As night fell, the Milky Way stretched across the sky.

There was no dinner at the Cang family.

In the master bedroom, Canglan and Qu Yiqing greeted each other's ancestors in a rage.

The angry woman bared her teeth and claws, scratching the man's face with bloody marks.

In the west wing, the little kid who heard the fierce quarrel between his father and mother squatted on the ground, covering his ears with his hands tightly, his little face as pale as paper.

It was not until the moon was above the willows that the Cang couple gradually calmed down.

In the east wing, the girl lay in bed, feeling the burning pain in her buttocks, her tears soaking the pillowcase.


The door suddenly opened a crack.

The girl looked up.

What she saw was the little kid's face with a flattering smile.

"It's so late, why are you running into my room instead of sleeping?"

The girl wiped her tears.


The little brat grinned and raised the shiny kitchen knife in his hand.

"What are you doing?!"

The girl was shocked

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm not here to kill you."

The little brat came closer, blinking his big round eyes, looking the girl up and down.

"You...why didn’t you tell mother that I was the one who ruined those steamed buns?"


Cang Xue let out a long sigh and said,"It hurts when stepmother hits you. It's not like you haven't been hit before."

"I am two years older than you, with hard bones, thick flesh, and can take a beating."

Looking at the bloodstains on the buttocks of the girl's underwear, the little brat gave the girl a thumbs up and said,"You are the most loyal person I have ever seen."

"I have decided. I want to become sworn brothers with you."

Cang Xue's face was filled with astonishment.

Before the girl could react, the little brat had already run out of the east wing. He quickly returned with a large white bowl in his hand. He held a kitchen knife in his right hand and lightly scratched it with his left index finger.

""Hiss, it hurts so much~"

After squeezing a dozen drops of blood into the bowl of water, the little brat handed the kitchen knife to the girl.

Cang Xue didn't know whether to laugh or cry,"Who did you learn this from?"

The little brat said proudly,"These are the old village chief's secrets that are not passed on. They are knowledge. I stole two kilograms of bacon from my home to get them."

"The old village chief said that knowledge is priceless, and I am the only one in the village who knows it."

Cangxue was speechless, but still cut her finger and dripped a few drops of blood into the bowl.

The little brat carefully held the big white bowl and slowly knelt on the ground.

His expression was as serious as an adult,"God, from today, from this moment on, I, Cangyu, and Cangxue are brother and sister."

"We trust each other in life and death, and help each other in good and bad times."

"This oath is witnessed by the sun and the moon, witnessed by heaven and earth, and heard by the gods and demons."

"If anyone betrays me, he will die an unjust death and we will punish him together."

He raised his little head and drank half a bowl of blood in one breath.

The little brat handed the big white bowl to Cangxue, and said seriously,"It's your turn."

Cangxue muttered in a low voice:"Childish~" and then took the big white bowl,"God, from today, from this moment on, I, Cangxue and Cangyu, are brother and sister."

"Life and death……"

Watching the girl drink up the remaining half bowl of blood.

The little brat bared his teeth and called out sweetly,"Sister!"

Then he punched his chest with his little fist,"Sister, from now on, I will be your guardian angel."

"I will definitely protect you very well"

"I will never allow anyone to bully you."

"Of course, except for my mother."……"

It seems that only your mother likes to bully me the most


In the second year of Fuling, it was a hot summer.

In the backyard of the Cang family,

Cang Yu said in a sharp voice:"Since I followed the king to fight in the east and west, I have been suffering from wind and frost and hard work year after year."

Cang Xue said in a deep voice:"I have killed several generals in the Han camp with my spear. Even if I am brave, how can I guard against the entrapment from all sides?"


Under the shade of the tree, Canglan and Qu Yiqing, who were sitting on a stone bench, applauded.

About an incense stick later.

In the east wing, Canglan stuffed a heavy purse into the girl's hand.

"Xue'er, I will be with your stepmother this time. It may be as short as ten days and a half month, or as long as two or three months. Anyway, we will definitely be back in time for the autumn harvest."

"Yu'er is naughty, so keep an eye on him. Spend the money as you like, and go to town to have a good meal in your free time."

"Remember, don't buy clothes, jewelry, rouge, etc. There are too many unscrupulous merchants in this town."

"I'll bring it to you when my foster father comes back."

The girl nodded obediently.

In the master bedroom.

Qu Yiqing was also reminding the little brat,"Yu'er, remember, the female role is the red flower, and the female role is the green leaf."

"Your parents are not as talented as you, at best they can only barely keep the Cang family troupe going."

"You will be a great talent in the opera world in the future, destined to become a famous actress on par with the ancestors of the Cang family."

"As the old saying goes, every trade is like a mountain."

"However, in our opera world, even if there is a corner, there is still a mountain between us."

"Son, after I leave, no matter how that little bitch threatens you, don't teach her the female role singing style."

The little brat asked in confusion:"Why, mother? My sister is obviously more talented than me."

The woman said earnestly:"My silly son, the sun will not see the moon, and the king will not see the king."

"That little bastard has no intention of playing the Jing role at all. He only wants to play the Dan role."

"Since you know that her talent is better than yours, you should be more careful."

"Don't chase after others every day, calling them elder sister."

"Did you hear that?!" the woman screamed

""Okay, okay, got it."

The little brat looked disdainful.


The sky was turning pale.

A breeze was blowing.

Canglan was squatting by the gate, smoking a cigarette, while several nephews carried the opera box onto the carriage.

In the west wing, Qu Yiqing looked at his son lying on the wooden bed, feeling reluctant.

"He was only four years old. I held him for less time than the maidservant did."

"The number of feedings can be counted with two slaps.

The woman covered her son with a blanket and gently wiped the saliva from the corner of the boy's mouth.

At the door of the wing room, Cang Xue said nothing.

"Remember, the eggs in the basket are bought by me for Yu'er, you are not allowed to steal them.���"

"And," the woman suddenly turned around and stared at the girl

"What are you?"

The girl said without hesitation:"I am a man, not a woman."

The woman's expression became better,"Remember this sentence in your heart, and let it be deeply engraved in your flesh and blood."


It was noon.

Wang Haoyang, the old village chief of Changliu Village, and his son Wang Ye were wearing straw hats and squatting in their fields.

They looked at the wilted corn seedlings in the fields with worry.

This summer was too hot.

The sun shone on their bodies, as if someone had poured a pot of fire on them, and their skin was burning.

Wang Ye picked up a piece of soil and kneaded it into powder with just a little force, which was more like sand.

"Dad, it's over. There will be no harvest this year."

Wang Haoyang puffed on his pipe, his face like old tree bark.

The wrinkles on his face moved for a long time before he asked,"Is there any water in Cuihe River?"

Wang Ye shook his head,"There is only some mud left."

God doesn't want to cry, so what can ordinary people do?

Wang Haoyang knocked heavily on the fields that were shining in the sun with his pipe, causing sparks to fly.

""Where's the well water?"

Wang Ye said irritably,"The water level is getting lower and lower day by day, sinking very fast, barely enough for the daily needs of the villagers."


Wang Haoyang sighed and said,"What should we do with the grain tax this year~"

Wang Ye said with a sad face,"Dad, people can hardly survive, and we still need to pay grain tax? What the hell is the tax!"

Suddenly, a slender figure carrying a small wooden bucket came into the eyes of the father and son.

Wang Haoyang:"It seems to be the adopted daughter of the young man of the Cang family."

He stared at the girl whose back was bent by the carrying pole.

Wang Ye suddenly slapped his thigh,"Yes, Dad, doesn't the Cang family have a private well?~"


Ps: The heroine should call her stepfather and stepmother, sorry, it's my fault.

I forgot about the college entrance examination tomorrow, sorry.

I wish all the senior high school friends a happy college entrance examination.

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