The sun gradually sank in the west.

On the covered bridge of the town, the old man gazed at the fenced yard in the distance.

The child kept murmuring:"Han Xianggu, courtesy name Taiping~"

After a long time, the child looked up at the old man and asked in confusion:"Grandpa, just for my name and courtesy name, why do we have to cross several countries?"

"Aren't there so many great scholars in Jixia Academy?"

The old man said with deep eyes:"Although there are many great scholars, no one is willing to protect you from the wind and rain."

"Over the years, the struggle between the two emperors of Northern Qi has become increasingly fierce. As the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, Grandpa cannot stay out of it."

"If you stand on the wrong side, the nest will be overturned and no eggs will be left intact."

"Master Qi, this is the way out that Grandpa left for you."


In the third year of Fuling, it was the ninth day of the eleventh month, mid-winter.

The cold current was raging, and the mountains and rivers were bleak.

A sparrow flew across the sky.

In the dark bird's eye, a small fenced courtyard with smoke rising from the chimney was reflected.

At the gate of the courtyard, two little girls of similar age were kneeling on the ground. A girl in green walked out of the main hall with her hands in her sleeves.

After calling the big yellow dog, she locked the gate and walked straight towards the town.

The girl with two opera boxes beside her remained kneeling.

Another barefoot girl in coarse linen struggled to get up and limped after the girl in green.

The sparrow flapped its wings, flew over the Taiping River, and flew into the depths of the mountains.


At the foot of Buzhou Mountain, at the entrance of the cave.

Zhu Jiuyin, dressed in white and barefoot, sat cross-legged, holding a wine gourd in one hand and a brass pipe in the other.

He took a sip of wine, a puff of cigarette, and his red eyes, which looked like blood flowing from the sky, quietly looked into the distance.

Deep in the cave, Jifeng was sleeping soundly.

Jifeng was the name Zhu Jiuyin gave to the stupid crane.

It had only been a year and a half since Zhu Jiuyin subdued the stupid crane, but the red fragrant fruits that Zhu Jiuyin had accumulated for nearly thirty years had shrunk by half. There were hundreds of thousands of spiritual fruits, and Xue Niang and the Pig King practiced day and night, but they only swallowed seven or eight thousand.

It can be said that more than 95% of the fruits went into the stupid crane's stomach.

Zhu Jiuyin had never seen such a gluttonous creature.

He ate until he was full and slept, and ate when he woke up.

When Zhu Jiuyin instructed Xue Niang and the Pig King to practice, the stupid crane was eating spiritual fruits.

When Zhu Jiuyin looked at the mountains and rivers from afar, the stupid crane was eating spiritual fruits.

When Zhu Jiuyin counted the stars, the stupid crane was eating spiritual fruits.

When Xue Niang was promoted to the ninth-grade rising creature, the stupid crane was eating.

When Zhu Huang was promoted, the stupid crane was eating.

In short, no matter what Zhu Jiuyin was doing, the stupid crane must be eating spiritual fruit.

The most terrifying thing is that even if he fell asleep, even if he was dreaming, the stupid crane could still be extremely skilled and keep swallowing, chewing, and swallowing spiritual fruit.

Regardless of his previous life or his snake life in this life, Zhu Jiuyin always believed that the perpetual motion machine was an illusory and unrealistic concept.

Until the stupid crane came.

Outside the cave, on the edge of the cliff.

Tao Da and Xiao San'er, who had been struck by lightning, sprouted green buds in early spring this year.

At this moment, Xue Niang sat cross-legged under Tao Da, and Zhu Huang sat cross-legged under Xiao San'er.

The two snakes were immersed in cultivation and could not extricate themselves.

Xue Niang had white hair and white clothes, facing Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Huang had black hair and linen clothes, with his back to Zhu Jiuyin.

Some people's faces are like sunsets and peach blossoms, pleasing to the eye, and you won't feel tired even if you look at them for a hundred years.

Some people's faces, just a quick glance, the stomach churns, want to vomit, live a tragic life.

Zhu Jiuyin has not seen the true face of the Pig King for more than half a year.

I almost forgot what this lackey looks like.


A shrill scream floated from the Nether Abyss to his ears.

Ever since Zhu Jiuyin subdued Xue Niang, Zhu Huang, and Jifeng Dumb Crane last year, Little Tornado has felt a deep sense of crisis.

He tortured the souls in the Nether Abyss day and night.

Every time he stole wine and tobacco for Zhu Jiuyin, he would lean over the ears of the two snakes and the crane, and say in a threatening voice,"I, Little Tornado, am the master's first time."

On the edge of the cliff, in addition to the two peach trees and the two snakes, there was also a sword.

Zhu Jiuyin often looked at the red blood.

He looked at it all day.

In his mind, the feeling of fatigue became stronger and stronger, and the hibernation period had arrived.

The last time Zhu Jiuyin slept was in the winter of the second year of Fuling.

With a move of his mind, the system panel immediately appeared in his eyes.

【Remaining free time: 66 hours]

Five days and six hours, Zhu Jiuyin's entire vacation

"System, control two hours"

【Two hours of free time, please confirm】


【Total free time: 2 hours

Countdown: 03:59:59]

Zhu Jiuyin was going to go down the mountain to see Nan Jinping and Xiaobudian one last time.

The last time this year.

He would hibernate after returning to the mountain.

He stretched out his palm and conjured a white ribbon to cover the red vertical pupil.

Zhu Jiuyin stood up and walked out of the cave.

He lightly tapped his bare feet and jumped dozens of feet.

About half a minute later.

The cold current blew the white clothes and ribbons.

With his black hair flying, Zhu Jiuyin landed on the ancient road.

The town was not far away.

Just as he was about to raise his foot, the cold mechanical sound of the system suddenly sounded in his mind.

【Ding, two destined people have been detected, the master-disciple return system has been activated】

【The predestined Zhao Xuan'er and Cang Xue are detected. Please go to Qingping Zhenjing Chunxue Hall immediately.】


Zhu Jiuyin was surprised.


At this moment, in Xijian Lane in the small town, in a small loess courtyard, an old man who was boiling sugarcane syrup suddenly looked up and looked towards the town entrance.

"Immortal Blood and Candle Dragon?!"

"How could it be such a coincidence?"

"Is it destined~"

Old Liu took a step forward, and his figure disappeared in an instant.


At the end of the town, Jingchun School

"Walk one hundred and twenty steps west from the hill, and you can hear the sound of water across the bamboo grove, like the sound of jade pendants, which makes you happy."

"Cutting bamboos to make a path, we saw a small pond below, the water was very clear."

The sound of reading aloud floated out from the school.

At the gate of the courtyard, Cang Xue and Zhao Xuan'er knelt quietly on the ground.

Zhao Xuan'er recognized Cang Xue.

But Cang Xue did not recognize Zhao Xuan'er.

""Sister, how many days have you been kneeling?"

Zhao Xuan'er asked

��Xue was stunned. This was the first time the girl had spoken to her.

"Including today, it’s a total of forty-one days."

Cang Xue replied

"I am thirty-eight days old."

Zhao Xuan'er smiled and asked,"How old is your sister?"

Cang Xue said,"Seven years old."

"Oh, we are the same age. When was your birthday?"


"Oh, it's my sister. My birthday is in May."

Seeing that Cangxue didn't respond, Zhao Xuan'er frowned slightly,"Why do you want to become Mr. Qi's apprentice?"

Cangxue said expressionlessly,"I have no comment."

"Didn’t your sister always kneel in front of the teacher’s fence before? Why did you follow me to school today?"

"No comment."

Zhao Xuan'er was still smiling, but her eyes were frighteningly cold.

If he were alone, Qi Qingji would have no choice.

Now there was another person, who had knelt before Qi Qingji earlier.

‘I'm at a disadvantage~'

Zhao Xuan'er whispered in her heart: 'National hatred and family feuds are irreconcilable.’

‘I must become Qi Qingji's disciple!

Zhao Xuan'er slightly turned her eyes to Cang Xue.

‘Sister, you're in the way!’

‘Don’t blame me when you go to hell tonight!’


Ps: I only said the next chapter would be the Taiping Chapter, I didn't say the Cangxue Chapter would end. The climax hasn't even come yet, how can it be said to be finished?

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