Mid-autumn, the first day of August.

The first rain of the third year of Fuling came very late.

The sun was high in the sky, and the raindrops hit the leaves, making crackling sounds.

Knowing that this sun shower would not last long, Cangxue, who was dizzy and weak, gritted his teeth and climbed up.

He struggled to move several pottery jars in the wooden cart to an open space in the forest.

Sure enough, the rain stopped in less than two quarters of an hour.

Cangxue put the six pottery jars into one, and only got half a jar of rainwater.

After moving the pottery jars back to the wooden cart, Cangxue took out a dry towel from the theater box and wiped the rain off the kid.

"Xiaoyu, where is mommy?"

Cangxue leaned over to the little kid's ear and asked softly.

The little kid smacked his lips and mumbled,"The candied haws are delicious. Give me three more strings, one for each of my daddy, mommy and sister."

The forest was especially hot after the rain. Cangxue took off the little kid's wet clothes and changed them into dry ones.

He lit a bonfire to disinfect the rainwater.

After the boiling water cooled down, he drank half a cup by himself, fed the little kid a cup, and finally filled the teapot and waited for his stepmother to come back to drink.


As the sun was setting, Cang Xue woke up and looked around blankly, but still could not see her stepmother.

The girl felt more and more uneasy, and she could no longer sit still. She picked up the mandarin duck sword and walked into the depths of the forest.

"No, definitely not!"

"Mother may abandon me, but she will never abandon Xiaoyu!"

The forest was extremely quiet, without the sound of birds or insects. Cangxue held the mandarin duck sword tightly, stepped on the dead leaves, and walked carefully with a vigilant look.

In the sultry environment, the girl suddenly frowned.

""What's that smell? It's so bad?"

After walking about ten feet along the stench, the girl's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip. What came into view was a sea of flies that looked like a black cloud.

Rats, crows, and countless maggots crawling among the rotting flesh.


The shrill scream resounded throughout the forest.


The sun was setting.

The girl carried the woman's body and walked deep into the mountains.

Behind the two, a sea of flies and a black cloud formed a river.

As they walked, pieces of flesh and maggots fell from time to time.

The girl looked up.

She saw a dark hole under a cliff that dropped dozens of feet not far away.

Two hours later.

In the cave, the girl used the mandarin duck sword to dig a shallow pit.

She dragged her stepmother's hideous and horrible corpse into the burial pit.

The girl ignored her hands that were cut by the sword and were bleeding, and she picked up a handful of soil and sprinkled it on the woman.

Handful after hand, even though she was reluctant, the shallow pit finally became a slightly raised grave.

"Mother, wait a little longer. Your daughter will definitely come back and bury you and father together in the same tomb and coffin."

"Mom, if you leave, what will happen to your daughter?"

"I'm only seven years old, I need to be protected too."

The woman left so suddenly that she didn't even leave a last word.

The girl was at a loss, like a lost lamb.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely protect Xiaoyu"

"No one can take me away from Xiaoyu unless I die."

The girl kept one of her stepmother's two mandarin duck swords and took the other away.

The next day, as the sky was getting light, the girl abandoned the wooden cart and took only the little brat, two theater boxes, and two pottery jars.


Mid-autumn, August 3.

On the ancient road, the girl carried the kid on her back, with two opera boxes hanging from her left arms.

Every step was difficult.

At noon, Cang Xue raised her head slightly and squinted.

Her rough and red face was dripping with sweat. Her dry and yellow hair stuck to her forehead and temples, and her lips were cracked with blood.

"Is that... a village~"

A quarter of an hour later, the girl stood in front of a bluestone as tall as a person.

There were three big characters engraved on the bluestone, but unfortunately the girl, who had never been to a cram school, could not recognize them.

She retracted her gaze and looked at the village again.

There were about twenty households scattered in the valley, far less than Changliu Village.

The earthen walls collapsed, and the courtyard gate was ajar. No dogs barking, no trace of people.

"Did the whole village flee from famine?

Cang Xue found a relatively intact courtyard, walked into the house, and put the little brat on the wooden bed.

From noon to sunset, she searched every household, almost taking away the last grain of corn in every rice jar.

The girl barely collected half a bowl.

The next morning after drinking the corn porridge, the little brat who had been sleeping for who knows how long finally woke up.

""Sister, why don't you see mom?"

The little brat asked, leaving Cang Xue speechless.

After pondering for a long time, the girl said softly:"Mom went to Longcheng in advance, saying that she was explorin...ing the way for us."


The little brat blinked his big watery eyes and looked at Cang Xue.

The girl nodded,"When has my sister ever lied to you?"

"Mom is an adult, and adults shouldn't abandon children."

The little brat said seriously:"When we get to Longcheng, sister, I will spank mom."


After two days of rest, the brother and sister continued their journey on the sixth day of August to make sure that the little brat could run and jump.

At noon and in the afternoon, the sun was scorching, so they hid under the shade of trees to avoid the heat.

After nightfall, they set out on the road under the moonlight and would not find a place to sleep until they were exhausted.

On the eighth day of August, the sun was rising.

On the ancient road, the jumping little brat stopped and looked back at Cang Xue, who was carrying a box on his back and holding a

"Sister, the opera box is so heavy, why don't you throw it away?"

Cang Xue licked her lips.

The more she licked, the more cracks appeared. The more cracks there were, the more she wanted to lick. She was seriously dehydrated.

"Xiaoyu, the box can hold your Yu Ji costume and your sister's Overlord costume."

"This is what our parents bought for us when they came back from their last performance. We can’t lose it."

The little brat tilted his head and thought for a while,"Sister, let me carry one.""


On the ninth day of the eighth month, the sky was just turning pale when the brother and sister set out on their journey.

The opera box was too big and the kid was too small.

His heels kept bumping against each other as he walked, and he looked really funny.

""Sister, what's wrong with your face? It looks exactly like the one of daddy who was lying in the coffin last year."

Cang Xue, who was sweating all over and looking as pale as paper, smiled at the little kid,"Sister is fine."

As she was about to fall, her shoulders suddenly relaxed.

Cang Xue was stunned for a moment, then smiled softly.

Behind the girl, the little kid gritted his teeth and tried his best to hold up his sister's box with his little hands.


On August 11, the moon was shining brightly like snow.

In the woods, the weak and sleepy Cang Xue was drowsy.

The bored little kid looked up at the starry sky.

"These two are not good, they are too far apart"

"These two are fine, they are close together, they must be my father and mother."

The little brat said in a childish voice:"Mom, it's been a few days, why haven't you come to me in my dreams?"

"Dad has entrusted me with many of them."

"Mom, have you seen Daddy? And Wangcai and Laifu, and our old yellow cow, are they all okay?"

"Mom, tell the old ox that Xiaoyu didn't mean to eat its meat. I'm sorry."

"Mom, please ask Wangcai and Lai Fu if they received the paper money and gold ingots I burned for them?"

"Mom, I miss daddy, Wangcai, Laifu, and the old yellow cow."

""Mom, I miss you the most."

Behind the little boy, the girl lying among the dead leaves in the forest was crying.


On August 13, the kid got sick.

Very sick.

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