Bright moon, cold wind.

On the top of Buzhou Mountain, a stone statue of a young man who has experienced wind and rain stands tall.

His eyebrows are as sharp as swords, and his expression is solemn.

He lowers his head slightly, as if he is overlooking the mountains, rivers and the world.

""Zhang Bairen~"

While muttering, Zhu Jiuyin withdrew his gaze from the face of the stone statue.

After gently putting down the little corpse, he pulled out the iron sword hanging from his waist with a clang.

He then took two steps forward and gently inserted the iron sword into the empty sheath in the stone statue's right hand.

The empty sheath was filled.

However, after just a few breaths, the iron sword was silently annihilated into powder.

"Guessed right~"

Zhu Jiuyin raised a subtle arc at the corner of his mouth.

This stone statue is not an ordinary dead thing, and it contains a trace of the Emperor of Heaven's aura.

Resisting his smile, Zhu Jiuyin picked up the little corpse again, brushed past the young stone statue, and came to the edge of the mountain cliff.

Looking up at the towering ancient tree that was more than ten feet high, Zhu Jiuyin whispered:"Jianmu Sacred Tree~"

As the cultivation became more and more advanced, the python's body slowly grew and thickened, and some ancient memories that had been integrated into the deep blood of the Candle Dragon were gradually awakened.

For example, the ancient divine skill of Shinto·Death Realm Birth came from a piece of memory fragment.

The bark of the ancient tree cracked, and the treetops covered the sky and the moon.

In the raging cold current, the tree was full of gray leaves. The sound of metal clashing against each other was crisp and pleasant.

It was said that the Jianmu tree was a bridge between heaven, earth, humans and gods, but it was unknown whether it was true or not. In the Zhulong bloodline, in those memory fragments that exuded the smell of vicissitudes and decay, the Jianmu tree that Zhu Jiuyin saw had its roots deeply rooted in the underworld. Every branch was a river, and every leaf could cover the mountain.

The highest crown of the tree soared directly into the depths of the clouds and mist.

Connecting heaven and earth!

Compared with it, the Jianmu tree on the top of Mount Buzhou was not even a firefly.

The red vertical pupils swept across the ancient stone swords, the brightly colored sky swords, the mottled black bells, and the pocket-sized nine-story pagoda among the billions of leaves.

"While staring into the abyss, I wonder if the abyss is also staring at me~"

Turning around, Zhu Jiuyin gathered his mind and put the little corpse on the ground.

Then he put two fingers of his right hand together like a sword and stabbed them into his heart fiercely.

Gritting his teeth and enduring the severe pain, Zhu Jiuyin slowly pulled out his two fingers.

Between his fingers was a drop of dazzling red blood.

Heart blood!

Contains a ray of the original power of the candle dragon.

Not to mention ordinary people, even a land immortal like Qi Qingji would be jealous when seeing it.


He let out a long breath to ease the piercing pain.

After a few breaths, Zhu Jiuyin's expression became stern, and he fiercely pointed his finger, injecting the blood from his heart into the forehead of Little Bit.

It was not to revive Little Bit.

Reviving the dead is an act against heaven.

It is far from being comparable to Qi Qingji's stitching of Little Bit's incomplete soul.

Qi Qingji's stitching of the corpse was just like opening a tributary in the river.

Reviving the dead is equivalent to letting the river flow to the sky.

When the sun rises in the east, it is daytime. When the sun sets in the west, it is night.

Water flows to the lower places, and all rivers return to the sea.

Birds fly in the sky, and beasts walk on the ground.

The dead cannot be resurrected.

This is the law of heaven.

Those who go against it will be reduced to ashes.


Zhu Jiuyin's purpose of doing this was for the sake of Little Bit's Tao.

Thousands of people have thousands of paths. A monster like Qi Qingji, who cultivates a destiny in ten years, can become a land immortal in a hundred years.

Some people cultivate immortality and seek the Tao for their entire lives, but they are barely ninth-rank warriors.

Little Bit was born with a sword embryo, and even if he is not as good as Qi Qingji, he is not much worse.

But what about the next life?

Talents, aptitudes, bones and comprehension will not reincarnate with the soul.

An emperor in this life may become a beggar in the next.

The heart blood seeped from the forehead into the flesh and bones, and continued to seep into the soul.

Changing everything about Little Bit from the inside out.

Two fingers were about to pierce the second drop of heart blood.

But there was a click in the body of Little Bit, and dense cracks burst out like a porcelain bottle.

"Can you only bear one drop~"

While whispering, Zhu Jiuyin bit his index finger and wiped it hard on his forehead.

The blood was bright red. It was like opening the eyes of heaven. With a clang, a brilliant red light shot out from the third eye on his forehead and pierced into the void.

The sky and the earth changed color.

With a loud crack, the void slowly cracked a crack.

In the crack, the chaotic energy was surging.

A majestic pass could be vaguely seen.

Two stone gates were as high as the sky.

On them, evil ghosts were hideous, their internal organs were wriggling, and human tendons were bleeding.

On the stone gate, three scarlet ancient characters were deeply embedded in the mountain, flowing with sticky blood.

This is the"Gate of Hell".

The world of the living and the underworld are close at hand.

Two fingers pierced into the chest again.

Zhu Jiuyin waved his sleeves, and a total of 19 drops of heart blood floated into the underworld along the crack.

The red light was brilliant, and it seemed as if there were 19 scorching suns floating in front of the Gate of Hell.

The world of the living. The top of Mount Buzhou.

Zhu Jiuyin's black hair was flying, and his white clothes were soaked in blood

"Five Ghost Emperors, Ten Kings of Hell"

"With your blood and sweat,"

"The imperial decree opens the gate of hell to allow Chen Mengfei to reincarnate."

This reincarnation, without the judgment of the Ten Kings of Hell and without drinking Meng Po soup, is truly against the will of heaven.

For a long time, the gate of hell was silent.

Zhu Jiuyin's pupils were erected and grim.

"All causes and consequences will befall me!"

A cold voice suddenly rang out from the depths of the underworld.

"This is the only time, never again."

It was a woman.

Amidst the rumbling sound, the two stone doors opened a tiny crack.

Nineteen drops of heart blood floated in one after another, flying to the deepest part of the underworld.

Before Zhu Jiuyin could summon the little soul body.

Behind the gate of hell, a sea of hideous evil ghosts suddenly gushed out.

Densely packed, a large black mass, rushing straight to the world of the living.

Suddenly, the extremely restless picture suddenly froze.

Countless pairs of cruel and violent blood-red eyes stared at the stone statue of the young man standing on the top of Mount Buzhou through the cracks.

After a brief silence.

A large area of black sea flowed back.

Countless evil ghosts screamed in fear, trying to escape back to the underworld, the farther away from the stone statue, the better.


Zhu Jiuyin crushed one evil ghost at will. The same goes for ten thousand evil ghosts. But there are more than tens of millions of evil ghosts in the underworld. With a sigh of relief, Zhu Jiuyin squatted down and put his slender palm on the chest of the little corpse.

Then he pulled hard and pulled the little soul out of the corpse.

It was still the same boy.

He was wearing snow-white shrouds and shoes, holding a string of bright red candied haws in his left hand.

"This is……"

Zhu Jiuyin frowned slightly, staring at the nine red fruits that seemed to be clotted with blood for a long time.

"The old man selling candied haws……"

Zhu Jiuyin didn't know what the string of candied haws was for, but it was definitely harmless to the little one.

"Why is that old man so good to Little Bit?!"

Qi Qingji used his finger bones as needles and his natal character as thread to help Little Bit sew up his body and soul.

He prevented Little Bit from falling into the eighteen levels of hell or being reborn as an animal.

He used his blood to pave the way for Little Bit.

He bribed the Five Ghost Emperors and the Ten Kings of Hell with nineteen drops of blood, so that Little Bit could be reincarnated without trial or drinking Meng Po soup, retaining his memories of this life.

Qi Qingji was a half-master.

He was a full master who kowtowed three times and bowed nine times.

Once a master, always a father.

For Little Bit, let alone twenty drops of blood, he would be willing to shed a hundred drops.

But... that old man had no relationship with Little Bit, so why did he do that?


Zhu Jiuyin couldn't help thinking about it. With the rumbling sound, the gate of hell was about to close.


Ps: Chapter 2 will be around 11 o'clock, I will do it as soon as possible.

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