In the afternoon, on the threshold of the Cang family's courtyard, looking at the dozens of villagers rushing over the fields with great momentum, Cang Xue took a deep breath, and the palm of her hand holding the kitchen knife was wet.

"Woof woof~"

When the villagers arrived at the gate of Cang's house, Wangcai and Laifu immediately barked fiercely.

""Shut up!"

A villager smashed the hoe on the ground, causing the broken soil to fly.

The two big dogs immediately tucked their tails between their legs and hid behind Cangxue in shame.

The girl slowly stood up, staring at everyone with her peach blossom eyes, without saying a word.

Li Shi stepped forward, put her hands on her waist and said in a shrill voice:"Where is Yuwazi? Let that little calf get out immediately!"

Cangxue said expressionlessly:"Tell me what you want to say"

"Good, very good, then auntie will have a good talk with you, little bitch."

Li Shi said murderously:"Little bitch, let me ask you, was my son's bloody face bitten by Yuwazi?"

Cang Xue frowned and said:"It's just two rows of milk tooth marks, how can it be bloody?"

A villager said quietly:"Milk tooth marks... It seems that Xiaoshan was indeed bitten by Yuwazi."

Someone was surprised and said:"My son told me that Yuwazi bit off a piece of flesh from Xiaoshan's face. I didn't believe it at first. After all, one is eleven years old and the other is only four years old. I never thought that the child of the Cang family would be so cruel."

"He is so vicious at such a young age, won't he be hungry for human flesh and thirsty for human blood when he grows up?!"

"I think when Yuwazi grows up, he will either become a bandit or a street thug."

"Did our Changliu Village offend the Lord? Otherwise, how could such a barbaric child be raised?"

Cang Xue's silver teeth clenched,"Li Shan knocked out half of Xiaoyu's milk teeth, pressed Xiaoyu into the mud, and smashed the back of Xiaoyu's head, causing blood to flow."

"How should this matter be settled?"

Before Li Shishi could answer, a villager stepped forward and said,"Little bastard, don't slander me. Li Shan is such a well-behaved child, how could he bully the weak?"

"That's right, Xiaoshan has studied in a cram school for half a year. He is kind and honest. Whenever he meets us, uncles, aunts, and sisters, he is so sweet."

"But your child, Yu Wa, goes up the mountain to rob bird nests and goes down to the river to catch fish and shrimps. When the elders tease him in a friendly way, he spits and throws stones at people, and chases the poultry in the village into a panic. He is so annoying."

"Little girl, several children in the village saw Yuwazi bite Xiaoshan, but no one saw Xiaoshan bullying Yuwazi."

"Children will never lie. Yuwazi's wounds might have been caused by him throwing stones at Xiaoshan in order to wrongly accuse him."

"It takes only one mouth to spread a rumor, but it takes a lot of effort to refute it. Little girl, since you are so sure that Yuwazi's injury was caused by Xiaoshan, where is the evidence?"


The villagers were talking to each other, and the entrance to the Cang family courtyard was filled with noise.

Cang Xue was so angry that her thin body trembled.

"Tell me, how much do you want for the medical expenses~"

Li Shi pointed at the girl's face and said with saliva flying,"Compensation? Can you afford it, you little bitch? Xiaoshan is the only child of the Li family, my most precious son."

"It's bad enough that a piece of my flesh was bitten off by Canglan's puppy, but you, a little bitch, pushed me into the mud and made me swallow a belly full of muddy and dirty water."

"You are a piece of shit who was not born cleanly. I am telling you this today. What the hell is the cost of medicine? My Li family doesn't need that kind of money."

"Since you bully my son with your hands, chop one off in front of me."

"If I don't take one of your hands back, I, as a mother, will not be able to explain to my son."

The girl felt a fire inexplicably burning in her chest.

It burned her internal organs and almost melted them.

"Little girl, Xiaoshan gave half his life in exchange for your hand, you made a fortune"

"Alas, poor Xiaoshan, such a humble and polite child, is still lying in bed, and I don’t know when he will wake up."

"Compared to Yuwazi, you are the cruel one. How can you have the heart to bully Xiaoshan, such an honest child?"

"Changliu Village does not welcome cold-blooded and vicious people like you."

"As expected of a bastard born of a prostitute, born without humanity."

Looking at those faces that wished to chop her into pieces.

Looking at their mouths that were sharper than swords.

Looking at their fingers that wished to poke thousands of bloody holes in her.

A surge of boiling blood rushed straight to her head.

It seemed to burst her head.

The girl strongly wanted to chop everyone in front of her into pulp.


With a deep shout, Wang Ye supported the old village chief Wang Haoyang and slowly came to the gate of Cang's courtyard.

He pointed with his brass pipe,"How can you, dozens of adults, have the nerve to bully a little girl who is only six years old?!"

"I am ashamed of you!"

The villagers were silent.

"Village Chief~"

Li Shi cried and said,"We don't want to either, because the two adults of the Cang family are not here.~"

"Killing someone means paying with your life, and debts mean paying with your money. This is the natural order."

"Village chief, you can't favor this bitch just because she's young."

"My little Shan is still in a coma, and his life or death is unknown."

Old Wang said in annoyance,"That's enough, a grown man keeps crying all day long."

"I've checked. Your hill can't die."

"Let's talk about the medical expenses."

Li Shi wiped away her tears and said,"I don't ask for much, just ten taels of silver."

Ten taels?!

The performance of the opera troupe has not been good in recent years. Even if my stepfather and stepmother sing their voices out, it will be difficult to make a net profit of ten taels of silver in one or two years.

"Ten taels?!"

Old Wang was shocked at first, then he yelled,"When a soldier of our Wei State died in battle, the court only issued five taels of compensation."

"Ten taels! Do you think your son is a little golden man?"

Old Wang said decisively:"Two taels, no more."

Li Shi hesitated for a while, glared at the girl fiercely, and said:"Two taels is two taels, I am giving face to the old village chief."

""Little bitch, hurry up and get the money."

Cang Xue ran into the courtyard and came out quickly, throwing the heavy purse to Li Shishi.

The woman weighed it twice.

Suddenly, she threw the purse at the girl's face. In an instant, copper coins flew all over the sky and scattered all over the ground.

"Two taels of silver, two thousand copper coins."

Li Shi's face was gloomy and she said,"More than a hundred coins, how do you send away the beggars?"

The girl remained silent, just squatted down and picked up the copper coins one by one.

"Li Shishi, you are going too far. You knew that the two adults were not at home, so where did a little girl like her get two thousand copper coins?"

"" Let

's do this," said Old Wang."There are about fifty households in Changliu Village. Each household can collect thirty or forty copper coins."

"Even if good people do good things"

"After I finish speaking, who is in favor and who is against?

The villagers were like a group of chickens pecking at rice, and no one dared to object.

"Very good, then this incident is over, and everyone, especially you, Li Shi, don’t mention it again."

After glaring at Li Shi, Old Wang looked at Cangxue who was still picking up money.

With a kind smile on his face, he said,"Girl, do you have anything to say?"

Cangxue said softly,"Thank you, Grandpa Wang, my adoptive parents will pay me back."

Old Wang said cheerfully,"Girl, don’t thank me, thank these uncles, aunts, and sisters. Thirty or forty copper coins from each household is not a small amount."

Cangxue stood up and bowed deeply to all the villagers.

"Girl, look, uncles, aunts and sisters are so generous and kind."

"Unfortunately, good people are not rewarded, and God is deceiving us. No rain fell in spring and summer."

"The corn seedlings in the uncles' fields will not last long and will soon die of drought."

"You don't have to pay back the two taels of silver. I, Wang Haoyang, said so."

Old Wang said kindly,"Girl, a drop of water is enough.……"

Cang Xue, who was bowing, suddenly straightened up and interrupted Lao Wang.

Peach Blossom Eyes said coldly:"You put so much thought into this play, but it was just for my Cang family's private well water?!"


Ps: [Looking at the heavy makeup, the red-dressed woman can't hide her decadent and dead look~]

I wrote it clearly in the first chapter of Cang Xue. There are also Taoist friends who quarreled over why Cang Xue's mother was hanged.

There is also the Cha Nu Tea, a method of contraception used by women in ancient brothels.

Cha Nu is silver water, which is dissolved in tea. It's okay to drink a small amount once, but drinking it all the time will cause chronic poisoning. It's okay to read the book carelessly, I can read three lines at a glance.

Just don't quarrel.

The protagonist will be pulled out in the next chapter.

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