:"Tomorrow is the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the child's birthday, and it is also a good day."

"How about burying him at noon?"

Zhu Jiuyin nodded."

"Besides, I put the small tombstone under the eaves, and you can do the engraving. After all, you are a great scholar with rich knowledge and profound scholarship.

Qingyi corrected him, saying,"You are just an ordinary scholar."

Zhu Jiuyin smiled, closed the coffin lid, and left with the coffin.


The sun was setting in the west.

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain,

Zhu Jiuyin put the black iron heavy sword and the soft sword that Xiaobudian had used into the coffin.

Then he carried Xiaobudian's body out of the coffin.

The master and the apprentice sat on the edge of the cliff and looked at the flaming clouds in the sky as before.

From the abyss of the netherworld, bursts of heart-wrenching screams drifted out from time to time.

Xiao Xuanfeng was not a human, and mice would also eat hair and blood, and even eat their own cubs when they were extremely hungry.

Therefore, when torturing human souls, not only did he not feel any psychological burden, but he actually enjoyed it.

"Little one, in this life, please watch the sunset with me one last time."

"Next life, you must come earlier"

"Even if the world changes, Mount Buzhou will always be here"

"Master will always...always wait for you."

Soon, the night enveloped the surroundings.

Zhu Jiuyin picked up the little corpse, tapped his toes lightly, and jumped straight to the top of Buzhou Mountain.


Ps: The last two chapters of the Asuka chapter will be released tomorrow.

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