At the gate of Cang's courtyard.

Dozens of villagers were like wolves and tigers, while the girl was like a pitiful lamb.

"Want to take my Cang family water? Sure!"

"But you have to step over my dead body."

The blade of the kitchen knife slowly sank into the skin of her neck, the bright red was dazzling.

Facing this group of adults, Cang Xue felt powerless.

The girl was like an ant in the dust, watching the feet of the sky falling coldly.

"It's nothing to just scratch the skin, I'd like to go deeper~"

"If you want to commit suicide, hurry up. The corn seedlings in the field can't wait."

"Silly boy, cutting your throat is very painful. Auntie suggests you jump into the well."

"Bad idea! What if the well water is polluted?"

"It doesn't matter. No one has stipulated that well water that has drowned people cannot be used to irrigate seedlings."


Finally, Old Wang couldn't stand it anymore and shouted at the villagers, who immediately shut up.

"Everyone go back to their own homes."

The imperial power does not extend to the countryside, and the village chief is the most prestigious person in the village.

Even Li Shishi did not dare to say anything more.

Looking at the villagers who walked away dejectedly, Cang Xue threw away the kitchen knife dejectedly.

""Child," said Old Wang bitterly,"I came up with this bad idea."

"Blame it on me. The villagers had no choice."

"If it doesn't rain, many people in our village will starve to death this year."


With a sigh, Old Wang walked away with the help of Wang Ye.

Looking at the old man's sluggish back, Cang Xue opened her mouth, wanting to say something but stopping.

The water from the Cang family's private well could barely irrigate the Cang family's land.

There were dozens of families in the village, and six or seven hundred acres of land. How could it be possible to irrigate all the water?


Night falls.

In the west wing of the Cang family

""Xiaoyu, wake up."

Cangxue called softly.

The little kid who had been sleeping for half a day woke up slowly.

""Sister, why do you have two heads? Am I in the underworld?"

Cang Xue rolled her eyes and said,"I was so sleepy. Hurry up and get up and wash your face with cold water. The river shrimp and loach soup will be ready soon."

An incense stick of time later.

At the dining table in the main hall of the Cang family, the little brat grabbed the front end of the chopsticks and dug the river shrimp and loach into his little mouth.

"Is it delicious?"

Cang Xue asked with a smile

"Yes, my sister's cooking skills are much better than my mother's."

"Wangcai and Laifu vomited several times because of the food that their mother cooked.

The little brat picked up the white porcelain bowl and gulped down the soup.

Then he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, climbed down from the bench, and said,"Sister, if you are sleepy, go to sleep first. I will go to the field to catch grasshoppers for us."

"I'll fry some grasshoppers tomorrow."

After saying that, he ran out of the main hall in a hurry without waiting for Cang Xue to speak.

"Cangyu, come back!"

"I will beat your butt into petals!"

The girl hurriedly put down the river shrimp and loach soup she had not finished drinking and chased the little brat.

Under the moonlight, on the village road, the little brat with a small bamboo basket on his waist ran in front, and the girl waving a feather duster chased him from behind.

Cang Xue will never forget this night.

The refreshing night breeze was filled with the little brat's crisp laughter.

No one knew how much she wanted to beat this little bastard to death.


Baopingzhou, Wei State, deep in the Taihang Mountains.

With a loud crane cry, two thin snakes, one black and one white, fell from the sky and hit the cliff in front of the cave.

Immediately, a white crane swooped down.

The crane's legs were slender, about one meter long, and its neck was raised, taller than the eight-foot-tall man.

The crane's feathers were spotless, like frost and snow.

Just as it was about to eat the two long insects it had just caught, the white crane suddenly turned its head, and its rice-like eyes stared straight at the deep cave several feet away.

A refreshing fragrance wafted into the nose.

The white crane walked into the cave with an elegant step.

At a glance, it saw the red fruits hanging on the dense ancient vines.

Without the slightest hesitation, the white crane came to the nearest fruit.

The long and sharp crane beak was like a narrow knife or a sharp sword, pecking the fruit and splashing juice.

The first one, the second one, the third one... until the seventeenth one, the white crane was still eating.

The red python that was secretly peeping could not bear it any longer, so it blew out a breath.

Large pieces of crane feathers were blown up.

The white crane was like a human, and its body suddenly shuddered.

After a long while, it slowly twisted its stiff neck.

What caught the crane's eyes was a ferocious python head that was as close as a hill.

The dense snake scales were like a large burning flame. The golden candle-like eyes and the scarlet blood-red inverted snake pupils were like two large lanterns. The evil spirit and bloody smell were overwhelming.

The stupid crane was like a human, and it was stunned for a long time before it let out a howl and fell straight to the ground. Do birds, beasts, and even humans like to play dead so much?

Zhu Jiuyin was speechless, his mind moved slightly, and the more than 100-meter-long python body was blazing.

After a few breaths, the light dissipated.

Zhu Jiuyin turned into a human form.

He kicked the dead white crane with his bare feet.

He said coldly,"I know you are intelligent and can understand human words."

"If you don't get up, I will eat you alive."

With a crane cry, the white crane flapped its wings and fluttered to get up.

Zhu Jiuyin was surprised.

This stupid crane actually understood human words.

Its intelligence had nothing to do with the red fragrant fruit.

‘It is not surprising that the red fragrant fruit bred by my blood cannot transform this stupid crane into a human form.’

‘But after eating 17 of them, it didn't improve its intelligence even a little bit. '

You know, for the red fragrant fruit, generations of rat warriors have shed their blood and sacrificed their lives, and once almost starved Zhu Jiuyin to death. You can imagine how precious the red fragrant fruit is.

But in the stupid crane, it can only be reduced to a common thing to fill the stomach.

‘What on earth did this guy eat? It was more than six or seven times bigger than an ordinary crane.

Zhu Jiuyin couldn't figure out what kind of rare treasures could make a stupid crane have intelligence.

""Follow me."

Zhu Jiuyin was in front, and Bai He followed behind him obediently.

One man and one crane soon arrived at the depths of the cave.

Looking at the countless fruits piled up like a mountain in front of him, Bai He's eyes revealed human horror.

"Follow me, and all the red fragrant fruits in the cave will be yours."As soon as Zhu Jiuyin finished speaking, the white crane rubbed his face affectionately with its neck.

"Stop rubbing, it's getting all over my fur."

Zhu Jiuyin pulled the crane's head away and said,"Fill your stomach first."

The white crane immediately rushed to the fruit mountain.


Half an hour later, Zhu Jiuyin rubbed his temples as he looked at the white crane lying on the top of the fruit mountain, sleeping after eating, with its long neck drooping.

"Stupid Crane!"

He originally wanted to train the White Crane to be the protector of his future disciples.

After careful consideration, Zhu Jiuyin decisively killed this unrealistic idea.

Compared with the golden hair that could be tricked into running away from home with a bone, the only bright spot of the stupid crane was that it could fly to the sky.


"Too hard to find~"


Zhu Jiuyin stared at the stupid crane with a long beak pulling out crystal saliva threads, his eyes bright


"I can ride on a stupid crane and fly to the sky!"

Which young man doesn't have a dream of flying deep in his heart?

Flying on a sword or flying on a rainbow.

The breeze blows on your face, overlooking the magnificent mountains and rivers.

Traveling to the North Sea in the morning and Cangwu in the evening.

How cool.

A crane carrying a red python.

It's wonderful.


Suddenly, there was a rustling sound outside the cave.

Zhu Jiuyin frowned slightly.


Ps: Please give me some free gifts.

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