Under Mount Buzhou.

In the abyss of the netherworld.

The little whirlwind stood upright like a human, holding a blood-red iron sword in its front paws, and fiercely stabbed the sword into the soul of Lanxiang, which was emitting a cool and faint light.


The girl screamed heartbreakingly

"About three hours, I'll give you a day off tomorrow, and we'll stab you the day after tomorrow."

Talking to himself, Little Tornado drew out his iron sword and came to the soul bodies of Lan's father and mother.

"Which one should I stab first? I am so confused~"

Just as Xiao Xuanfeng was hesitating, a long howl suddenly fell from above his head.

""Law of Heaven and Earth!"


Suddenly the heaven and earth shook, and countless pieces of rubble rolled down rapidly.


Little Tornado suddenly raised his head.

Two bright red eyes suddenly shrank. What came into view was a huge face that filled the night.

Outside the netherworld, between heaven and earth.

A ten-thousand-foot-tall giant stood up.

With his feet on the earth and his head on the sky, he embraced Mount Buzhou in his arms.

The law of heaven and earth, like the Shinto·Death Realm Birth, are all ancient divine skills.

The giant leaned forward slightly and slowly stretched out his two arms.

As his arms waved, endless brilliant red light rain fell, which looked like two blazing seas of fire from a distance.


The Dharmakaya's two palms passed through the cracks, reaching from the Yang world into the Yin world, and heavily pressed against two stone doors as high as the sky. On the top of Buzhou Mountain, Zhu Jiuyin retracted his gaze and looked at the little soul body close at hand.

There was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

The little soul body had just been created by a drop of heart blood, so it was not like those people in the depths of the netherworld, ethereal and almost disintegrated.

Instead, it was extremely solid, as if it were a living person, visible and tangible.

But in those eyes, there was no human spirit. Sex, only chaotic confusion.

Zhu Jiuyin opened his arms, wanting to hug the little one for the last time.

Unfortunately, his arms passed through his body.

With a gloomy face, Zhu Jiuyin was about to sigh, but his expression suddenly froze.

It was obviously just a chaotic soul body, without a trace of intelligence.

However, the little one raised his arm and handed the string of crystal red sugar-coated haws to Zhu Jiuyin.

The red fire that was flowing with gold and blood burned the tears into white smoke.

Zhu Jiuyin stretched out his slender palm and gently covered half of the little one's cheek.

""Disciple, the time has come~" As soon as the words fell, Zhu Jiuyin pointed a finger at the little one's forehead.

With a crackling sound, the two huge arms of the Dharma image shattered.

The little one heard the call from the underworld, slowly turned around, and walked towards the gate of hell with stiff steps.

Zhu Jiuyin followed closely and sent the little one on his last journey.


The arms of the Dharma image shattered, and along with the ten thousand feet body, scattered into a rain of stars all over the mountains and rivers.

The little guy just walked into the crack and came to the gate of hell. With a crackling sound, the line became thinner and thinner.

On the top of Buzhou Mountain, Zhu Jiuyin resolutely stretched out his arms and pressed against the two stone doors in the air.

In just a moment, the two arms crackled.

Countless blood vessels burst, spilling large amounts of red blood.

The bones creaked as if they were against the two sides of the sky.

Looking at the motionless little guy, Zhu Jiuyin shouted

"Chen Mengfei, the road is right under your feet, let’s go!"

""Go forward, keep going, don't look back!"

The young man in white shroud, holding a candied haws, seemed to have heard it.

He immediately took a big step and headed straight for the underworld.


All the bones in both arms were shattered.

With a bang, Zhu Jiuyin fell face down on the ground.

He raised his head with difficulty.

The last glance was the little one's smile.

With a click, the two stone doors closed completely.

The gate of hell locked the little one's smile in the underworld forever.

Chaos filled the air, and the cracks gradually disappeared.

Zhu Jiuyin's ears were still echoing with the words"Master".


The next day.

Zhu Jiuyin, whose face was as pale as paper, didn't jump down from the top of Buzhou Mountain until the scorching sun rose. He gently put the body into the golden nanmu coffin. Zhu Jiuyin looked around and could no longer see the string of candied haws.

Living people cannot touch things in the underworld, and souls cannot touch flowers, plants, trees, and stones in the world of the living. They will all pass through the body.

This is the separation between yin and yang.

"That string of candied haws can actually ignore yin and yang!"

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed his red vertical pupils.


At noon, the sun was high in the sky.

In the Xia's restaurant in the small town, the old man selling candied haws in Xijian Lane sat upright.

After a while, the restaurant's female shopkeeper came to the living room from the backyard with a plate.

With two bangs, she directly smashed a bowl of plain noodles and a bowl of Laba porridge on the square table.

The old man looked up at the female shopkeeper.

She was about 20 years old, with long black hair tied into a ponytail and a flawless white paper lotus on her left ear. She was slim, with a beautiful face.

"Look at your ancestors?"

"If you look at me again, I will dig out both of your eyeballs and stuff them into your mouth.

The female shopkeeper gave Old Liu a fierce look and immediately pulled out the jade-mouthed dry pipe from her waist.

She squatted on the bench, lit it, took a deep puff, and blew out a big smoke ring with pleasure.

"It's been so many years, can't you change your bad temper?"

"Also, is this bowl of Laba porridge free?"

Old Liu asked with a smile.

The woman rolled her eyes and said disdainfully,"There is no cause and effect, not even a trace, just drink it."

"You won’t die from drinking it!"

Old Liutou was so happy that he could have a bowl of Laba porridge for free on Laba Festival that his mouth was almost stretched to his ears.

Looking at Old Liutou chewing the porridge slowly with a small spoonful, the female shopkeeper was puzzled and asked,"You are such a person who fears karma, why would you rather sacrifice 900 years of your life to help that little devil in Wuyi Lane?"

"You haven't forgotten the purpose of the four of us coming to this world, right?"

"The various aspects of life, the ups and downs, birth, old age, sickness and death, have nothing to do with us"

"The death of a mortal is nothing more than a withered leaf in our eyes."

"The death of all the people in Qingping Town is nothing more than a few dead leaves on the trees."

Old Willow said softly,"The Festival of Offering to the Gods has been going on for hundreds of years, right?"

"Hundreds of thousands of people died and lived in the town, but only that child knelt for nine days, a total of eighty-one hours."

"No, it's ninety hours."

"Besides, a life span of 900 years is nothing to us, it's not even enough for a nap."

The female shopkeeper said worriedly,"But that little ghost is his disciple after all. Your good deeds may not necessarily produce good results."

The old willow head said disdainfully,"What if there are no good results? Can he still lower his face and bully the weak~"

The girl:"……"


Wei capital, the imperial city.

Under Chaotianque.

In a dark room, an old man in a purple and gold Taoist robe was staring at the fortune lotus pond in front of him.

He saw nine fortune golden lotuses, one after another, slowly withering and dying.

Until finally, only three were left.

Watching the full fortune pool of smoke gradually sinking, the old Taoist's eyes were gloomy and terrifying.

He wiped the air in front of him with his skinny palm.

A picture jumped into his eyes.

Looking at the three cold pupils of the person in the painting, as dark as the abyss, the old Taoist gritted his teeth,"Qi Qingji, it's you again!"


The old Taoist frowned,"The culprit is not Qi Qingji~"

"Who is the person who truly destroyed the luck of our Great Wei?!"

"Even the divine manifestation technique cannot be displayed~"

The old man's heart was surging.

"Who is probably like Qi Qingji, also a land immortal?"

"I can't even beat half of them, let alone two of them~"

The old man finally came to the wall.

He bit his index finger and wrote two big words on the wall.

They were"Self-Reflection"’

"Cultivation can be strong or weak, but human nature cannot!"


With a deep laugh, the old man took a few steps back.

He stared at the bloody words with great satisfaction.

The candlelight cast the shadow of the old Taoist on the wall, towering and huge.


Zhu Jiuyin carried the coffin, and Qingyi carried the tombstone.

Little Bit's funeral was not shabby.

Qingyi burned two whole sacks of paper money, which almost caused a fire in the peach forest.

After the funeral, Zhu Jiuyin and Qingyi separated at the covered bridge outside the town.

After returning to Buzhou Mountain.

Zhu Jiuyin sat under two peach trees on the edge of the cliff, staring blankly into the distance.

On his knees, a long sword was placed horizontally.

It was the red blood.

Before lowering the coffin, Zhu Jiuyin thought about it and finally took out the red blood.

The wind blew the white clothes like snow.

Zhu Jiuyin looked peaceful.

Under the blue sky, a few sparrows suddenly flew by.

Zhu Jiuyin didn't know when Little Bit would return to Buzhou Mountain.

Maybe it would be the spring ten years later.

Maybe it would be the spring twenty years later.

Zhu Jiuyin hoped that the grass would grow and the warblers would fly that spring. He hoped that the sun would be shining on the day of their reunion.

Under the witness of green mountains, green waters, blue sky and white clouds.

In the warm spring breeze, he would give Little Bit a bear hug

"Goodbye, little one~"


Ps: The Asuka chapter ends, and the Cangxue chapter will begin tomorrow.

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