Two years ago, the bloody battle for the throne of the Nine Dragons came to an end. The person who tasted the fruits of victory was not one of the nine princes, but the eldest grandson of the emperor, Zhao Wuling.

In the winter of the 34th year of Emperor Wenjing, Emperor Wenjing passed away. Zhao Wuling succeeded to the throne and changed the reign title to Fuling.

In the first year of Fuling, it was March in Yangchun. The spring scenery was bright in Changliu Village, Tongqiu Town, under the jurisdiction of Jintong Prefecture in Liangzhou.

"I am a girl, not a man."

"Wrong, stretch out your hand."

With a crisp sound, the ruler fell heavily.


"I am a girl.……"

"Wrong, stretch out your hand."

Under the eaves of the Cang family's backyard, Qu Yiqing, the mistress of the Cang family, slapped the girl's hand with a ruler, and the girl's hand sank suddenly.

Looking at the stubborn girl with her head drooping, long and thick bangs, her left hand tightly clenched into a fist, and the back of her fist showing blue veins.

Qu Yiqing said coldly with a stern face:"Your mother is a prostitute, and only God knows your father's name. You little bastard, it is a blessing to let you play the role of a Jing, and it's fine if you are not grateful, but you still dream of playing the role of a Dan?!"

"I'm warning you, the female role is reserved for my son."

"As long as I, Qu Yiqing, am alive, you will never be able to wear that Ruyi crown or that colorful dress embroidered with phoenixes and flowers."


The woman said viciously:"I, Cangxue, am a man, not a girl!"

The girl caught a glimpse of a boy not far away.

The boy was called Cangyu, and he just turned three this year.

The little brat smiled happily, holding a pineapple in his hand, wearing open-crotch pants, squatting on a small stool, showing off his calf.

The nails pierced her palm and stung. The girl said word by word:"I, Cangxue, am a girl, not a man."


Qu Yiqing's teeth clenched and he could no longer suppress his anger.

He stood up from his chair, threw away the ruler, grabbed the girl's ear, and almost dragged her straight to the ancestral hall.

"Mother is going to punish you, little bastard, to kneel down again!"

The little brat was so happy that he showed his mouthful of white milk teeth.


In the Cang family ancestral hall.

Qu Yiqing said sternly:"Kneel down and admit your mistakes to the ancestor and the ancestors of the Cang family!"

The girl said nothing.

The woman was furious and kicked the girl behind the knee.

The girl staggered and still refused to kneel.

The woman scolded:"As expected of a cheap woman, you are born with a hard bone." Just as she was about to go out to find a stick, the woman suddenly caught a glimpse of the girl's bloody left ear.

It was the ear that was pulled just now, and it was broken by the woman's sharp nails.

It was not known whether it was a trace of kindness or she was afraid that her husband who went to the fields would come back and find out and then have another fierce quarrel.

After leaving a sentence of"stand for an hour", the woman hurriedly left the ancestral hall.


It has been half a year since I got married.

What Cangxue feared most was that whenever her stepfather Canglan was not at home, her stepmother Qu Yiqing would find ways to make trouble for her and beat and scold her.

Cangxue had long been numb to the dirty words such as little bitch, little bastard, little demon, ugly monster, and jinx.

And there was also the little brat Cangyu, who loved to tease girls.

On a winter morning, he stuffed a handful of snow into the quilt of a sleeping girl.

When he was carrying water, he suddenly pressed down on one end, watching the girl fall to the ground with an unstable center of gravity, and being soaked by the well water, the little brat would grin every time. He also secretly spread boy urine in the girl's quilt.

He mixed tadpole eggs in tea, watched Cangxue drink it, and laughed at the girl for being a female toad.

Fortunately, her stepfather Canglan treated the girl very well.

On the day when the little brat stuffed snow into the girl's quilt, Canglan punished him to stand for an hour in the bitterly cold snow, and his nose was frozen like ice.

At the end of each time when he was doing something naughty, the little brat was responsible for all five water tanks of the Cang family. Those who were too young to carry the water would collect water one by one.

The well was at the head of the village, and the home was at the end of the village.

The little brat would always be exhausted and collapse, crying with snot and tears.

Every time he swore that it would be the last time.

However, every three or five days, the scar would heal and the pain would be forgotten.

As for the boy's urine and tadpole eggs, it was indeed only that one time.

The night after the urine, while the child was sleeping soundly, Canglan filled a basin with cold well water and poured it on his head.

In addition to Cangxue, Canglan and Qu Yiqing also drank the tea mixed with tadpole eggs.

That was the first time Cangxue heard the screams of her stepmother Qu Yiqing, which resounded throughout the village and frightened the two majestic dogs of the Cang family.

It was also the first time she saw what mixed doubles of men and women were.

The ruler and the slap were never raised high and gently dropped.

That day, Canglan beat him until he was out of breath and sweating.

Qu Yiqing was even more ruthless, breaking three rulers.

The little brat didn't get out of bed for a month.


The sun was high in the sky.

Canglan was carrying a hoe and walking home. The crow's feet at the corners of his eyes were filled with yellow soil.

The business of the opera troupe was declining. At the beginning of the year, Canglan dismissed the long-term workers and maids. The family assets he had accumulated with great difficulty were only the two-story mansion.

He looked up and squinted at the blazing sun.

The man's smile was more bitter than medicine.

In the whole spring and March, God didn't shed a tear, and the soil in the field was almost dried into powder.


In the main hall of the Cang family, a family of four was having lunch.

Freshly-cooked steamed bread, a bowl of fried bacon, a plate of pickled vegetables, and four bowls of corn porridge.

Every time Cang Xue had a meal, she would only take the pickled vegetables, eat only one steamed bread, and drink only one bowl of porridge.

If she dared to take the bacon, take the second steamed bread, or take the second bowl of porridge, Qu Yiqing's eyes would turn into silver needles.

Very sharp

"Xue'er, your mother and I are going to the fields. Take good care of Yu'er at home and don't forget to practice your body shape."

Cang Lan reminded

""Okay, Dad."

The girl nodded obediently.

Qu Yiqing sat on a small stool to change his shoes. While knocking the dirt in his straw sandals, he said sarcastically,"You don't even work in the fields, and you eat so much in one meal. I'm not accepting a goddaughter, I'm inviting a living Buddha."

"Look at your broken mouth."

Canglan glared at the woman fiercely.


Qu Yiqing snorted coldly,"You're such a jerk, huh? Whoever kisses me from now on will be a beast."



The sun in March is already scorching.

Under the shade of the trees in the backyard of the Cang family, Cang Xue is practicing her voice while doing the splits.

"Since I followed the king in his battles, I have endured hardships and hardships year after year."

"I only hate the ruthless Qin that destroyed all the people and made them suffer.……"

The opera voice suddenly stopped.

The childish voice of a little kid floated faintly from the front yard.

Cang Xue frowned and listened.

"Hahaha, stop licking, eat quickly, eat more"

"My mother is so stingy that she can't even spare the leftovers. Look how hungry you two are and how skinny you are."

Cang Xue thought something was wrong and rushed to the front yard.

The scene she saw made the girl dizzy and almost fainted.

Cang Yu actually fed all three steamed buns that Qu Yiqing had steamed in the morning to the two big dogs of the Cang family.

The Cang family's sky had collapsed!


Because he had to prepare dinner, Qu Yiqing came back earlier than Canglan.

When he saw the crumbs of steamed bread on the ground at the door of the kitchen, and then looked at the wide-open door,

Qu Yiqing was stunned at first, and then screamed:"Little bitch, roll over here and die!"


Ps: Chapter 2 before 11 o'clock.

I was very entangled in writing it. I wanted to develop the emotions in detail, but I was afraid that you would scold me for being too wordy. The more I wrote, the more impatient I became.

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