In the third year of Fuling, in the middle of autumn, on August 16. As the sun rose, the imperial teacher Luo Xinghe came to the north wall of Longcheng, found an open space, sat cross-legged, and waited for the arrival of the immortal from Zhaoyao Mountain.

On August 17 and August 18, between sunrise and sunset, Luo Xinghe waited until the end of August, but still did not see the immortal.

The drought in Wei State continued, with tens of thousands of victims dying every day.

Looking at the green grass waves on the wild plain, Luo Xinghe punched hard, causing the entire ancient city wall to tremble.


"We clearly agreed to meet at the Mid-Autumn Festival to inject luck into the Great Wei and stabilize the foundation of the country. Did he die on the way?"

"Talking is like farting, what kind of immortal is this!"

Luo Xinghe gritted his teeth

""Master, Master~"

With a thump, Zhao Xuan'er ran up the wall and ran to Luo Xinghe's side.

The girl looked terrified, and pointed in the direction of the East Parade Ground while panting and said,"Master... Master, what a huge bone mountain!""

"Disciple... Disciple saw a huge mountain of bones piled up behind the training ground."

"Master, they... they ate a lot.……"

It took a lot of consolation to calm the girl down.

"Xuan'er, do you know why our Wei State has become a hell on earth?"

Luo Xinghe asked

"Because Qi Qingji cut off the destiny of the mountains and rivers."

Zhao Xuaner replied

"Your mother was dismembered by a butcher, and your father was cooked on a cauldron."

"Your parents, and the victims who could fill up a sea, should they die?"

The girl shook her head.

"Should Qi Qingji die?"

The girl nodded heavily and said word by word:"National hatred and family feuds are irreconcilable."

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth."

Luo Xinghe was relieved and stood up to hug the girl.

The autumn wind blowing from the vast plain was particularly refreshing.

The old man's white hair and the girl's black hair were tangled together by the wind.

It was as if thick ink was melting the white snow.

"They call themselves earthly gods, standing proudly in the sky, and regard the common people on earth as bugs in the mud."

"Xuan'er, Master is holding back a breath in his chest and can't get it out until he lets it out."

"Are you willing to stand beside Master and work with him to bring that fake immortal down to earth?"

The girl said seriously,"I don't want to stand beside Master."

"I want to stand in front of my master."

The old man was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

On August 29, the third year of Fuling.

Luo Xinghe, the national teacher of Wei, personally drove the horse and took his beloved disciple to Baopingzhou.


On the seventh day of the ninth month in the third year of Fuling, Cang Xue slowly opened her eyes in the swaying carriage.

What came into view were an old man and a child.

The old man was wearing a navy blue robe and had a kind face.

Next to him sat a child who was about two or three years old and looked like a porcelain doll.

"Child, you are finally awake, come and have a drink of water.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

After thanking him, Cang Xue took the water bag, pulled out the stopper and gulped down the drink.

After wiping his mouth, he returned the water bag.

Cang Xue asked in confusion,"Grandpa, what am I doing here?……"

"Oh, that's right."

The old man explained:"My name is Han Jing, and this is my grandson."

"My grandfather and I came from Northern Qi. When we passed the border between Liangzhou and Yunzhou in Wei, we saw you fainted on the roadside and carried you to the carriage."

So that's it."

Cang Xue bowed his head slightly to the old man and said softly,"Thank you, Grandpa Han, for saving my life."

"Haha, don't thank me."

The old man smiled and explained,"Your Wei country is suffering from a severe drought, and there are many victims along the way. I can't help the whole world, so I can only take care of myself."

"It was my grandson's strong request that made me so kind-hearted."

Cang Xue was stunned for a moment, moved her knees, bowed her head to the child and said,"Thank you for saving my life, brother."

The little boy with red lips and tender skin smiled shyly and stretched out a small hand to the girl.

In his palm was a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

"Sister, there are both bitterness and sweetness in this world."

"My sister has experienced too much bitterness, and I have experienced too much sweetness."

"I will share some of my sweetness with my sister."

The little boy's words made Cang Xue stunned.

In those clear and bright eyes, there is the innocence of a child and the calmness of an adult.

Some birds are born extraordinary. Even if they fall into the mud, their feathers are still bright and dazzling.

"Thank you."

Cangxue took the osmanthus cake and took a small bite.

Suddenly, she burst into tears.

Some people have never tasted such delicious food in their lives.

When the girl calmed down, the old man asked:"Little girl, where are you going?"

Cangxue wiped her tears and replied:"Qixia Mansion in Aquarius Prefecture, where is grandpa?"

The old man was surprised and said:"My grandfather and grandson are also going to Qixia Mansion, it's fate."

In the next few days, through conversation, Cangxue learned that the grandfather and grandson came to Wei State from a distance of millions of miles, across several countries, just to see a person.

Ask that person to give the child a name


On September 15th, the third year of Fuling, an old man and two children drove from Yunzhou to Baopingzhou.

On September 23rd, they arrived at Qixia Prefecture.

As the second largest city in Baopingzhou after the capital Fuyue Prefecture, Qixia Prefecture has been a beauty since ancient times. In front is the Feixing River, the largest tributary of the Canglan River, and in the back is the Taihang Mountains that stretch for thousands of miles.

However, three years of drought caused the Feixing River to dry up and the Taihang Mountains to decline.

A large number of victims poured into Qixia Prefecture, like countless maggots.

White flesh rotted, the stench reached the sky, and one tragedy after another made the beauty cry. On a long bluestone street in the ancient city, an old man named Han Jing, with a sword hanging from his waist, led his grandson and Cangxue to a bun shop.

The shopkeeper greeted with a smile,"Would you like some buns fresh out of the oven, old man?"

The old man asked,"What kind of fillings are there?"

"Pork, dog meat, mutton," the shopkeeper lowered his voice and said,"and beef."

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly,"Are your pigs, dogs, sheep and cattle decent? You won't sell... the meat of your own race with the heads of livestock~"

The shopkeeper's enthusiastic smile suddenly froze.

The old man sighed lightly and said,"Give me two trays of vegetarian buns."

The bun shop was very small, with only a few tables.

It was lunch time, and the small shop was full of diners who were wolfing down their food.

An old man and two children had to pack up and go to the shade.

The old man and his grandson shared a tray and ate slowly.

Cangxue had a tray by himself, and his cheeks were bulging.

The two trays of twelve vegetarian buns were quickly finished.

The old man handed the water bag to Cangxue.

The girl took it and drank it with her head tilted back.

After eating and drinking, the girl looked at the old man.

She looked very serious and said,"Grandpa Han, what can I do for you?" The old man smiled kindly,"Live well.

" The girl was stunned, then nodded heavily

"Goodbye, Grandpa Han and little brother Han."

"Take care, kid."

"Goodbye, sister Cangxue."

Looking at the girl who was walking farther and farther away with a opera box on her back and a baby in her arms, the old man lowered his head to look at his grandson and asked,"My dear grandson, do you know why grandpa didn't give this little girl the silver and white things?"

The child said in a baby voice,"Because an innocent man is guilty of possessing a treasure."

Two bright eyes swept over the ragged, pale and skinny victims in the shade of the wall.

The child continued,"Grandpa, although this city has towering walls and magnificent buildings,"

"And there are a lot of living people"

"But there is no moral law humanity here"

"Whether Grandpa gave Sister Cangxue money, buns, or water"

"As long as we are separated, my sister will never be able to leave this city alive."

"They may not even be able to walk out of this street alive."

The old man smiled until his eyes narrowed into slits,"Grandson, do you think the victims are afraid of me or the sword?"


The child whispered,"To the disaster victims, grandpa is not scary, and neither is the sword."

"The sword is very scary in Grandpa's hands.

The old man was very satisfied and happy.

‘My grandson has the potential to be a great scholar!’

‘Northern Qi is lucky to have my grandson, and I am happy too!’


Walking down the long street, Cang Xue felt the bloodthirsty gazes around her and suddenly stopped.

Then she opened two opera boxes.

On her back, she could vaguely see the colorful costumes.

In her arms, the little brat playfully poked out half of the white skull outline.

The frightening gazes disappeared instantly.

Cang Xue took a long breath and walked towards the north gate holding the open opera box.

When she arrived in front of a teahouse, the girl's body suddenly stiffened.

Inside the teahouse, there was a bustling crowd.

"The swordsman named Cheng Hu was so ruthless that he cut off the head of the third son of the Xu family with one sword. The blood spurted up to the height of the roof."

"At the home of Xu Lianzhi, the third son Xu Qingyin was found dead?! Is this true or false?"

"Why would I lie to you? I was there at the time."

"What exactly happened?"

"A little girl sold herself to bury her mother. When Mr. Xu San passed by, he became playful and chopped her mother's body into pulp in front of the girl."

"The poor girl cried so hard that she banged her forehead until it bled."

"and after?"

"Later, Mr. Xu forced the girl to eat her mother's dead flesh."

"Then the swordsman named Cheng Hu appeared"

"one���Cut off the head of Mr. Xu San"

"It's really fucking satisfying."

"Unfortunately, the young swordsman was eventually caught."

"Prefect Xu was furious and ordered the young swordsman to be beheaded at the entrance of the South Vegetable Market."

"On which day?"

"It seems like today"

"Damn it, it's almost three quarters past noon, hurry up and send that young swordsman off for the last time"


The north gate was just a few feet away.

The girl turned around and ran towards the south gate without hesitation.

At the moment the girl turned around, Luo Xinghe drove the carriage through the north gate into Qixia Mansion.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and Zhao Xuaner looked around with a curious look on her face.

"Xuan'er, we have been exhausted from the journey. Let's rest in Qixia Prefecture for two days."

"The day after tomorrow morning, Master will take you to Taihang Mountain."

The girl said obediently,"I will listen to Master."


At the entrance of the southern market of Qixia Prefecture, there were huge crowds of people.

That was the last time Cang Xue saw the boy.

The boy called Cheng Hu who had saved a girl's life in Changliu Village and protected Yu Xue and her brother for many days.

On the high platform, the executioner took a sip of tea and said calmly,"It is the second quarter of noon, and the third quarter of noon is approaching. Take one last look at the world."

Two feet away, the boy who was kneeling on his knees and tied tightly with hemp ropes slowly raised his head. What came into view were the crazy and distorted faces of strangers.

"Blood, blood, I want blood!"

"Kill, kill quickly, I've been waiting for half an hour, you're so slow!"

The boy's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because he saw an acquaintance.

A little girl holding a box.

"There are so many refugees fleeing from the famine."

The young man shouted,"Many, many refugees died."

"You are still alive"

"That's great."

The sun shone on the boy, and his smiling face was extremely bright.

The executioner took out a beheading token from the order tube and threw it gently.

"It is three quarters past noon. Execution!"

With a puff, the executioner took a big gulp of liquor and sprayed it on the ghost-head knife.

In the mist, a rainbow appeared in the sky.

The boy finally shouted to the girl:

"Live well!"

The knife rose.

The knife fell.

Scarlet splashed.

The sky seemed to be raining blood.

A sea of people holding steamed buns rushed to the execution platform.

Among ten thousand crazy smiling faces, there was a crying face with tears streaming down its face.

Happiness was theirs.

The girl only felt sad.


On September 23, the third year of Fuling

, Cangxue stopped as the sun was setting in the west.

Not far away, the wide official road split into two branches.

At the fork in the road stood a bluestone as tall as a person.

On it stood two large characters,"Taihang".

On the right edge was a line of small characters:

""The people of Qi and the dogs of Wei are not allowed to enter the mountains."

Cang Xue was illiterate, but she was sure that according to the soldiers of Longcheng, Qi Qingji, the land immortal who had once split the sky with one sword and made the entire Wei Kingdom bow down, lived in seclusion deep in this mountain range.

"Xiaoyu, sister will definitely avenge you."

"I remember the faces of those soldiers clearly."

"Xiaoyu, sister will let the whole Dragon City be buried with you."

The girl resolutely set foot on the ancient road to the depths of Taihang.

The sunset glow seemed like burning blood, stretching the girl's shadow very long.


Ps: It's nearly 4,000 words, so I won't divide it into two chapters. No more updates today, I'll take a break and work out the follow-up details.

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