The day was hot, and the sun shining on my body was like pouring a pot of fire.

The night was cool, suitable for traveling.

The third year of Fuling, July 19th.

Under the shade of the trees in the forest, Qu Yiqing took a wooden teacup and scooped a full cup of water from the pottery jar.

"Mom, my sister's body is still hot, even hot enough to fry eggs."

On the wooden cart, the little brat carefully touched the girl's ripe, red face.

"It's been three days, and he's still alive."

"If you can hear me, hurry up and die. I have never tasted the taste of my own flesh in my life."

The woman said sarcastically while gently prying the girl's dry lips and drinking the whole glass of water bit by bit.

"Mom, don't curse your sister, or I'll be angry."

The little brat looked serious like an adult.

"What can you do if you are angry? Can you go up to the sky and give the Lord of Heaven a couple of kicks, or go down to the sea and give the Dragon King a few slaps?"

Qu Yiqing scooped half a cup of water again and handed it to the kid.

"This is the third and last time I drink water today. Savor the taste carefully."

The kid took the cup, took a small sip, held it in his mouth for a while, and then swallowed it.

It took the kid half an hour to finish half a cup of water.

Qu Yiqing took the cup and walked straight into the depths of the forest.

"Mom, you're drinking urine again?~"

"Cangyu, don't force me to slap you"


When Qu Yiqing came back, he saw a she-wolf standing next to the wooden cart.

The little brat stood in front of his unconscious sister, holding the mandarin duck sword tightly in his little hands, with the tip of the sword pointing directly at the she-wolf.

The woman frowned slightly, walked quickly to the front, and blocked the two children behind her.

Staring at the she-wolf standing upright like a human, she said in a cold tone:"What's the matter?"

The she-wolf showed an anthropomorphic bitter smile,"Sister, I'm too hungry. Not to mention hurrying on my way, I almost don't have the strength to get up."

"I don't think your daughter will live for many more days. Let's eat the child instead."

"You are a human, I am a wolf, sister, it doesn't matter."

Qu Yiqing said nothing, just shook his head firmly.

The mother wolf said unwillingly:"Sister, look carefully, although my child is not as tall as your daughter, but he has a lot of meat on his body."

"Sister, change it, you won't suffer any loss."

The woman didn't hesitate at all, and said one word expressionlessly,"Get lost!"


Smoke rose from the woods.

Female wolves, male wolves, young wolves, old wolves, all over the mountains and plains.

The hot wind blew in my face, and the aroma of meat was strong.

The little kid standing on the wooden cart stretched his neck and stared straight into the distance.

A dozen feet away, several wolves gathered around a campfire, scooping meat out of the pot.

""Mom, it smells so good, I want to eat it!"

The little brat drooled all over the floor. With a crisp sound, the woman raised her hand high and brought it down heavily.

The little brat was stunned by the slap, covering his burning cheek, his big eyes red, his expression full of confusion and grievance.

"Cangyu, you have to remember this."

The woman said in a cold voice,"You are a human being, there are some things you cannot lose even if you die."

"Once you lose it, you can never get it back."


July 23, the third year of Fuling.

On the ancient road, the woman pulled the wooden cart step by step.

Each step was as difficult as climbing to the sky.

The two children who had been pushing the cart before were now lying on the boards.

I don’t know if they had heatstroke, or ate too much tree bark and Guanyin soil, or were severely malnourished.

Maybe it was all of them.

As the sun was setting, the woman gritted her teeth and pulled the wooden cart into the forest.

She scooped a cup of water from the pottery jar and fed it to her son first, then to her daughter.

The son was fine and swallowed whatever was fed to him.

But the daughter had lost the ability to swallow independently, and the water would flow out from the corners of her mouth the moment it entered her mouth.

The woman had no choice but to hold the water in her mouth first, and then feed it to her daughter mouth to mouth.

"You bastard, you real bastard, what sin did I commit in my previous life~"

The woman wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.

Looking at the two children who were full of energy before leaving home, now they are pale and skinny.

Small bodies with big heads.

The woman pondered for a long time, picked up the mandarin duck sword and walked into the depths of the forest.


The moon was above the treetops.

The woman lit a bonfire and cooked a bowl of meat soup.

When the soup was no longer boiling hot, the woman pinched a piece of meat with her bare hands and put it into her mouth to chew slowly.

Then she fed her daughter mouth to mouth.

Ten or so pieces of meat went into the girl's stomach.

The little kid only drank half a bowl of meat soup.

The bright moon was hanging high in the sky.

The surroundings were quiet.

The woman leaned over the girl's ear and asked,"What are you?"

The girl closed her eyes and did not move.

"Remember, Cang Xue is a man, not a girl."

Fu Ling Year 3, July 24.

The mother and her two daughters were still in the forest, not on the road.

The woman was extremely bored, kissing her son's face, and combing her daughter's hair.

She untied the two big red ribbons wrapped around the girl's wrists.

The woman tied two long ponytails for her daughter.

"Two torn ribbons, what's there to be reluctant about?"

From the rising sun to the setting sun, the two children showed no signs of waking up.

"What did I owe you two in my past life?"

The woman limped into the depths of the forest, holding the mandarin duck sword.


The third year of Fuling, July 29.

Although the little brat and Cang Xue had not woken up yet, their faces were much rosier than the previous few days.

On the contrary, the woman's face was as pale as paper, not like a living person, but more like a corpse that had been dead for several days.

"Damn flies~"

The woman raised one arm with difficulty and waved it to drive away the dark sea of flies.


Inside the wooden car, the girl called out in a hoarse voice

""I'm coming, I'm coming."

The woman, leaning on her mandarin duck sword, staggered to the wooden cart.

"Mom, I'm thirsty~"

"Wait a minute, I'll get you some water."

She fed the girl two full glasses of water.

Seeing her daughter fall into a coma again, the woman asked softly,���"What are you?"

The girl mumbled in her sleep,"I am a man, not a woman."

A bright smile immediately bloomed on the woman's snow-white face.

He gently stroked the girl's face,"Xue'er, you must, you must protect Xiaoyu."

As night fell, the woman staggered into the depths of the forest with the mandarin duck sword and never came back.


Cang Xue had a dream.

A very long and complicated dream.

In the dream, she heard people groaning in pain.

She could clearly feel the little hand of the kid gently caressing her cheek.

She felt the soft lips of her stepmother.

Sometimes it was cool water, sometimes it was fragrant meat.

She moved her throat desperately, accepting everything.

Later, she could always smell a rotten smell, as if it was coming from her stepmother.

Finally, she could vaguely hear her stepmother crying.

"I can't die, I can't die yet. If I die, what will happen to my two children?"


"A little more, a little more, almost there, almost there"


"At least, let me take one last look at the child."

"Died beside a child"


The sun shines through the treetops and falls on the wooden cart.

"Is this... a sun shower?!"

Cang Xue regained consciousness little by little. He tried to open his mouth as wide as possible. He was so thirsty.

He wished he could use his stepmother's mandarin duck sword to stab out mouths one after another on his body, dozens or hundreds of mouths, and swallow every drop of rain into his body.

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