
In the second courtyard of the Cang family.

Qu Yiqing was busy counting copper coins in the main hall. Canglan, with his hands behind his back, pushed open the doors one by one, looking from the backyard to the front yard.

Cangxue and Cangyu, the brother and sister, sat side by side under the eaves of the east wing and ate candied haws.

With a creaking sound, Canglan pushed open the door of the firewood room.

Looking at the half-burned firewood in the room, his expression was slightly startled.


"Here I come."

The little brat quickly ran into the wood room,"Dad, what do you want me to do?" Canglan asked doubtfully,"Did your sister chop this half of the firewood?"

The little brat shook his head,"It's not my sister, I brought her back from the village."

The man frowned slightly, his eyes flickering,"Is there still water in the old well at the village?"

"No, the few toads inside are dry and crispy"

"During the time your mother and I were away from home, have any villagers taken water from the bluestone well in the backyard?"

"My mother said that if I couldn't protect our well water, I would skin my sister alive when I got back. My uncles and aunts came to ask for water, but my sister didn't give them any."

The little brat added,"They didn't give me a single drop."

The man asked again,"Has anyone bullied you and your sister during this period?"

The little brat nodded at first, then he remembered something and shook his head violently.

"Without a father, my sister and I would eat and sleep all day long, and live a comfortable life."


Half an hour later, Canglan left the gate of the Cang family.

The man walking in the fields looked up at the village.

Under the shade of the century-old willow tree, two children of six or seven years old were squatting, playing a small game of catching stones.

There were dozens of stones scattered on the ground, and one was held in his hand.

He threw the stone in his hand high up, and then grabbed the stone on the ground as quickly as possible.

Finally, he caught the falling stone. The whole process was allowed to use only one palm.

It is a game to exercise hand-eye coordination.

"Dog left, Iron Pillar"

""Hello, Uncle Cang."

Cang Lan came closer and squatted down, stretched out his fist to the two children.

Then he opened his five fingers.

In his palms were several square pieces of cane sugar.

"Want to eat?"


Gousheng and Tiezhu nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice, their mouths watering.

"Uncle is going to ask you a few questions. Don't lie, okay?~"

"What does uncle want to ask?"


Night fell.

At the dinner table, Qu Yiqing tore off a chicken leg from the roast chicken and put it in her husband's bowl.

Then she tore off another one and put it in the kid's bowl.

Then she tore off the chicken neck and put it in her own bowl.

Finally, she tore off the chicken butt and threw it into the girl's bowl.

"Save the chicken body for tomorrow, and the chicken bones for the day after tomorrow to grind and mix with dumpling soup. Okay, let's start eating." Qu Yiqing gave an order, and the little brat said dissatisfiedly:"Mom, why don't you give the chicken bones to Wangcai and Laifu?"

"Today is a family reunion day, don't force me to slap you."

The little brat was immediately silent.

Cang Xue picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up the chicken butt.

Suddenly, there was a crisp sound, Cang Lan knocked Cang Xue's chopsticks away, picked up the chicken butt and threw it out of the main hall.

Wang Cai and Lai Fu, who had been squatting at the door for a long time, immediately started to bite

"Eat it."

Canglan put the chicken leg into Cangxue's bowl.

"Godfather, I just need to eat Wowotou"

"Eat, eat, I don't need to grow up, and what's the point of being humble as a family."

Qu Yiqing said sarcastically,"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a picture of a loving father and a filial daughter, so touching, woo woo."

While the woman was rubbing her dry eyes, Canglan's chopsticks were as fast as lightning.

He stuffed the woman's chicken neck into his bloody mouth.

Qu Yiqing:"……"

"Cang, if you can get into the master bedroom within half a year, I will take your surname!"

Cang Lan raised his eyebrows,"I can enjoy the chicken neck alone and have half a year of peace and quiet"

"Hey, double happiness"


The thirteenth day of the River God Incident.

In the Wang Family Courtyard.

Old Wang, lying on the bed, looked like a dried corpse, sometimes conscious, sometimes confused.

When he was conscious, he covered his head with the quilt and sobbed, his cry was like a child. When he was confused, he raised his hands to grab the sky, his voice was hoarse, and he kept repeating two words:

"Rain, rain, rain."

The River God Incident, Day 14


"Dad, I'm here"

"Is it raining?"


The Fifteenth Day of the River God Incident

"Son, did it rain today?"

""No father."

The nineteenth day of the River God Incident.

Early in the morning.

Before getting ready to go to the fields, Wang Ye routinely took a look at his old father.

With a creaking sound, the man pushed open the door. What came into view was Old Wang, who was sitting cross-legged at the head of the bed, with a ruddy face, puffing on his pipe.


Wang Ye was surprised and happy.

For more than ten days, the old man had been eating, drinking, defecating and urinating in bed. I thought he would not survive this six months, but he was even more energetic than before.

"Son, I had a dream last night. I dreamed about God."

"It will rain heavily today."

Old Wang said happily.

Wang Ye asked curiously:"Dad, what does the sky look like?"

"Uh, I forgot."

Old Wang patted his belly and said,"Son, let's go to the kitchen and cook two side dishes."

"Dad is in a good mood today, so don't go to the fields, just drink a couple of cups with me."

Wang Ye bared his teeth,"Okay."


A quarter of an hour later.

When Wang Ye walked into the house with the fried bacon.

Old Wang was dead.

The old man leaned against the earth wall, his left hand still holding the brass pipe with rising green smoke.

In his right hand with five fingers slightly bent, he gently grasped a white porcelain wine cup. In his mouth, with only a few old teeth left, there were a few peanuts that were chewed half-broken and not swallowed into his stomach in time.

Putting the fried bacon on the small table, Wang Ye took the wine cup tremblingly and held his old father's warm palm.


Feeling the warmth from his father's palm, Wang Ye breathed a sigh of relief as if he had survived a disaster.

He sniffed his breath, felt his pulse, and listened to his heartbeat.

Wang Ye's eyes were red and he said,"You old man, you only know how to scare people"


Although Old Wang had not yet passed away, he was already at the end of his life. The old man fell into a coma, and kept mumbling"Rain, rain, rain". Wang Ye could not wake him up no matter how hard he tried.

Seeing his old father suffering from torture and pain, but still refusing to die,

Wang Ye gritted his teeth, picked up a shoulder pole and two buckets and walked out of the yard.


In the backyard of the Cang family,

Canglan drew two full buckets of water from the bluestone well.

Footsteps approached from afar.

The man turned around and looked

"Wang Ye!"

Cang Lan frowned and said,"What are you doing here? You didn't even knock on the door!"

Wang Ye said softly,"Brother Cang, can you let me get two buckets of water? My father is dying."

"Ha, she died well."

Canglan sneered:"You are going to burn my daughter to death, and you still shamelessly want water? Daydreaming!"

With a plop, Wang Ye threw away the bucket and the shoulder pole, and knelt on his knees directly in front of Canglan.

He begged:"Brother Cang, I kowtow to you, just let me fill two buckets"

"If it really doesn't work, half a bucket will do."

Canglan said indifferently:"Repay evil with kindness, how to repay kindness?"

"Wang Ye, I’m making this clear today: don’t even think about taking away a drop of water from my Cang family!"


Half an hour later.

With his face and linen shirt splattered with blood, Wang Ye returned to the Wang family courtyard carrying two full buckets of water.

Wang Ye put down the shoulder pole only after he had carried the water to his old father's bedside.

At this moment, old Wang was already on his deathbed.

His hands and feet were cold, and his pulse was so weak that it was almost unfeeling.

He tore open his old father's linen shirt and placed his palm on his heart.

Only his heart still had a little bit of warmth.

But this little bit was still slowly but unstoppably dissipating.

Like fine sand, it slowly, slowly flowed through Wang Ye's fingers.

The man picked up the ladle and scooped up a ladle of water.

He poured it high.

It fell down in a rush.

"Dad, it’s raining~"

The second scoop, the third scoop, the fourth scoop… until the whole bucket of water was scooped out.

Old Wang was dead.

This time he was really dead.

His body was wet, soaked by the rain.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He died peacefully.

…… ps: Get ready, I’m going to use my power.

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