In the third year of Fuling, the middle of autumn, August 13th.

Under the moonlight, on the ancient road.

Cang Xue was in front, and the little kid was behind.

This afternoon, the brother and sister finished the last half cup of water.

At this moment, the girl was very thirsty, and she couldn't help but open her mouth, facing the bright moon in the night sky, and took a bite of snow.

It was a pity that the moonlight that was like frost and snow all over the mountains and fields could not be eaten.

"Sister, how far is Dragon City?"

"It's almost here. It will arrive in four or five days."

"Sister, I feel dizzy"

"Hold on for a while, and we'll find a place to sleep after walking for another half an hour."

Suddenly there was a muffled sound behind her, and the girl turned around quickly.

She saw a big theater box like a tortoise shell, with a little man upside down on top.


Cangxue screamed and hurried to the little brat


The little kid with a pale face, his big black and white eyes were filled with tears.

He raised his little hand with difficulty and gently stroked the girl's face.

"Sister, I'm sorry, am I useless~"

Looking at the skinny little kid, Cang Xue felt sad and uncomfortable,"No, Xiaoyu is very strong. She carried such a big opera box and walked such a long way."

"Sister, I want to sleep."

""Don't sleep, Xiaoyu, please don't fall asleep. I haven't told you a bedtime story yet."

Cang Xue was so frightened that she almost collapsed to the ground, without a trace of strength in her limbs.

She stretched out her trembling hands and pried open the little kid's closed eyelids.

"Sister, can we go home?"

The little hand that wiped the girl's tears drooped down, and the little brat finally fainted.

"Xiaoyu, don't die, you must hold on."

Cangxue carried the kid on his back, picked up two opera boxes, and continued on his way.

"Xiaoyu, please be alright."

"Our parents are dead, and we are the only ones left to depend on each other.

"Xiaoyu, please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone."

The bright moon and the stars.

The long night on the ancient road, the girl walked and cried.

The tears in her eyes could not be stopped.


From the evening of August 13, Cang Xue kept walking. She walked until noon of August 14 without a break.

Her feet were covered with blisters and blood blisters, which were rubbed, blistered again, and rubbed again.

The two tattered straw sandals were soaked in blood and turned black and red.

On the ancient road, the girl bent over and walked with great difficulty.

It seemed as if she was carrying a mountain on her back and two rivers on her arms.

As she staggered, the things in front of her eyes became blurry.

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound coming from far behind her.

Before the girl could react, the carriage had passed by.

The curtain of the carriage was opened, and the girl could barely see half of an old face.

A yellow gourd was thrown out of the carriage by the old man and rolled in front of the girl.

The carriage quickly went away.

Cang Xue retracted her gaze, first put down the two opera boxes, then slowly knelt down, picked up the yellow gourd and shook it beside her ear.

It was all water.

"Xiaoyu, there is water!"

The girl smiled brightly.


Half a quarter of an hour later, under the shade of a tree by the road,

Cang Xue pulled out the cork from the gourd and took a sip. As the water entered her mouth, the girl's face suddenly changed.

It wasn't water.

It was wine.

‘Wine can also quench thirst~'

The girl closed her eyes, hardened her heart, and swallowed it down.

The spicy wine made her stick out her tongue.

She gently opened the kid's mouth and fed him two small gulps.

Watching the kid swallow the wine on his own, the girl breathed a sigh of relief.

The hot wind blew.

Her head was dizzy.

The wine took over.

The girl fell straight down.

Before she lost consciousness, the ground seemed to be shaking.

"Is that the sound of horse hooves?~"

"Xiaoyu, we are saved.~"


On the extreme northern border of Liangzhou in the State of Wei, there is a city between two towering mountains.

The majestic pass is called Jufeng Pass, and the huge city is Longcheng.

In the middle of autumn in the third year of Fuling, on August 14.

As the sun was setting in the west, a carriage drove into the south gate of Longcheng.

A quarter of an hour later, in the northwest border of Longcheng, the carriage turned into Qingfeng Lane from the bluestone street.

Finally, it stopped in front of a magnificent mansion.

The curtain was lifted, and Luo Xinghe, the national teacher of the State of Wei, who was dressed in a purple and gold Taoist robe, got off the carriage first.

Then he carried down a little girl, about seven or eight years old, wearing a coarse linen shirt.

The old and the child stood in front of the mansion, both looking up at the high-hanging plaque.

""Master, what's written on it?" the girl asked curiously.

"Zhenbei Palace."

Luo Xinghe touched the girl's head,"Xuan'er, do you want to learn to read?"


The girl nodded heavily.

Luo Xinghe said kindly:"Then tomorrow, Master will teach you to recognize your own name."


The girl shook her head,"I want to learn your name first."


Luo Xinghe laughed heartily


Half an hour later.

In the back garden of the Longcheng Zhenbei Palace.

Wei Guo's national teacher Luo Xinghe and Wei Guo's Zhenbei King Zhao Heng sat on a stone bench, looking at the setting sun.

"Master State Master, the mysterious person who cut off the fate of our Wei Kingdom, has not yet been identified?"

Zhao Heng, the King of Zhenbei, is about twenty years old, a young man with vigor and vigor.

Luo Xinghe shook his head,"I have used the art of divine appearance several times, but unfortunately I couldn't show that person no matter what."

"He doesn't seem to belong to the ancient history of Xiangang"

"The only thing that can be confirmed is that this person, like Qi Qingji, lives in seclusion in Qixia Prefecture, Baopingzhou."

"To be exact, it is the small town deep in the Taihang Mountains."

Zhao Heng frowned and said,"The one who can be friends with Qi Qingji is most likely a land immortal."

"One earthly immortal can destroy a small country, two……"

"Are we in the Wei Kingdom just going to swallow our anger?" Zhao Heng looked unwilling.

Luo Xinghe took a sip from the blue and white porcelain teacup and said,"The immortals from Zhaoyao Mountain will come to Longcheng soon. Let's see what they say then."

Zhao Heng's eyes were as dark as water."Zhaoyao Mountain is acting on behalf of heaven and managing the human world on behalf of heaven."

"The world of immortals and the temple, the common people at the foot of the mountain and the Qigong masters on the mountain are clearly divided"

"Three years ago, that immortal on earth teamed up with Qi Qingji to destroy the destiny of our Wei State."

"Now three years have passed, and the Immortal of Zhaoyao Mountain has not yet arrived"

"It's so fucking annoying!"

Luo Xinghe smiled bitterly and said,"I am a descendant of the ancient immortals who have been lost. I am an immortal who is high above everyone else."

"The immortals come to earth, like a pearl covered in dust"

"It's quite good that she can come."

Zhao Heng suppressed his anger and looked at the little girl who was squatting beside the dried-up pond not far away, lost in thought.

He asked curiously,"Master Imperial Master, where did you find this little girl?"

"Zhao Xuan'er, the new disciple I accepted on the way to Longcheng."

Luo Xinghe smiled calmly and said,"When I return to Weidu, I plan to go to Qixia Prefecture in Baopingzhou first."

"Send Xuan'er to the small town called Qingping"

"Don't underestimate Xuan'er"

"She was destined to become the sword hanging over Qi Qingji's head."

"In the near future, I will use Xuan Er to set up two games for the bastard named Qi."

"A game of conscience, a game of death!"

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