Under the shade of the old willow tree at the entrance of Changliu Village, several villagers were sitting or squatting, smoking dry tobacco or eating pumpkin seeds.

"Strange, the weather is really strange. The weather has been good for decades, but now there is a drought without any sign."

"It is said that auspicious snow indicates a good harvest. The year the late emperor passed away, the snow was so heavy that it almost buried the door of the house. However, in the first year of Fuling, the harvest was reduced by half. Now in the second year of Fuling, there has been more than 100 days of spring and summer without a drop of rain. It is destined that there will be no harvest."

"It seems that only our Wei State is suffering from drought, while the surrounding countries are fine."

"Do you think that the new emperor forgot to offer sacrifices to heaven when he ascended the throne?"

"Who knows."

Cang Xue carried two empty buckets, in which were placed empty teapots and white porcelain bowls.

The girl brushed her hair, and after her long and thick bangs covered the large and hideous birthmark on her forehead, she continued to walk hurriedly. She passed by the villagers at the entrance of the village, and her steps were hurried.

There was always a feeling of thorns on the back and pins and needles.

‘Are they talking about me?’

‘Probably talking about the birthmark on my forehead’

‘If I didn't have this birthmark, I wouldn't have to have such long and thick bangs. It's so hot.’

‘Damn birthmark, why does it have to be on my face?’

‘Wait, they seem to be laughing!’

‘Why are they laughing? Is it because of me?’

‘They must be making fun of me!’

‘Oh, I really want to change my face~'

When the storm in her mind subsided, Cang Xue looked slightly stunned.

Unknowingly, she had arrived at the bluestone well in the backyard of the Cang family.

From the beginning to the end of the village, how did she open the lock, when did she push open the gate, how did she get to the well in a daze?!

Looking down at the bronze key in her hand, Cang Xue suddenly shook her head violently.

She quickly drew a bucket of water, leaned over, and submerged her entire face in the cold well water. She was instantly chilled to the bone.


The weak voice of the little kid suddenly sounded behind him.

Cang Xue straightened up, wiped the water drops on her face, turned around and asked,"What's wrong?" What came into view was the little kid covered in mud.

"Sister, I feel dizzy."

The world was spinning, and with a muffled thud, the little brat fell face down on the haystack.


Cang Xue rushed over and hugged the kid in her arms.

She first sniffed his breath.

Very good, he was still alive.

Then she opened his mouth.

His mouth was full of blood, and several baby teeth were missing.

She touched the back of his head, which was sticky.

She put her palm in front of her eyes and took a closer look.

His palm was full of glaring blood red.

She looked at the small bamboo basket that the kid was holding tightly in his arms.

She looked at the pitiful number of river shrimps and two loaches twisting wildly.

The girl gritted her teeth.


"" Pah, pah, pah!"

Under the villagers' puzzled gaze, the six-year-old goddaughter of the Cang family ran with her tattered straw sandals, like a breeze blowing from the end of the village to the outside of the village.

About an incense stick of time later.

Wang Ye, the old village chief's family, squatted beside the ancient road, looking down at the children playing in the mud of the Cui River.

"Gousheng seems to be six years old this year, how come your little calf is not even half the height of Yuwazi?"

"Tiezhu, don't show your teeth. A four-year-old calf named Yuwazi can be as good as an eight-year-old calf like you. Do you know what this means?"

The boy named Tiezhu asked curiously,"What does it mean? Uncle Wang, tell me quickly~"

Wang Ye smiled and said,"It means that when Yuwazi grows up, he can take the head of an enemy general in the midst of a huge army."

"And you, you will die before you succeed."

The children were confused.

Wang Ye shook his head,"It's like playing the lute to a cow."

The sound of running came from far away.

The cool breeze blew on his face.

Wang Ye turned his head and looked at it. He was stunned.

‘Such fair and delicate skin~'

Cang Xue looked down at the dozen or so children in the village and asked expressionlessly,"Who made the drizzle?"

"It's me."

A boy who was obviously much older than the other children raised his face proudly.

Cang Xue narrowed her peach blossom eyes and stared at him carefully.

The boy was called Li Shan, the leader of the children in Changliu Village.

He was more than a head taller than the girl.

Cang Xue walked down the hillside slowly, waded into the mud, and came to Li Shan.

The boy leaned down his upper body carelessly, almost face to face with the girl.

Then he sniffed fiercely.

"As expected of a whore-born little bitch, she smells so good"

"This kind of hot bed beauty is born to be beaten by men"

"Ah! My eyes!"

A shrill scream resounded over the Cui River.

Wang Ye and a dozen other children stared blankly at Li Shan, whose eyes were covered in mud.

"At such a young age, you already know that blind people are easy to bully, not bad."

Wang Ye narrowed his eyes and said,"Very good."

Even a country bumpkin like Wang Ye could tell at a glance that the little girl in the mud was completely different from the other boys.

She was like a colorful canary that landed in an ordinary sparrow's nest.

Li Shan, whose eyes were blinded by the mud, was like a headless fly, waving his fangs and claws.

Cang Xue went around behind him and, imitating her stepmother, kicked the boy hard in the leg.

In an instant, mud and water splashed everywhere.

The girl jumped onto the boy's back and pressed the back of his head hard into the deep mud.

Looking at the girl whose face did not change from beginning to end, not to mention a group of children, even an adult like Wang Ye was frightened and stunned.

"How can a six-year-old be so cruel?!"


After returning to the Cang family,

Cang Xue took out a kitchen knife from the kitchen despite being covered in mud, and led two big dogs to the gate of the courtyard.

She sat down on the doorstep with her horse and golden sword.

The girl knew very well that Li Shan's parents would never give up.

She turned her head and glanced in the direction of the west wing.

The girl murmured,"Xiaoyu, sleep well. When you wake up, your sister will make you river shrimp and loach soup."


Under the shade of the willow trees at the entrance of the village.

Wang Ye called all the people in Changliu Village. The old village chief Wang Haoyang looked at Li Shan's mother and asked with concern:"Li Shishi, is Xiaoshan okay?"

The woman said in a sharp voice:"��My son was first bitten on the face by the puppy of the Cang family, and then he was pushed into the mud by the little bitch and choked unconscious. Now he is still lying on the bed, unconscious."

"I'm going to smash that puppy's teeth."

"Use bamboo sticks to pick off the nails of the little bitch's ten fingers one by one."

Old Wang exhaled a puff of choking smoke and said faintly:"Aren't you afraid that Qu Yiqing will come back and fight you to death?"

Li Shi said fiercely:"My Li family is right in this matter. Let alone Qu Yiqing, I am not afraid even if the king of heaven comes."

"That's enough!"

Old Wang frowned and said,"I don't know who it was that stole the Cang family's vegetables and was bullied by Qu Yiqing. He cried, made a fuss, and even hanged himself."

"There are so many trees in the forest outside, but you chose a sapling whose trunk is not even as thick as your finger. It's really shameful."

Li Shi pulled a donkey face, her face was blue with anger, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

"Everyone, you know how long the corn seedlings in the field can last."

Old Wang said in a deep voice:"The private well of the Cang family is not filled with water, but the lives of the whole village."

"Li Shi will take the lead in a while, everyone should be more active"

"Remember, there is no most cruel, only more cruel"

"It would be best if we could force the girl from the Cang family into a desperate situation."

"Finally, I, the old man, stepped in and persuaded the girl"

"In short, the hill is the starting point, and the water from the private well of the Cang family is the purpose."

"You guys are responsible for playing the good guy, and I'll play the bad guy."

"Do you understand?"

Old Wang shouted in a deep voice.

All the villagers said in a concentrated voice:"Understood!"

"Very good."

Old Wang waved his hand and said,"Let's go.~"


Ps: I am in my twenties and I work instead of going to school.

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