On August 15, as night fell

, the north gate of Longcheng creaked open.

Luo Xinghe held Zhao Xuaner's hand, and the old and the young left the city.

Wei State bordered Su State in the north, and the two countries had been attacked for generations. There was an unowned land between the two countries, called the Wild View Plain, which was considered a strategic buffer zone tacitly agreed by the monarchs of the two countries.


"Master, there are so many green grasses!"

Under the moonlight, the Wild View Plain looks like a green wheat field. The cool night breeze blows, and tranquility fluctuates in the distance.

Zhao Xuan'er's dark pupils are sparkling. She breaks free from Luo Xinghe's hand and frolics on the vast plain like a puppy.

To the north of Dragon City, the forests are green and the rivers are surging.

To the south of Dragon City, the mountains and rivers are broken and the grass and trees are withering.

If an immortal looks down from the sky of Dragon City, he will be surprised to find that the Wild View Plain is like a green sword, dividing the two countries of Wei and Su clearly.

One side is thriving, while the other side is rotting and dying.

Luo Xinghe puts his hands behind his back and looks at the end of the Wild View Plain..

In the old Taoist's two vicissitudes of life eyes, there was a reflection of a towering city with brilliant lights, which was the Wind City.

The Wind City of Jiayuguan in Su State, and the Dragon City of Jufengguan in Wei State.

The two behemoths have been facing each other from afar for thousands of years.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped.

Zhao Xuan'er stared blankly at the young man who was walking slowly in the undulating grass waves.

The young man had a tall figure, his eyebrows were like distant mountains, and his eyes were like stars.

The white clothes were blown elegantly by the night wind.

When he came closer, the young man holding a folding fan clasped his fists towards Luo Xinghe, smiled slightly and said:"Senior brother, how are you?"


Looking at the young man's fair and delicate face, which was more beautiful than a woman's,

Luo Xinghe snorted coldly and said,"Yan Shisong, if the master were here, he would tear this face off yours."

"As monks, what we seek is the truth, so how can we let it be burdened by our physical bodies?"

"Junior brother, what you covet is not the skin, but the eyes of others."

The young man touched his face and said with a bitter smile:"Senior brother, you have never been ugly, how do you know that the eyes of the world are sharper than a knife and sharper than a sword?"

"Okay, okay."

Luo Xinghe waved his hand and said,"Two immortals from Zhaoyao Mountain will come to Longcheng soon. I want you to……"

After a pause, Luo Xinghe continued:"I want you to take the blame."

"Blame it on me?"

The young man frowned.

"You're asking even though you know the answer."

Luo Xinghe said expressionlessly

""Kamikaze?" the young man asked.

Luo Xinghe nodded.


"Yan Shisong, when we were training in Fengxue Temple, I took the blame for you many times."

Luo Xinghe gritted his teeth and said,"How many times was I hung on a tree and beaten by Master ?……"

"" Okay, okay, I'll carry you on my back."

The young man picked his ears and said,"Every time we meet, we always talk about the past. My ears are almost callused."

Luo Xinghe blushed and said,"I swear, this is definitely the last time."

The young man pouted and said,"You said the same thing last time."

The two looked at each other, speechless for a moment.

The young man looked away and looked at the night sky.

The sky was full of stars and the Milky Way was shining.

The round jade plate sprinkled the cold frost and snow.

"The bright moon of Mid-Autumn Festival is seen by both the rich and the poor, which is very comforting.

The young man smiled softly,"Brother, happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

Luo Xinghe raised his lips slightly,"Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you, brother.""


The two watched the young man go away.

Zhao Xuan'er asked curiously,"Master, where is the Fengxue Temple? Is it great?"

Luo Xinghe said proudly,"Your uncle and I are only disciples outside the Fengxue Temple. I am the state master of the Great Wei, and your uncle is the state master of the Su Kingdom."

"Do you think it's powerful?~"

"Of the five poles in the world, apart from Zhaoyao Mountain, the most domineering one is our Fengxue Temple."

"As for where it is~"

Luo Xinghe said with a gloomy look:"For those who are destined to be together, the Fengxue Temple is close at hand. For those who are not destined to be together, the Fengxue Temple is far away in the sky."

"Only Fengxue Temple can see people, but no one can see Fengxue Temple."

Zhao Xuan'er asked in confusion,"What do you mean, Master?"

Luo Xinghe said after a while,"Fengxue Temple can see people, but people cannot see Fengxue Temple. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand."

The girl shook her head.

"You are still young, you will understand later"

"It's getting late, the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner is about to start, let's go back."

Luo Xinghe held Zhao Xuan'er's hand, and the old and the young returned to Longcheng.

"By the way, Master, what is Kamikaze? What does it mean to let the uncle take the blame?"

"Shenfeng is the name, referring to a crane on Zhaoyao Mountain.

Luo Xinghe explained,"Three years ago, our Wei Kingdom’s luck was cut off, and your uncle wanted to take the opportunity to attack our country."

"As the war between the two countries was imminent, Feng Xianhe, the god of Zhaoyao Mountain, sent a letter to Suguo."

"Then he went south and sent a letter to our Wei State."

"The general idea is that the fate of the Wei Kingdom was cut in half, not by destiny, but by human will."

"Zhaoyao Mountain intervened, and your uncle had no choice but to order the troops to withdraw."

"Unfortunately, after delivering the two letters, the whereabouts of the Kamikaze Crane were unknown and he did not return to Zhaoyao Mountain."

"I am afraid that the crane will die in our Wei State and be cooked by someone who is blind."

"The Wei Kingdom is already crumbling, while the Su Kingdom is growing stronger. Master cannot bear the wrath of the immortal, so he has to let your uncle take the blame."

Zhao Xuan'er listened with great interest,"Master, that crane is so stupid that it can't even find its way home."


In a tent in the East Parade Ground of Longcheng, a man squatted at the door of the tent and puffed on his pipe.

"It's the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I saw you carrying two opera boxes. Maybe you can sing a few songs, so I'll spare your life."

"Sing well on stage later, or you may end up in the pot."

Inside the tent, the candlelight was dim, casting the girl's shadow on the curtain, towering and huge.

Two eyes stared blankly at the small skull on the wooden table. It was the skull of a little kid.

Only the skull.

The rest of the parts had long been mixed in the mountain of bones and could not be found.

The girl was in a daze for a long time, without blinking.

Maybe she was still alive, maybe she was dead.

Or maybe she was living a life worse than death.

"What was the name of the land immortal who went to Weidu alone to ask for a sword?"

The voices of the soldiers talking came into the tent from outside.

"Qi Qingji"

"Yes, yes, yes, Qi Qingji"

"What do you think, can our national master defeat Qi Qingji?"

"According to gossip, this land immortal split the sky with his sword, and the state teacher was so scared that he hid deep underground and dared not show his head."

"Bullshit, the Imperial Master was defeated head-on by Qi Qingji."

"At that time, tens of thousands of Wei soldiers and 7,000 imperial guards were almost crushed into bloody mud by the energy of the land immortals."

"The national teacher knew that he could not win, but he still drew his sword resolutely, and he was honored in defeat."

"It's really scary that a land immortal can easily destroy a small country."

"Is this Qi Qingji still in our Wei State now?"

"In, I heard that he lived in seclusion in Qixia Prefecture, Baopingzhou, a small town deep in the Taihang Mountains."

"I don't know the level of the national teacher and the surname Qi……"

Inside the tent, two sparks suddenly lit up in the depths of the girl's dead eyes.

""Qixia Prefecture, Baoping Prefecture, Taihang Mountains~"

The girl murmured as she opened the sandalwood box. She began to draw eyebrows, eyes, powder, and rouge.

Finally, the girl put her index finger into her mouth.

She bit it hard and smeared the blood on her thin lips.

In the bronze mirror,

Xiao Yuji was wearing heavy makeup.

The blood on her lips was sticky.

"Xiaoyu, this time, let your sister be Yu Ji for once!"


"Since I followed the king in his battles, I have endured hardships and hardships year after year.~"


Under the night sky and moonlight, the huge parade ground was filled with thunderous applause.

On the high platform, little Yu Ji, wearing a colorful dress embroidered with phoenixes and flowers and holding a mandarin duck sword, as soon as she opened her mouth, she amazed everyone.

"At the age of six or seven, his singing voice is not inferior to those famous actors in the opera world."

The national teacher Luo Xinghe, who was drinking with the others, gently closed his eyes, tapped the wooden table with his right palm, and was deeply intoxicated.

"Could this little girl be the descendant of a great opera artist? I don't know what she has gone through to end up like this."

Zhenbei King Zhao Heng picked up the wine bowl and drank it all, looking at the little Yu Ji being carried up, his eyes were extremely bright.

Zhao Xuan'er, who was sitting between the two big guys, rolled her eyes.

She murmured in her heart:"I have a master, what do you have? Costumes?~"

"Victory or defeat in the military is common, so why worry? I have some wine ready, let's drink a few cups with the king to relieve our boredom."

On the high stage, the King's deep voice and Yu Ji's shrill voice were easily switched by the girl.

As she sang, her two dark pupils swept across the faces under the stage. Sweeping across everyone's face.

And she engraved these faces in her heart, deeply in her flesh and blood.

The singing suddenly stopped. The song was over.

There was a roar of applause under the stage.

On the high stage, little Yu Ji closed her eyes slightly, holding the sword across her neck.

The moonlight made the girl's face, which was painted with rouge and powder, look as white as snow.

Two drops of hot tears flowed from her eyes.

Sliding down her white face, melting the frost and snow


In the third year of Fuling, the middle of autumn, August 16. As the sky brightened, the girl walked out of the training ground, carrying a box on her back and holding a child in her arms.

On the ancient road, her peach blossom eyes looked far to the west.

"Baopingzhou Qixiafu Taihang Mountains~"

Looking back at the parade ground, and then at the towering Dragon City, the girl whispered,"I will come back!"

The moon of August 15 has not yet set.

The sun of August 16 has not yet risen.

In the cool morning breeze, the girl set off.


Ps: Nearly 3,000 words, please give me some free gifts.

If the profit drops below 100 yuan, I will run away and I won't be scolded by you.

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