The afternoon sun shines through the treetops, and the shade of the trees is dotted with spots, as if it is sprinkled with broken gold.


The boy submerged his dusty face into the copper basin, first drinking until half full, then washing his face with the water.

The little brat squatted on the side, staring at the iron sword leaning against the old locust tree with his round, watery eyes.

"This well water is really sweet and refreshing!"

The boy took a towel and wiped his face dry, then poured the water into an empty wooden bucket, leaving it for watering the seedlings.

"Big brother"

"What's the matter?"

"Uh, it's okay.

Seeing that the little brat's eyes were about to pop out of his sockets, the boy smiled and picked up the iron sword.

With a clang, the long sword came out of the sheath.

The boy pointed the hilt at the little brat.

"Play, but be careful not to scratch or cut yourself."

The little brat happily bared his mouthful of white milk teeth. He was only four years old, but his expression was as pious as that of adults bowing to the gods.

A pair of cute little hands carefully grasped the hilt of the sword.

Looking at the sword blade that was as clear as autumn water and reflected his tender face.

The look in the little brat's eyes was brighter than the rising sun and more gorgeous than the sunset glow.

The boy smiled happily, as if he saw his former self.

A sword is a seed.

Planted in the little brat's heart by the boy.

It is very likely that it will not take root and sprout.

It is very unlikely that it will break through the ground and keep growing.

Until it grows into branches and leaves The lush and majestic trees.

The dream of a small but great swordsman is realized by thousands of little brats.

It is small because this world can only accommodate one swordsman. It is great because even though thousands of little brats know that the world's number one will never be them, they can still hold the iron swords tightly in their hands without loosening their grip.

In the world of the people, there are hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea and thousands of peaks.

In the world of the swordsman, there are only swords in their hands.

It is far less magnificent than the hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea and the thousands of peaks.

But the hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea and the thousands of peaks are only in the eyes.

The swordsman's sword is in his hand.


In the backyard of the Cang family, on the stone table were two bowls of steamed bread, two bowls of fried bacon, a bowl of several hard-boiled eggs, and two large and small bowls of cane sugar water.

The boy wolfed down the food.

"Xiaoyu, how many times have I called you? Come and eat, don't force me to slap you!"

Cang Xue looked like Qu Yiqing.

The little brat ignored him, sat on the small stool, looked down at the iron sword, and laughed from time to time. He was completely immersed in his dream of being a swordsman.


"No, my name is Cheng Hu, just call me Brother Hu"

"Brother Hu,"

Cang Xue handed the heavy purse to the boy,"Thank you for saving my life.……"

"Don't try that."

Cheng Hu said angrily,"I saved you because I wanted to save you. Don't insult my sword with money."

"But Brother Hu, this bag of copper coins is my most precious thing."

Cheng Hu said faintly:"I am not short of money, sister, maybe you don't know that Brother Hu also owned a small gold mountain in the past."

Cang Xue asked curiously:"What happened later?"


Cheng Hu grinned,"Later, I donated the Jinshan Mountain and had someone build a temple, which was quite magnificent."

"Sister, don't you want to repay the favor?"

"Then let's make a promise. When you grow up, you will take the troupe to Yunzhou."

"The specific address is Mengfei Temple in Jingning Prefecture, Yunzhou"

"At that time, I will set up a stage for my brother Fei and sing your Cang family's"Farewell My Concubine"》"

"Hehe, in my heart, Brother Fei is the overlord."

Cang Xue whispered,"Mengfei Temple in Jingning Prefecture, Yunzhou"

"Brother Hu, don't worry, let alone just one performance, it won't matter if you sing for three days and three nights."

Cheng Hu gave the girl a thumbs up,"Sister, you are so generous!"


As night fell, Cang Xue slept by the bluestone well in the backyard.

As for Cang Yu, he slept in the west wing with Cheng Hu.

The four-year-old kid and the eleven-year-old boy were seven years apart, but they still had endless topics to talk about.

The next day.

Cang Xue was cooking, and Cheng Hu was practicing sword in the backyard.

The kid actually walked into the kitchen holding a small bundle of firewood.

"Sister, there are a lot of firewood piled up at the entrance of the village, but no one in our village recognizes it."

"Hehe, all of them are good for our family."

Cang Xue didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After several trips, the little brat finally carried all the firewood back to the Cang family.

"Sister, I want two big bowls of egg custard for dinner."

Looking at the sweaty, smug kid, Cang Xue smiled gently and said,"Sister will steam three bowls for you."


After the"River God Incident", the old village chief Wang Haoyang has been bedridden.

On the wooden bed in the main room of the Wang family's courtyard.

Old Wang, with gray hair and cloudy eyes, said in a hoarse voice:"Son."

Wang Ye, who was squatting on the threshold with a sad face, hurried to the bedside and held his father's skinny hand,"Dad, I'm here"

"Are Canglan and Qu Yiqing back?"


The second day of the River God incident

"Son, are Canglan and Qu Yiqing back?"

"No, Dad."

"Are the girl from the Cang family and Yuwazi okay?"

""It's fine, Dad. The boy has been guarding the two babies, and no villager dared to take them away by force."

On the third day

"Son, are you back?"

"No, Dad."

"Are the two children of the Cang family safe?"

"It's safe, Dad."

Day 4

"Son, how are the villagers?"

"Dad, the old well can't even dig out wet mud, and 70% to 80% of the corn seedlings in every household's field have died of drought."

"Dad, as you expected, the villagers are crazy. The little girl from the Cang family and Yuwazi were attacked in broad daylight while they were irrigating the seedlings."

"They are not trying to steal water, they are trying to kill people, Dad."

Old Wang suddenly opened his eyes wide and grabbed Wang Ye's wrist,"Are the two kids dead?!"

"No, no, Dad, don't be angry."

"Fortunately, the two children ran fast and narrowly escaped back to Cang's house."

"The young man's swordsmanship was extraordinary, and he injured several people in a row. The villagers were like birds and beasts.���"

Lao Wang slowly loosened his dry hands

"My son, tonight the villagers will definitely pull out all the corn seedlings in the Cang family's field with the mentality of"better die with honor than live in disgrace"."

"Tell them not to do that."

Wang Ye shrank his neck and said,"Dad, the villagers are no longer human. Your prestige as the village chief cannot suppress the bloodthirsty beasts."

"Son, tell them to leave the Cang family's corn seedlings and snatch them away in the autumn harvest. There is still a glimmer of hope. If we pull them out now, everyone will have to flee."

"Dad, you are just trying to quench your thirst. You are not helping the villagers, you are helping the Cang family."


Day 5


"Dad, Canglan and Qu Yiqing are back."

On the wooden bed, the old man slowly closed his tired eyes.

"OK, I'm glad you're back. Dad is going to have a good sleep."

Two lines of turbid tears crossed the peaceful ravine.


The fifth day of the River God Incident.

At noon, the sun was high in the sky.

Under the shade of the old locust tree at the gate of the Cang family courtyard, Cheng Hu gently wiped the iron sword with a towel.

The little brat Yu Wangcai and Lai Fu were searching for fleas on the two big dogs.

As for Cang Xue, she sat on a small stool, supporting her chin with both hands, and asked curiously:"Brother Hu, what words are engraved on the joint of your sword handle and the blade?"

Cheng Hu smiled slightly and said:"Nian Fei. Nian as in miss, Fei as in fly bird, is the name of this sword." A creaking sound suddenly floated from afar.

Cheng Hu, Cang Xue, and Cang Yu all looked up.

What came into view were several carriages slowly approaching.

"Xue'er, Xiaoyu, Daddy is back!"

The girl and the kid's two little faces were instantly like blooming flowers.



The little brat immediately ran towards the village like an arrow.

Cang Xue followed closely.

Halfway, the girl turned back.

There was no one in front of the Cang family's gate. The young tiger had already returned to the forest.

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